UTLS-Ozone NASA-Ames filenaming conventions

This is a draft document, and will change with time.


This page defines the filename conventions used for UTLS-OZONE NASA-Ames format files at the BADC. The filename conventions reflect the content of the file: they indicate the site or platform of the measurement, the date on which the measurement started and the instrument and parameters measured.

When submitting files to the BADC please ensure that the files comply to the agreed conventions. The file name is used to automatically move the file into the appropriate directory in the BADC archive. It is therefore important that all files are given the correct name.

The filenames for NASA-Ames files are determined, in part, by the NASA-Ames Format for Data Exchange. The filename is of the form ppYYMMDD.xxx, where pp is a two character prefix, YYMMDD is a six character date and xxx is a file extension of up to 3 characters. A commonly adopted convention, which will be implemented for UTLS-OZONE files, is that the prefix indicates the site or platform from which the measurements were made, and the extension gives and indication of the instruement and physical or chemical quantity measured. The date is the date on which the observations recored in the file started. At the BADC the prefix suffix for a particular site or instrument are inherited from previous field campaings such as ACSOE.

Components of filename


The two character prefix identifies the site or platform for the observation.

Allowed values:

heHercules C-130

Start date

The six character date identifies the start date of the observations in the file. The start date is in the format YYMMDD. The observations may span more than one day. The date in the file name is always the start date of the observations.

e.g. '990110' represents 10th January 1999


The file extension identifies the instrument and constituents measured. Listed below are the valid file extensions, together with the constituents, instrument, institute and group or person responsible.

Allowed values:

ascAerosol Scattering / PCASP / MRF / Richer
b2'n'Ozone, Temperature, Pressure / Ozone-Sonde / U Wales / Vaughan
bc3Black Carbon Soot / Aethalometer PSAP / MRF / Richer
cm1Carbon Monoxide (CO) / Fluorescence / MRF/KFA / Richer
cn5Condensation Nuclei / CCN Counter/ MRF / Richer
fm1Formaldehyde (HCHO) / Fluorometric / UEA / Mills
jn4J (NO2) / UV Photometer / MRF/FZJ / Richer/Gerbig
nxyNitrogen Oxides (NO, NO2, NOy, NOy*) / Chemiluminescence / UEA / Brough
o3lOzone / LIDAR / U Wales / Vaughan
o36Ozone / Teco 49 / MRF / Richer
po1Peroxide (H2O2, RO2H) / Fluorometric / UEA / Bandy
ps1C-130 Position / Navigation / MRF / Richer
tmpTemperature / Various / MRF / Richer
wndWind / Various / MRF / Richer