NDACC Acronyms and Abbreviations

List of acronyms and abbreviations relevant to NDACC researchers

ADEOS Advanced Earth Observing Satellite
AES Atmospheric Environment Service (Canada)
ALOMAR Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmospheric Research
ARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurements Program (Department of Energy, United States)
AWI Alfred Wegner Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Germany)
BAS British Antarctic Survey
BADC British Atmospheric Data Centre
CAO Central Aerological Observatory (Russia)
CI Complementary Investigator
CIRES Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (United States)
CNR-IFA Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche - Instituto di Fisica dell'Atmosfera (Italy)
CNRS Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (France)
CRL Communications Research Laboratory (Japan)
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute
EASOE European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Expedition
ENEA Ente Nazionale Energie Alternative (Italy)
FISBAT Institute for the Study of Physical and Chemical Phenomena of the Low and High Atmosphere (Italy)
FMI Finnish Meteorological Institute
FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared
GASCOD Gas Absorption Spectrometer Correlating Optical Differences
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA, United States)
IAS Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale (Belgium)
IFU Fraunhofer-Institut fur Atmospharische Umweltforschung (Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research, Germany)
ILAS Improved Limb Atmospheric Sounder
INSU Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (France)
IPSL Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
IROE Instituto di Ricerca Sulle Onde Elettromagnetiche (Italy)
ISTS Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science (York University, Canada)
IVL Institutet för Vatten och Luftvärdsförskning (Environmental Research Institute, Sweden)
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA, United States)
LaRC Langley Research Center (NASA, United States)
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States)
MRI Meteorological Research Institute (Japan)
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (United States)
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research (United States)
NCEP National Center for Environmental Prediction (NOAA, United States)
NDACC Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
NDSC Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change
NIES National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan)
NILU Norwegian Institute for Air Research
NIWA National Institute of Water and Air (New Zealand)
NOAA National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (United States)
NPL National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom)
NRL Naval Research Laboratory (United States)
OHP Observatoire Haute Provence (France)
PI Principal Investigator
RIVM Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene (National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection, The Netherlands)
SAOZ Systeme d'Analyse par Observaton Zenithale
SESAME Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid-Latitude Experiment
STE Lab. Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (Japan)
SUNY State University of New York (United States)
TI Theory and Analysis Investigator
TMF Table Mountain Facility (JPL, United States)
WFF Wallops Flight Facility (NASA, United States)
WVMS Water Vapor Microwave Spectrometer