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Special requests for near real-time ECMWF data

Non-standard research projects that involve the acquisition of near real-time ECMWF data.

The BADC provides ongoing and historical archives of ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) data in its Operational, ERA-15 Re-analysis and ERA-40 Re-analysis datasets. The BADC has an agreement not to retrieve the operational ECMWF data until 10 days after an analysis or forecast has been calculated.

Occasionally, a research project may require the use of near real-time (NRT) data (i.e. data generated within the last 10 days) from the ECMWF. For example, an oceanographic experiment where a computer model is run everyday on-board ship that requires atmospheric forcing from NRT forecasts. In such cases, the Principal Investigator (PI) of the research project can request access to the NRT data in association with the BADC.

Access to NRT data from the ECMWF is dealt with on a case-by-case basis and permission to use the data must be obtained from both the UK Met Office and the ECMWF. The BADC has established a straightforward procedure for requesting access to this type of data.

If you would like to request access to NRT data for your research project then please contact BADC Support.

You will be required to answer the following questions when requesting permission to receive NRT data:

  1. What is the scientific justification for accessing NRT data?
  2. How will you use the data?
  3. What parameters are required?
  4. When are the start and finish dates for the project?
  5. What spatial range and resolution is required?
  6. Who will have access to the data?

Please bare in mind that NRT data is commercially sensitive and requests that make forecast data publicly visible are likely to be refused.