TOVS analyses : VMS Binary Data Formats

Detailed data format descriptions for the TOVS gridded radiances and analysed geopotential heights


1. Format of SSU monthly radiance datasets (1978-1995)


1.1 Introduction

Each dataset contains analysed atmospheric radiances from a number of radiance channels on a global grid for each day in a month. The radiances are for the following radiometer channels:

      HIRS 2    Channel       1                    
      HIRS 2    Channel       2                    
      HIRS 2    Channel       3                    
      HIRS 2    Channel       8                    
      HIRS 2    Channel       9       [See         
      HIRS 2    Channel       17      [ Note 2     
      MSU       Channel       23                   
      MSU       Channel       24                   
      SSU       Channel       25                   
      SSU       Channel       26                   
      SSU       Channel       27                 

The global grid is a regular latitude - longitude grid of grid length 5 degrees. There are 37 latitudes from 90 degrees N to 90 degrees S and 72 longitudes from 180 degrees W to 175 degrees E.

The radiances are obtained from analysis of radiances supplied on an orbital grid by NOAA/NESDIS (as described in Section 2.2 Stage 2.6).

Each day's data consists of 38 records. The first record contains header information about the data while the other 37 records contain the radiances. The days are in chronological order.

There are 1080 items in each record Each item is of type integer * 2. Note that data are scaled as indicated in Note 4.

Missing data are indicated by the value -32768.

The formats of the 38 records are given in the following sections:

1.2 Format of First (Header) Record

 ITEM NO.      BYTE OFFSET         DESCRIPTION              COMMENTS       
     1              0         Grid Type                 3 Global Grid        
     2              2         No of Columns in Grid     72                   
     3              4         No. of Rows in Grid       37                   
     4              6         1st Channel Number        See Note 2           
     5              8         2nd Channel Number         "    "  "           
     6             10         3rd Channel Number         "    "  "           
     7             12         4th Channel Number         "    "  "           
     8             14         5th Channel Number         "    "  "           
     9             16         6th Channel Number         "    "  "           
    10             18         7th Channel Number         "    "  "           
    11             20         8th Channel Number         "    "  "           
    12             22         9th Channel Number         "    "  "           
    13             24         10th Channel Number        "    "  "           
    14             26         11th Channel Number        "    "  "           
    15             28         Not Used                                       
    16             30         Year/Month                mm + (yy * 100)      
                              (year = true year -                            
    17             32         Day/Hour                  hh + (dd * 100)      
    18             34         Analysis time window      720 Minutes          
    19             36         Data Flat for 1st         0 = Invalid Data     
                              Channel Number            1 = Valid Data     

Items 20 to 30 are as Item 19 but for the other Channels. The order of the flags is the same as the order of the channel numbers.

 ITEM NO.      BYTE OFFSET         DESCRIPTION               COMMENTS        
    31             60         Hemisphere covered        0 = global             
    32             62         Number of fields of view  16                     
                              per record of orbital                            
                              radiance data used in                            
    33             64         Number of radiance        Variable               
                              records used in analysis  (0 - no data)          
    34             66         Spacecraft Code           See Note 1                        
    35             68         Search Radius used for    500 km                 
                              individual fields of                             
                              view in analysis                                 
    36             70         Search radius used for a  900 km                 
                              record of radiances used                         
                              in analysis                                      
    37             72         Analysis time window      720 Minutes            
    38             74         Background weighting in   0 = no background      
    39             76         Number of grid points     Variable, See Note 3 
                              with no fields of view    (2664 - no data)       
                              within search radius.                            
    40             78         Number of smoothing       25                     
                              vectors used in                                  
                              smoothing analysed data                          
    41             80         Not used                                         
    42             82         Not used                                         
    43             84         Not used                                       

Items 44 to 1080 are not used and are set to 0.

1.3 Format of Second (Data) Record

The data is for row 1 (90 degrees N) of the lat-long grid.

 ITEM NO.    BYTE OFFSET         DESCRIPTION              COMMENTS       
     1            0         Not Used                  Set to -32768        
     2            2         Not Used                  Set to -32768        
     3            4         Not Used                  Set to -32768        
     4            6         1st Channel Radiance for  See Notes 4 and 5    
                            1st Longitude (180 degrees W)                        

Items 5 to 14 are the same as Item 4 but for the 2nd to 11th Channels.

     15           28        Not Used                                       

Items 16 to 30 are the same as Items 1 to 15 but for the 2nd longitude (175 degrees W) of the 90 degrees N latitude circle.

Similarly, Items 31 to 1080 are for the 3rd to 72nd longitudes (170 degrees W to 175 degrees E) respectively of the 90 degrees N latitude circle.


1.4 Format of third to 38th (Data) Records

The format of each of these records is the same as that of the second record except that the data is for the 2nd (85 degrees N) to the 37th (90 degrees S) latitudes of the lat-long grid.

1.5 Notes

Note 1:
The spacecraft identifier (Item 34 of header) is a code with value 2n-1,

where :

n = 1 = TIROS-N 2 = NOAA-6 4 = NOAA-7 5 = NOAA-9
  6 = NOAA-8 8 = NOAA-11 
Note 2:
The channel number (Item 4 of header) indicates one of the following channels:
  1 HIRS-2 Channel 1 2 HIRS-2 Channel 2 3 HIRS-2 Channel 3 8 HIRS-2
  Channel 8 9 HIRS-2 Channel 9 [ See 17 HIRS-2 Channel 17 [ below
  23 MSU Channel 23 24 MSU Channel 24 25 SSU Channel 25 26 SSU
  Channel 26 27 SSU Channel 27 
For certain periods HIRS-2 channels 9 and 17 are replaced by MSU channels 21 and 22.
Note 3:
The number of grid points with no fields of view within the search radius (Item 39) gives an indication of the accuracy of the analysis. If there are more than 650 missing grid points it is recommended that the analysis is not used.
Note 4:
The radius values (main items in data records) are in units of mW/(cm-1 Sr m2) and are scaled by a factor which depends on the channel.
  2 X64 3 X64 8 X64 9 X64 17 X4096 21 X262144 22 X262144 23 X262144
  24 X262144 25 X64 26 X64 27 X64 

True radiance value = radiance value in dataset / scaling factor.

Note 5:
True radiances can be converted to equivalent brightness temperatures using the FORTRAN code available from the BADC
Note 6:
Dataset file names are as follows : M20.SnnRAD#3.YyyMmmG
where nn = Spacecraft Number = 01 for TIROS-N = 02 for NOAA-6
  = 04 for NOAA-7 = 05 for NOAA-9 = 06 for NOAA-8 = 08 for NOAA-11
  yy = Year - 1990 mm = Month G = Generation Number = 1 = Data
  from SSU Radiance Channels Only = 2 = Data from all Radiance
Users should note that the monthly radiance dataset is constructed from daily radiance datasets. Each of these datasets has its own generation number. The generation number used in the monthly radiance dataset name is set equal to the most common generation number amongst the daily radiance datasets.
Note 7:
The datasets are organised on tape into blocks of records of fixed length. The blocksize = 21600 bytes and the record length = 2160 bytes.

2. Format of the SSU monthly heights datasets (1979-1997)

2.1 Introduction

Each dataset contains analysed tropospheric and stratospheric geopotential heights on a global grid for each day in a month.

The heights are for the levels:

        850, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 HPa 

The global grid is a regular latitude - longitude grid of grid length 50. There are 37 latitudes from 90 degrees N to 90 degrees S and 72 longitudes from 180 degrees W to 175 degrees E.

The tropospheric heights (up to and including the 50 Hpa level) are obtained from an operational global analysis, while the stratospheric heights are calculated from the 100 Hpa operational analysis heights and sets of thicknesses on an orbital grid. The latter are retrieved from orbital radiances as measured by HIRS-2, MSU and SSU sounding units.

Each day's data consists of 38 records. The first record contains header information about the data, while the other 37 records contain the heights. The days are in chronological order.

There are 1080 items in each record. Each item is of type integer * 2. Data are scaled as indicated in Note 4.

Missing data are indicated by the value -32768.

The formats of the 38 records are as follows:


2.2 Format of First (Header) Record

ITEM NO.     BYTE OFFSET          DESCRIPTION                 COMMENTS          
     1              0        Grid Type                 3 - Global Grid            
     2              2        No of Columns             72                         
                             (longitudes) in Grid                                 
     3              4        No of Rows                37                         
                             (latitudes) in Grid                                  
     4              6        1st Pressure Level (Hpa)  1000 (not used)            
     5              8        2nd Pressure Level (Hpa)  850                        
     6             10        3rd Pressure Level (HPa)  500                        
     7             12        4th Pressure Level (Hpa)  300                        
     8             14        5th Pressure Level (Hpa)  200                        
     9             16        6th Pressure Level (HPa)  100                        
     10            18        7th Pressure Level (HPa)  50                         
     11            20        8th Pressure Level (HPa)  20                         
     12            22        9th Pressure Level (Hpa)  10                         
     13            24        10th Pressure Level       5                          
     14            26        11th Pressure Level       2                          
     15            28        12th Pressure Level       1                          
     16            30        Year/Month                mm + yy * 100)             
                             (Year = True Year -                                  
     17            32        Day/Hour                  hh + (dd * 100)            
                                                       hh = 0 GMT before 3/8/79   
                                                       12 GMT from 3/8/79         
     18            34        Analysis Time Window      720 Minutes                
     19            36        Data Flag for 1000 mb     0 = Invalid Data           
                                                       1 = Valid Data             
                                                       2 = Interpolated Data      
                                                       3 = thicknesses           

Items 20 to 30 are as Item 19 but for the other heights. The order of the flags is the same as the order of the pressure levels.

ITEM NO.     BYTE OFFSET             DESCRIPTION                 COMMENTS         
     31             60        Hemisphere Covered         0 - Global               
     32             62        Number of Fields of View   16                       
                              per Record of Orbital                               
                              Thickness Data used in                              
     33             64        Number of Thickness        Variable                 
                              Records used in Analysis                            
     34             66        Spacecraft Code            See Note 1               
     35             68        Search Radius used for     500 km                   
                              Individual Fields of View                           
                              in Analysis                                         
     36             70        Search Radius used for a   900 km                   
                              Record of Thicknesses                               
                              used in Analysis                                    
     37             72        Analysis Time Window       720 Minutes              
     38             74        Background Weighting in    0 = No Background        
     39             76        Number of Grid Points      Variable                 
                              with no Fields of View     See Note 2              
                              within search radius                                
     40             78        Number of smoothing        25 (i.e. truncation at   
                              vectors used in smoothing  zonal wave 12)           
     41             80        Coverage Code              See Note 3           
     42             82        Time of tropospheric data  Usually, but not         
                                                         always, the same as hh   
                                                         in item 17               
     43             84        Interpolation of 50 Hpa    0 = Actual Data          
                              data                       1 = Interpolated Data   

Items 44 to 1080 are not used and are set to 0


2.3 Format of Second (Data) Record

The data is for row 1 (900N) of the lat-long grid.

ITEM NO.     BYTE OFFSET            DESCRIPTION               COMMENTS         
     1              0        Not Used                  Set to -32768           
     2              2        Not Used                  Set to -32768           
     3              4        Not Used                  Set to -32768           
     4              6        1000 Hpa heights for 1st  Not Used.  Set to       
                             longitude (180 degrees W)         -32768                  
     5              8        850 Hpa heights for 1st   See Note 4               
                             longitude (180 degrees W)                                

Items 6 to 15 are the same as Item 5 but for pressure levels 500, 300, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 Hpa.

Items 16 to 30 are the same as Items 1 to 15 but for the 2nd longitude (175 degrees W) of the 90 degrees N latitude circle.

Similarly, Items 31 to 1080 are for the other longitudes (170 degrees W to 175 degrees E) of the 90 degrees N latitude circle.


2.4 Format of third to 38th (Data) Records

The format of each of these records is the same as that of the 2nd record except that the data is for latitudes 85 degrees N to 90 degrees S.


2.5 Notes

Note 1:
The spacecraft identifier (Item 34) is a code with value 2n-1, where
n = 1 = TIROS-N 2 = NOAA-6 4 = NOAA-7 5 = NOAA-9
  6 = NOAA-8 8 = NOAA-11 
Note 2:
The number of grid points with no fields of view within the search radius (Item 39) gives an indication of the accuracy of the analysis. If there are more than 650 missing grid points it is recommended that the analysis is not used.
Note 3:
The coverage code (Item 41) gives information about the data used to produce the height analysis.

0 = NMC + THK#3 Thicknesses (Global 1 = NMC Only (Global)
  2 = UKMO(NH) + THK#3 Thicknesses (N Hemi) THK#3 100 Hpa + THK#3
  Thicknesses (S Hemi) 3 = UKMO(NH) + THK#3 Thicknesses (N Hemi)
  THK#3 Thicknesses Only (S Hemi) 4 = UKMO(NH) Only 5 = THK#3 100
  Hpa + THK#3 Thicknesses (Global) 6 = THK#3 Thicknesses Only (Global)
  7 = No Data 8 = ECMWF + THK#3 (Global) 9 = ECMWF Only (Global)
  10 = UKMO(GL) or UKMO(UM) + THK#3 (Global) 11 = UKMO(GL) or UKMO(UM)
  Only (Global) 

NMC = Analysed tropospheric heights (850, 500, 300, 100
  and 50 Hpa) from NMC (Washington) THK#3 Thicknss = Analysed stratospheric
  thicknesses (100-20, 100-10, 100-5, 100-2 and 100-1 HPa) UKMO
  = Analysed tropospheric heights (850, 500, 300, 100 and 50 Hpa)
  from the Met Office operational analysis UKMO(NH)
  = For coverage codes 2, 3 and 4, the UKMO tropospheric heights
  were produced for the northern hemisphere only using the hemispheric
  Octagon model. UKMO(GL) = Before 12 June 1991, for coverage codes
  10 and 11, the UKMO analyses were produced with the first global
  weather forecasting model (GL) at UKMO. UKMO(UM) = After 12 June
  1991, for coverage codes 10 and 11, the UKMO analyses were produced
  with the new weather forecasting model at UKMO, the Unified Model
  (UM) THK#3 100 Hpa = Analysed heights at 100 Hpa from NMC (Washington)
  ECMWF = Analysed tropospheric heights (850, 500, 300, 100 and
  50 Hpa) from ECMWF N Hemi = Data from 90 degrees N to approximately
  20 degrees N S Hemi = Data from approximately 20 degrees N to
  90 degrees S 
Note 4:
The heights (main items in data records) are written in decametres and are scaled by a factor of 5. The true height in metres = height value in datasetx2.
Note 5:
Dataset names are as follows :



nn = Spacecraft Number = 01 for TIROS-N = 02 for
  NOAA 6 = 04 for NOAA 7 = 05 for NOAA 9 = 06 for NOAA 8 = 08 for
  NOAA 11 yy = Year - 1900 mm = Month G = Generation Number = 1
  Data from SSU Radiance Channels only = 2 Data from all Radiance

The monthly heights dataset is constructed from daily heights datasets. Each of these datasets has its own generation number. the generation number used in the monthly heights dataset name is set equal to the most common generation number amongst the daily heights datasets.

Note 6:
The datasets are organised on tape into blocks of records of fixed length. The block size = 21600 bytes and the record length = 2160 bytes.