COAPEC Publications
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Journal Articles-
Book sections-
PhD Theses -
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Journal Articles
- Black, E. and R. Sutton (2007). The influence of oceanic conditions on the hot European summer of 2003. Climate Dynamics, 28, 53-66.
- Iwi, A., R.T. Sutton and W. Norton (2007). Influence of May Atlantic Ocean initial conditions on subsequent North Atlantic winter climate, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., in press.
- Blaker, A.T., B. Sinha, V.O. Ivchenko, N.C. Wells and V.B. Zalesny (2006). Identifying the roles of the ocean and atmosphere in creating a rapid equatorial response to a Southern Ocean anomaly. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(6), L06720, doi:10.1029/2005GL025474.
- Collins, M., M. Botzet, A. Carril, H. Drange, A. Jouzeau, M. Latif, O.H. Otteraa, H. Pohmann, A. Sorteberg, R. Sutton and L. Terray (2006). Interannual to decadal climate predictability: A multi-perfect-model ensemble study. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1195-1203.
- Condron, A., G.R. Bigg, and I.A. Renfrew (2006) Polar mesoscale cyclones in the northeast Atlantic: Comparing climatologies from ERA-40 and satellite imagery, Monthly Weather Review, 134, 1518-1533.
- Smith, R.S., Dubois, C. and Marotzke, J. (2006). Global Climate and Ocean Circulation on an Aquaplanet OceanÐAtmosphere General Circulation Model. J. Climate, 19(18), 4719-4737.
- George S.E. and R.T. Sutton (2006). Predictability and skill of seasonal forecasts made with the ECMWF Seasonal Forecasting System II. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 132(619), 2031-2053.
- Handoh, I.C., G.R. Bigg, A.J. Matthews and D.P. Stevens (2006). Interannual variability of the tropical Atlantic independent of and associated with ENSO: Part II. The South Tropical Atlantic. Int. J. Climatol., 26:1957-1976 doi:10.1002/joc.1342
- Handoh, I.C., A.J. Matthews, G.R. Bigg and D.P. Stevens (2006). Interannual variability of the tropical Atlantic independent of and associated with ENSO: Part I. The North Tropical Atlantic. Int. J. Climatol., 26:1937-1956 doi: 10.1002/joc.1343
- Hogg, A.McC., W.K. Dewar, P.D. Killworth and J.R. Blundell (2006). Decadal variability of the midlatitude climate system driven by the ocean circulation. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC special issue), 1149-1166.
- Hurrell, J.W., M. Visbeck, A. Busalacchi, R.A. Clarke, T.L. Delworth, R.R. Dickson, W.E. Johns, K.P. Koltermann, Y. Kushnir, D. Marshall, C. Mauritzen, M. S. McCartney, A. Piola, C. Reason, G. Reverdin, F. Schott, R. Sutton, I. Wainer and D. Wright (2006). Atlantic climate variability: a CLIVAR perspective. J. Climate, 19:5100-5121
- Iwi, A., R.T. Sutton and W. Norton (2006). Influence of May Atlantic Ocean initial conditions on subsequent North Atlantic winter climate, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 132(621C), 2977-2999.
- Mailier, P., D.B. Stephenson, C.A.T. Ferro and K.I. Hodges (2006). Serial Clustering of Extratropical Cyclones. Monthly Weather Review, 134, 2224-.
- McGregor, G.R., M. Cox, Y. Cui, Z. Cui, M. K. Davey, R. F. Graham, and A. Brookshaw (2006). Winter-Season Climate Prediction for the U.K. Health Sector. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 45(12), 1982-1792.
- Miller, P., S. Laxon, D. Feltham and D. Cresswell (2006). Optimization of a sea ice model using basin-wide observations of Arctic Sea ice thickness, extent and velocity. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1089-1108.
- Mosedale, T.J., D.B. Stephenson, M. Collins and T.C. Mills (2006). Granger causality of couple climate processes: Ocean feedback on the North Atlantic oscillation. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1182-1194.
- Old, C.P. and K. Haines (2006). North Atlantic subtropical mode waters and ocean memory in HadCM3. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1126-1148.
- Pezzulli, S., P. Frederic, S. Majithia, S. Sabbagh, E. Black, R. Sutton and D.B. Stephenson (2006). The seasonal forecast of electricity demand: a simple Bayesian model with climatological weather generator. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, (in press).
- Shaffrey, L. and R. Sutton (2006). Bjerknes compensation and the decadal variability of the energy transports in a coupled climate model. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1167-1181.
- Sime, L.C., D.P. Stevens, K.J. Heywood and K.I. Oliver (2006). A Decomposition of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning. J. Phys. Ocean., 36(12), 2253-2270.
- Singarayer, J., J. Bamber and P. Valdes (2006). 21st Century climate impacts from a declining Arctic sea-ice cover. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1109-1125.
- Sinha, B. and B. Topliss (2006). A description of inter-decadal timescale propagating North Atlantic sea-surface temperature anomalies and their effect on European Climate, 1948-2000. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1067-1079.
- Smith,R. S.,C. Dubois and J. Marotzke (2006). Global Climate and Ocean Circulation on an Aquaplanet Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Model. J. Climate, 19(18), 4719-4737.
- Snaith, H.M. and R.T. Sutton (2006). Coupled OceanAtmosphere Processes and European Climate (COAPEC): Improved Understanding of the Coupled Climate System. J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1065-1065.
- Wadley, M. and G.Bigg (2006). Are "great salinity anomalies" advective? J. Climate, 19(7) (COAPEC Special Issue), 1080-1088.
- Ambaum, M.H.P. and D.P. Marshall (2005). The effects of stratification on flow separation. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 2618-2625.
- Bigg, G., S.R. Dye and M.R. Wadley (2005). Interannual variability in the 1990s in the northern Atlantic and Nordic Seas. J. Atmos. Ocean Sci., 10(2),123-143.
- Haines, K. and C.P. Old (2005). Diagnosing natural variability of the North Atlantic water masses in HadCM3. J. Climate, 18, 1925-1941.
- Hogg, A.McC., P.D. Killworth, J.R. Blundell and W.K. Dewar (2005). Mechanisms of decadal variability of the wind-driven ocean circulation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 512-531.
- Johnson, H., R.S. Kovats, G. McGregor, J. Stedman, M. Gibbs, H. Walton, L. Cook and E. Black (2005). The impact of the 2003 heat wave on mortality and hospital admissions. England Health Statistics Quarterly, 18.
- McGregor, G.R. (2005). Winter North Atlantic oscillation, temperature and ischaemic heart disease mortality in three English counties. Int. J. Biometeorol., 49(3), 197-204.
- Miller, P., S.W. Laxon and D.L. Feltham (2005). Improving the spatial distribution of modeled Arctic sea ice thickness. Geophys. Res. Letts., 32.
- Mosedale, T.J., D.B. Stephenson and M. Collins (2005). Atlantic atmosphere-ocean interaction: A stochastic climate model-based diagnosis. J. Climate, 18(7), 1086-1095.
- Park, J.J., K. Kim and B.A. King (2005). Global statistics of intertial motions. Geophys. Res. Letts., 32(14), L14612, 1-5 (DOI:10.1029/2005GL023258).
- Park, J.J., K. Kim, B.A. King and S.C. Riser (2005). An advanced method to estimate deep currents from profiling floats. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 22(8), 1294-1304.
- Richardson, G., M.R. Wadley, K.J. Heywood, D.P. Stevens and H.T. Banks (2005). Short-term climate response to a freshwater pulse in the Southern Ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32 (3), doi: 10.1029/2004GL021586.
- Singarayer, J., J.L. Bamber and P.J. Valdes (2005). The atmospheric impact of uncertainties in recent Arctic sea-ice reconstructions. J. Climate, 18, 3996-4012.
- Stainforth, D.A, T. Aina, C. Christensen, M. Collins, N. Faull, D.J. Frame, J.A. Kettleborough, S. Knight, A. Martin, J.M. Murphy, C. Piani, D. Sexton, L.A. Smith, R.A. Spicer, A.J. Thorpe and M.R. Allen (2005). Uncertainty in predictions of the climate response to rising levels of greenhouse gases. Nature, 433(7024), 403-406.
- Allen M.R. and R. Lord (2004). The Blame Game - who will pay for the damaging consequences of climate change? Nature, 432(7017), 551-552.
- Black, E. M. Blackburn, G. Harrison and J. Methven (2004). Factors that contributed to the European Heatwave in Summer 2003. Weather, 8, 217-223.
- Coelho, C.A.S., S. Pezzulli, M. Balmaseda, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and D.B. Stephenson (2004). Forecast calibration and combination: A simple Bayesian approach for ENSO. J. Climate, 17(7), 1504-1516.
- Inatsu, M. and B.J. Hoskins (2004). The zonal asymmetry of the Southern Hemisphere storm-track. J. Climate, 17(24), 4882-4891
- Mathieu, P-P., R.T. Sutton, B. Dong and M. Collins (2004). Predictability of winter climate over the North Atlantic European region during ENSO events. J. Climate, 17(10), 1953-1974.
- Mathieu, P-P., R.T. Sutton, B. Dong and M. Collins (2004). Predictability of winter climate over the North Atlantic European region during ENSO events. J. Climate, 17(10), 1953-1974.
- McGregor, G.R., H.A. Watkin and M.L. Cox (2004). Relationships between the seasonality of temperature and ischaemic heart disease mortality: Implications for climate based health forecasting. Climate Research, 25(3), 253-263.
- Shaffrey, L. and R. Sutton (2004). The interannual variability of energy transports within and over the Atlantic ocean in a coupled climate model. J. Climate, 17(7), 1433-1448.
- Sinha, B., B. Topliss and J. Harle (2004). Eastward propagating surface anomalies at ocean gyre boundaries. J. Geophys. Res., 109(C12), art. no. C12005
- Stott, P. and D. Stone and M.R. Allen (2004). Human contribution to the European heatwave of 2003. Nature, 432(7017), 610-614.
- Wadley, M. and G.Bigg (2004). "Great Salinity Anomalies" in a coupled climate model. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(18), art. no. L18302.
- Wilson, C. and R.G. Williams (2004). Why are eddy fluxes of potential vorticity difficult to parameterise? J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34, 142-155.
- Allen M.R. (2003). Liability for climate change. Nature, 421(6926), 891-892.
- Collins, M. and B. Sinha (2003). Predictability of decadal variations in the thermohaline circulation and climate. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(6), 1306, doi:10.1029/2002GL016504.
- Grist, J.P. and S.A. Josey (2003). Inverse analysis of the SOC air-sea flux climatology using ocean heat transport constraints. J. Climate, 16(20), 3274-3295.
- Hogg A.McC., W.K. Dewar, P.D. Killworth and J.R. Blundell (2003). A quasi-geostrophic coupled model: Q-GCM. Monthly Weather Review, 131, 2261-2278.
- Josey, S.A., R.W. Pascal, P.K. Taylor and M.J. Yelland (2003). A new formula for determining the atmospheric longwave flux at the ocean surface at mid-high latitudes. J. Geophys. Res., 108(C4), doi:10.1029/2002JC001418.
- Singarayer, J.S. and J.L. Bamber (2003). EOF analysis of three records of sea-ice concentration spanning the last 30 years. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(5), 10.1029/2002GL016640.
- Tudhope, A. W. and M. Collins (2003). The past and future of El Niño. Nature (News and Views), 6946, 261-262.
- Allen, M.R. and W.J. Ingram (2002). Constraints on future changes in climate and the hydrologic cycle. Nature, 419(6903), 224-227.
- Allen M.R. and D.A. Stainforth (2002). Towards objective probabalistic climate forecasting. Nature, 419(6903), 228.
- Ambaum, M.H.P. and B.J. Hoskins (2002). The NAO troposphere-stratosphere connection. J. Climate, 15(14), 1969-1978.
- Collins, M. (2002). Climate predictability on interannual to decadal time scales: The initial value problem, Climate Dynamics, 19, 671-692. [gzipped postscript]
- Collins, M. and M.R. Allen (2002). Assessing the relative roles of initial and boundary conditions in interannual to decadal climate predictability. J. Climate, 15(21), pp3104-3109.
- Collins, M., D. Frame, B. Sinha and C. Wilson (2002). How far ahead could we predict El Niño? Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10),
- Collins, M., T.J. Osborn, S.F.B. Tett, K.R. Briffa and F.H. Schwingruber (2002). A comparison of the variability of a climate model with palaeo-temperature estimates from a network of tree-ring densities. J. Climate, 15(13), 1497-1515.
- Ferranti, L., E. Klinker, A. Hollingsworth and B.J. Hoskins (2002). Diagnosis of systematic forecast errors dependent on flow pattern. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 128(583), 1623-1640
- Johnson, H.L. and D.P. Marshall (2002). A theory for the surface response to thermohaline variability. J. Phys. Oceanog., 32, 1121-1132.
- Johnson, H.L. and D.P. Marshall (2002). Localization of abrupt change in the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(6), 7-1 to 7-4.
- Stainforth, D., J. Kettleborough, M. Allen, M. Collins and A. Heaps (2002). Distributed computing for public interest modelling research. Computing in Science and Engineering, 4(3), 82-89.
- Stott, P. and J. Kettleborough (2002). Origins and estimates of uncertainty in predictions of twenty-first century temperature rise. Nature, 416(6882), 723-726.
- Sutton, R.T.S. and P-P. Mathieu (2002). Response of the ocean-atmosphere mixed layer system to anomalous ocean heat transport convergence. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 128(582), 1259-1275.
- Ambaum, M.H.P., B.J. Hoskins and D.B. Stephenson (2001). Arctic Oscillation or North Atlantic Oscillation? Journal of Climate, 14(16), 3495-3507.
And see corrigendum (2002), J. Climate, 15(5), 553.
- Collins, M., S.F.B. Tett and C. Cooper (2001). The internal climate variability of HadCM3, a version of the Hadley Centre coupled model without flux adjustments. Climate Dynamics, 17, 61-81.
- Jones, C. D., M. Collins, P.M. Cox and S. Spall (2001). The carbon cycle response to ENSO: A coupled climate-carbon cycle model study. J. Climate, 14, 4113-4129.
- Josey, S. A., E.C. Kent and B. Sinha (2001). Can a state of the art atmospheric general circulation model reproduce recent NAO related variability at the air-sea interface? Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(24), 4543-4546.
- McLaren, A.J. and R.G. Williams (2001). Interannual variations in the thermodynamics of subduction over the North Atlantic. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31,3284-3294.
- Mathieu, P-P. and S. Adcock (2005). Geostrophic eddies: an overview of their effects and parameterizations in ocean models. In Marine Turbulence: Theories, Observations, and Models, eds. Baumert, H.Z., J. Simpson and J. Sündermann, Cambridge University Press, 423-443.
- Collins, M. (2004). Predictions of Climate following Volcanic Eruptions. In Volcanism and the earths atmosphere, eds. A. Robock and C. Oppenheimer, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series.
- Stainforth, D.A, M.R. Allen, D.J. Frame, J.A. Kettleborough, C. Christensen, T. Aina and M. Collins (2004). A Global Community for Research in Climate Physics. In Environmental Online Communication, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing Series, Springer London, chapter 12.
- Condron, A. (2007) The impact of Polar Mesocyclines on Deep Water Formation, PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield.
- Dubois, C. (2007). The role of diapycnal mixing in coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models. PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.
- Blaker, A.T. (2006). Influence of high latitude anomalies on tropical climate phenomena and global climate. PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.
- Leadbetter, S.J. (2006). Mechanisms of Interdecadal Ocean Heat Content Variability in the North Atlantic. PhD Thesis, University of Liverpool.
- McLay, F. (2006). The Use of Adjoint Models for Determining the Sensitivity of Integral Quantities in an Eddy Resolving Ocean General Circulation Model. PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.
- O'Mahony, P. (2006). On the atmospheric response to interannual sea surface temperature anomalies on the Atlantic. PhD Thesis, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
- Richardson, G. (2006). Climate Response to fresh water forcing in the Southern Ocean. PhD Thesis, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
- Levine, R.C. (2005). Changes in shelf waters due to air-sea fluxes and their influence on the Arctic Ocean circulation as simulated in the OCCAM global ocean model. PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.
- Tyrlis, E. (2005). Aspects of Northern Hemisphere blocking. PhD Thesis, University of Reading.
- Lucas, M.A.L. (2004). North Atlantic decadal variability in different thermohaline circulation regimes: A hierarchical coupled ocean-atmosphere modelling approach. PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.
- Mosedale, T.J. (2004). North Atlantic Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction using Simple and Complex Models. PhD Thesis, University of Reading.
- Iwi, A., R. Sutton and W. Norton (2005). Influence of May Atlantic ocean initial conditions on subsequent North Atlantic winter climate. COAPEC Newsletter, 5, 8-9.
- Leadbetter, S., R. Williams, V. Roussenov, S. Lozier and N. Moore (2005). Spatial patterns of North Atlantic warming - a combined model-data study. COAPEC Newsletter, 5, 2-4.
- Mailier, P. (2005). Storm Gangs. Planet Earth, Summer 2005, 14-15.
- McGregor, G.R. (2005). Climate Information for the UK Health Sector. 5, 4-5.
- Megann, A.P., A.L. New and B. Sinha (2005). Comparisons between the CHIME coupled climate model and HadCM3. COAPEC Newsletter, 5, 7-8.
- Richardson, G., M. Wadley, D. Stevens, K. Heywood and H. Banks (2005). Short-term climate response to a freshwater pulse in the Southern Ocean. COAPEC Newsletter, 5, 1-2.
- Snaith, H.M. (2005). Coupled OceanÐAtmosphere Processes and European Climate. Planet Earth, Summer 2005, 12-13.
- Wadley, M., G.Bigg and W. Turrell (2005). The role of P-E in forcing "Great Salinity Anomalies". COAPEC Newsletter, 5, 5-7.
- The British Atmospheric Data Centre (2004). The COAPEC data archive at the BADC. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 9-10.
- Black, E. (2004). The PRECIS regional modelling system. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 11-11.
- Black, E. and R. Sutton (2004). The hot summer of 2003. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 7-9.
- Collins, M., A. Carril, H. Drange, H. Pohlmann and R. Sutton (2004).North Atlantic decadal predictability. CLIVAR Exchanges newsletter, 28, 6-8.
- Grist, J. and S.A. Josey (2004). Use of spatially dependent inverse analysis techniques to close the SOC flux climatology ocean heat budget. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 6-7.
- Iwi, A. (2004). The COAPEC Beowulf cluster. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 11-11.
- Pall, P. T. Ainia, M. Allen, R. Muir-Wood and P. Stott (2004). Probabilistic attribution of the UK Autumn 2000 floods using a forecast resolution global atmospheric climate model and distributed computing. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 3-5.
- Shaffrey, L. and R. Sutton (2004). Bjerknes compensation and the decadal variability of energy transports in a coupled climate model. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 1-2.
- Singarayer, J., P. Valdes and J. Bamber (2004). Accuracy of sea-ice observations and impact on GCM simulations. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 5-6.
- Stephens, A. (2004). ECMWF seasonal hindCast data. COAPEC Newsletter, 4, 10-10.
- Cox, M. and G. McGregor (2003). Climate and health indices for use in a health forecasting model over monthly to seasonal time scales . UGAMP newsletter, 27, 86-86.
- George S. (2003). Seasonal predictability of North Atlantic climate in the ECMWF system II forecasting system. COAPEC Newsletter, 3, 1-2.
- Grist, J. and S.A. Josey (2003). Closing the heat budget of the SOC climatology. COAPEC Newsletter, 3, 3-4.
- Grist, J.P. and S.A. Josey (2003). Towards an improved description of the air-sea heat exchange. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 41-42.
- Hogg A.McC., W.K. Dewar, P.D. Killworth and J.R. Blundell (2003). Low-frequency midlatitude variability in a quasi-geostrophic coupled model. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 74-75.
- Joshi, M., D. Marshall and B. Hoskins (2003). A new coupled model for addressing North Atlantic ocean atmosphere interaction. COAPEC Newsletter, 3, 2-3.
- Joshi, M., D. Marshall, B. Hoskins and M. Ambaum (2003). A new coupled model for addressing North Atlantic atmosphere-ocean interaction. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 96-96.
- Knight, S., T. Aina, M. Allen, C. Christensen, M. Collins, N. Faull, D. Frame, E. Highwood, J. Kettleborough and D. Stainforth (2003). goes live! UGAMP newsletter, 27, 97-97.
- Megann, A.P., B. Sinha and A.L. New (2003). Preliminary results from the CHIME coupled climate model. COAPEC Newsletter, 3, 5-5.
- Megann, A.P., B. Sinha and A.L. New (2003). Preliminary results from the CHIME coupled climate model. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 43-44.
- Miller, P., D. Cresswell, S. Laxon, D. Feltham and R. Potter (2003). Constraining sea ice model parameters using sea ice thickness and concentration data. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 86-87.
- Mosedale, T.J., D.B. Stephenson and M. Collins (2003). Diagnosis of daily HadCM3 ocean-atmosphere coupling using a simple stochastic model. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 43-43.
- Old, C. and K. Haines (2003). Diagnosing the pathways of North Atlantic oceanic heat anomalies in HadCM3. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 45-46.
- Osprey, S. (2003). Towards a refinement of the boundary forcing of HOPE. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 46-47.
- Saunders, M. (2003). Summer snow extent heralding of the winter North Atlantic oscillation. COAPEC Newsletter, 3, 6-6.
- Shaffrey, L. and R. Sutton (2003). The North Atlantic Oscillation and coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical Atlantic of HadCM3. UGAMP newsletter, 27, 47-48.
- Shaffrey, L. and R. Sutton (2003). The North Atlantic oscillation and coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical Atlantic of HadCM3. COAPEC Newsletter, 3, 4-5.
- Wadley, M. and G.Bigg (2003). Great salinity anomalies in HadCM3? UGAMP newsletter, 27, 48-49.
- Wilson, C. and R.G. Williams (2003). Does ocean gyre circulation affect storm tracks? UGAMP newsletter, 27, 49-50.
- Collins, M. (2002). Climate Predictability on Interannual to Decadal Time Scales: The initial value problem. COAPEC Newsletter, 2, 4-4.
- Mathieu, P.-P. an dR. Sutton (2001). Impact of individual ENSO events on the North Atlantic European region. COAPEC Newsletter, 2, 2-3.
- Megann, A.P., B. Sinha and A.L. New (2002). CHIME a new UK coupled climate model. COAPEC Newsletter, 2, 3-4.
- Shaffrey, L. and R. Sutton (2002). On the cross-equator coherence of the interannual energy transport variability in the tropical Atlantic ocean of HadCM3. COAPEC Newsletter, 2, 1-2.
- Collins, M. (2001). Climate change in the tropical Pacific: understanding and quantifying uncertainties. IGBP newsletter, 47. [gzipped postscript and PDF]
- Collins, M. (2001). How far ahead could we predict El Niño? COAPEC Newsletter, 1, 2-3.
- Grist, J. and S.A. Josey (2001). Improving global heat exchange climatologies. COAPEC Newsletter, 1, 2-2.
- Mathieu, P-P (2001). Toward research and exploitation of seasonal weather forecasting within COAPEC. UGAMP Newsletter, 24, 27-28.
- Mathieu, P.-P. (2001). The role of the extra-tropical ocean. COAPEC Newsletter, 1, 4-4.
- Shaffrey, L. (2001). Atmospheric and oceanic heat transport in HadCM3. COAPEC Newsletter, 1, 2-2.
- Sinha, B. (2001). Decadal predictability of the North Atlantic THC. COAPEC Newsletter, 1, 3-4.
- Snaith, H.M., M. Collins, B. Sinha and P.-P. Mathieu (2001). COAPEC (Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Processes and European Climate): An introduction. UGAMP Newsletter, 24, 25-27.
- Wadley, M., G.Bigg and W. Turrell (2001). Propagating salinity anomalies in the North Atlantic sub-polar gyre in the HADCM3 coupled climate model. COAPEC Newsletter, 1, 1-2.
- Allen M.R., J. Hansen, D.A. Stainforth and A. Heaps (2000). Do-it-yourself climate prediction. UGAMP Newsletter, 22, 5-6.
- Collins, M., T.J. Osborn, S.F.B. Tett, K.R. Briffa and F.H. Schwingruber (2000). Testing the 'natural' variability of a climate model: an example using tree-ring data. CLIVAR Exchanges newsletter, 5(4), 21-24. [gzipped postscript]
- Grist, J. and S.A. Josey (2004). Closing the heat budget of the SOC climatology through spatially dependent inverse analysis parameter adjustment. SOC Research and Consultancy Report, 89, 32pp..
- Grist, J. and S.A. Josey (2004). The Impact of Aerosol Loading on Estimates of the Surface Shortwave Flux in the SOC Climatology. SOC Research and Consultancy Report, 88, 15pp..
- Iwi, A. and B. Lawrence (2004). A comparison between HadCM3 integrations for COAPEC. Unpublished report, available at, 22pp..
- Hogg, A.McC., J.R. Blundell, W.K. Dewar and P.D. Killworth (2003). Formulation and users' guide for Q-GCM (version 1.0). SOC Internal Document, 88, 44pp. (for the latest version, v1.3, click here)
- Megann, A P., A.L. New and B. Sinha (2003). A new climate model for the UK. SOC Annual Report.
- Pezzulli, S. and S. Sabbagh (2003). A review of seasonal energy demand forecasting at NGT. University of Reading internal report, 15pp.
- Grist, J. and S.A. Josey (2002). Balancing the SOC climatology using inverse analysis with spatially fixed parameter adjustments. SOC Internal Report, 80, 38pp.
- Sinha, B. and R. S. Smith (2002). Development of a fast coupled general circulation model (FORTE) for climate studies, implemented using the OASIS coupler. SOC Internal Report, 81, 67pp.
- Collins, M. and M.R. Allen (2000). The relative roles of initial and boundary conditions in interannual to decadal climate predictability. Hadley Centre Technical Note, no. 21.
- Stainforth, D., J. Kettleborough, M. Martin, A. Simpson, R. Gillis, A. Akkas, R. Gault, M. Collins, D. Gavaghan and M. Allen (2002). design principles for public resource modelling research. Proc. 14th IASTED conference on parallel and distributed computing systems, 32-38.