NASA Ames Metadata Format: FFI 1001

Metadata pertaining to a given NASA Ames formatted data file are recorded in the first lines (header) of the file itself. The header is made of three subsections: This document gives the format of the header body for FFI 1001.

Symbols used

DX Independent variable interval identifier (real number). It is the interval between two successive values of the independent variable if this interval is uniform, i.e. if X(m+1)-X(m) = X(m)-X(m-1) for all m > 1.
For a non-uniform interval, DX = 0.
XNAME Name and unit of independent variable. Not more than 132 characters long.
NV Number of primary dependent variables.
VSCALn Scale factor (real number) for the nth primary variable. VSCALn is the number by which the recorded values of Vn must be multiplied in order to be expressed in the unit of measure specified in VNAMEn (see below). If the nth primary variable is not rescaled, then VSCALn = 1.
VMISSn Missing value identifier for the nth primary variable (real number). VMISSn is a number indicating missing or erroneous values in the record of the nth primary variable. It must be larger than the maximal "good" value of Vn.
VNAMEn Name and unit of the nth primary dependent variable. VNAMEn must not be more than 132 characters long. The unit specified in VNAMEn must be the unit of VSCALn*Vn.

VSCAL, VMISS and VNAME must be listed in the same order as the one in which the primary variables are recorded in the data section (n ranging from 1 to NV).

Condensed notation

[ VSCALn, n=1,NV ]
[ VMISSn, n=1,NV ]
[ VNAMEn ] n=1,NV

Expanded notation


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