NASA-Ames file ingestion at BADC

The purpose of the ingestion scheme is to move incoming files to the correct final data directory, to confirm that these files are fully NASA-Ames compliant and to extract information from these files in order to maintain the BADC file catalogue. These general requirements involve the following specific steps:

  1. Logging - A cron task runs every 30 minutes to log incoming files. Logged details include the submitted file name, the user ID and the arrival date and time. After a file has been logged its ownership is changed to "acsoe" to prevent a subsequent supplier overwriting it.

  2. Creating the catalogue ID - At least once a week (this frequency may be increased to daily when a tranche of new files is expected) the file-arrival log is scanned manually and the names of any newly submitted files checked against existing entries in the BADC file catalogue. If no previous entries for this file name exist then the file is given a BADC "generation number" of 1 otherwise it is given a generation number of one greater than the latest entry known to the catalogue. The newly submitted file is then assigned a unique catalogue file key and its name, generation number, user id and creation time/date are recorded in the BADC file catalogue.

  3. Archiving - After the new file has been accurately catalogued the generation number preceded by "-" is appended to the file name and the file moved to the BADC long-term archive directory /home/tornado/acsoe/cache.

  4. Directory identification - The next step is to work out the correct /badc/acsoe/data directory using the file name, the file extension, and the ACSOE file organisation rules provided by the ACSOE data manager, Claire Reeves. The submitted file is then copied to the correct data directory.

  5. Mechanical Corrections - The copy process in step 4 may not produce an exact copy of the original file, in particular
    1. all end-of-record markers will be set to <LF> (this change happens automatically when you transfer files using ASCII-mode ftp).
    2. all double quotes (") in the NASA-Ames header will be changed to spaces
    3. all leading spaces in the header will be removed
    4. all spaces between the keyword symbol and the keyword value will also be removed

  6. Compliance Checking - After any necessary mechanical corrections have been made the file is tested for compliance with the NASA-Ames data format and the ACSOE data submission rules. At BADC a FORTRAN program NACHECK is used. Broadly speaking this program reads and interprets individual records in the file header and lists the data tables record-by-record. All lines in the table listing are numbered and any line found not to contain the correct number of primary variables is flagged and reported. Further editing of the file to bring about full NASA-Ames compliance can be undertaken at this stage.

  7. Cataloguing - Next the information needed to update the BADC file catalogue is extracted from file header. This information is re-written in the form of a shell script which is then executed to update the file catalogue.

  8. Plotting - The BADC ingestion scheme also plots in gif format the first meaningful primary variable in the file. These gifs, identified by file name, are held in the directory /home/tornado/acsoe/nachecks.

  9. Change recording - The final step is to record for future reference any differences existing between the final version of the file stored in the data directory and the submitted version held in /home/tornado/acsoe/cache. These differences can be identified by file name and are stored under /home/tornado/acsoe/filediff.

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