ITOP Latest Forecast - USF Trajectories

You have selected trajectory forecast type usf (forward trajectories departing from the US East Coast).

To access a forecast product, please click on the corresponding link in the table below. Please note that not all products may be available for every lead time. A description of the forecast products is given below the table.

Today's date is [date1]
Forecast base date is [date0], 12 UT
Lead time (h) +00 +24 +48 +72 +96 +120
Verification date [date0], 12 UT [date1], 12 UT [date2], 12 UT [date3], 12 UT [date4], 12 UT [date5], 12 UT
utraj-df [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat]
utraj-em [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat]
utraj-sec [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img]
utraj-plp [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img]
utraj-la [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img]
utraj-ip [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat]
utraj-ff [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img]
tomcat-attr [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat] [Dat]
tomcat-plp [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img]
ecmwf-blz [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img]
ecmwf-conv [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img] [Img]

Forecast product description

Product name Product description
utraj-df Domain filling trajectory data from a 3-D grid (*)
utraj-em Emissions indicators and closest approach diagnostics for DF trajs (*)
utraj-sec Plots showing selected sections through DF3D grids
utraj-plp Plots showing pressure levels on DF3D grids
utraj-la Plots of trajectories of Lagrangian opportunities
utraj-ip Start and interception points of Lagrangian opportunities
utraj-ff Forward trajectories from actual flight track
tomcat-attr TOMCAT chemical mixing ratios interpolated to DF trajectory origins (*)
tomcat-plp Plots of near real time TOMCAT analysis
ecmwf-blz Plots of boundary layer depth from ECMWF forecast model
ecmwf-conv Plots of convective precipitation accumulated over previous 6 hrs
(*) Data viewed interactively using the IDL program

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