Wavelength���������������������������������������� wavelength����������������������������������� 532 nm
Pulse energy��������������������������������������� lidar_pulse_energy��������������������� 0.03 J
Pulse repetition rate��������������������������� lidar_pulse_frequency���������������� 20 Hz
Transmitted beam diameter�������������� lidar_beam_diameter������������������� 0.03
Receiver mirror diameter������������������� lidar_mirror_diameter������������������ 0.1 m
Transmitted beam divergence���������� lidar_beam_divergence�������������� 0.0057�
Receiver field of view������������������������ lidar_field_of_view��������������������� 0.069�
Beam elevation����������������������������������� lidar_beam_elevation������������������ 90�
Latitude����������������������������������������������� latitude������������������������������������������ 51.4445�N
Longitude�������������������������������������������� longitude��������������������������������������� 358.5630�E
Height above mean sea level����������� lidar_height_amsl������������������������ 84
The system transmits a plane polarized laser beam. The received signal is split into two components: that with the same direction of polarization as the transmitted beam (co-polar) and that with its polarization direction at 90� to the transmitted beam (cross-polar). The lidar depolarization ratio is defined as the ratio of the cross-polar to the co-polar lidar return. These quantities are measured by the detection system. The ratio must then be corrected for differences in sensitivity between the two measurement channels. This calibration factor is determined by measuring the depolarization ratio for scattering from clear air, which has a depolarization ratio of 0.02.
The data were acquired at 5 second intervals, with 30 m height resolution. The flat background due to solar radiation in each measurement channel was calculated from the average signal from 13.3 to 13.6 km, the maximum height from which signals were recorded, and subtracted from the measurements. The data were then averaged over 60 second periods. If required, we can supply data averaged over shorter periods. No height averaging was applied. Depolarization ratios were calculated from the 60 s average data. It was necessary to remove some data, where the measured signal in either channel was large enough to cause saturation of the photon counting detection system. The cut-off level was determined to be a count rate of 30 MHz from calculations of the depolarization ratio from the large molecular returns at low altitudes. These points are indicated by the fill value of �99.0 in the data files and are shown as white in the quicklook plots. By comparison with cloud data from the co-located UV Raman lidar and IR ceilometer it was determined that depolarization lidar was overestimating cloud heights by around 500 m at all heights, so the data were corrected to account for this. As with any lidar system, the beam is strongly attenuated by clouds, so where clouds are present, the depolarization measurements are noisy above them.
The data are provided as daily files in NetCDF format, together with quicklooks using Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. In additional to the variables listed in the Parameters, global variables (giving general information about the data) and data variables are defined.
Conventions, title, history, institution, source, comments, references, British_National_Grid_ Reference.
Variable Name
Time |
s |
time |
Time at start of measurement, measured from |
Acquisition time |
s |
acquisition_time |
Integrated data acquisition time in each measurement |
Height |
m |
height |
Height of measurement |
Depolarization ratio |
m-1sr-1 |
lidar_depolarization_ ratio |
Ratio of cross-polar to co-polar lidar return |
Use of these data is
restricted to participants of the CWAVE �03 campaign and for academic uses
only. If data are used in any publication or report then an acknowledgement
must be given to the Radio Communications Unit at the CCLRC Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory and the
If you have any problems obtaining the data, please contact the British Atmospheric Data Centre. If you have problems, queries or comments regarding the data themselves that are not covered adequately by this document, please contact Judith Agnew,
Judith Agnew
Lidar Project Manager
Radio Communications Research Unit
CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
November 2003