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Parameters available in the ECMWF Operational data held at the BADC (March 1994 - Present)


The BADC archives a range of parameters produced by the ECMWF Operational analyses and forecasts.

The tables on this web page display all the parameters that are available for each grid type and resolution. The tables also include the time period and the type and number of levels for which each parameter is available.

The following data types are consistent with the ECMWF ERA-15 Re-analysis data held at the BADC. The data spans March 1994 to the present day:

Details of the available parameters are also listed for the ERA-15 dataset on a separate page.

The following gridded data type has been extracted since October 1998 due to its popularity with users:

The following data types are consistent with the ECMWF ERA-40 Re-analysis data held at the BADC. The data spans from September 2002 to the present day:

Details of the available parameters are also listed for the ERA-40 dataset on a separate page.

An explanation of the forecast files for these datasets is also provided.

Regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded data

Tables 1 and 2 show the parameters available for ECMWF Operational analysis data on a 2.5° x 2.5° regular grid. These files are located in the directory:

/badc/ecmwf-op/data/gridded/ or /badc/ecmwf-op/data/gridded_2.5/

They can also be accessed via the webserver (by registered BADC users) at: or

Surface/single level analysis fields (lisfYYMMDDHH)

The regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded surface/single level fields are stored following the file-naming convention:


Where li means lat/long regular grid (the "i" is historical, meaning initialised - this is not relevant to the Operational data sets),
sf means surface or single levels (i.e. only one atmospheric level),
and YYMMDDHH stand for the Year, Month, Day (of the month), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18).
The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded surface/single level fields takes the form of:


Table 1.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded surface/single level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/03/1994 26/06/2000 Soil temperature level 1 139 STL1 K Surface/single 1
" " Soil wetness level 1 140 SWL1 m (of water) " "
" " Snow depth 141 SD m (of water equivalent) " "
" " Mean sea level pressure 151 MSL Pa " "
" " 10 metre u wind component 165 10U m s-1 " "
" " 10 metre v wind component 166 10V m s-1 " "
" " 2 metre temperature 167 2T K " "
" " 2 metre dewpoint temperature 168 2D K " "
" " Soil temperature level 2 170 STL2 K " "
" " Soil wetness level 2 171 SWL2 m (of water) " "
" " Surface roughness 173 SR m " "
" " Albedo 174 AL - " "
" " Soil temperature level 3 183 STL3 K " "
" " Soil wetness level 3 184 SWL3 m (of water) " "
" " Skin reservoir content 198 SRC m (of water) " "
" " Percentage of vegetation 199 VEG % " "
" " Apparent surface humidity 233 ASQ kg/kg " "
" " Log of surface roughness length for heat 234 LSRH - " "
" " Skin temperature 235 SKT K " "
" " Soil temperature level 4 236 STL4 K " "
" " Soil wetness level 4 237 SWL4 m (of water) " "
27/06/2000* Now Soil temperature level 1 139 STL1 K Surface/single 1
" " Snow depth 141 SD m (of water equivalent) " "
" " Mean sea level pressure 151 MSL Pa " "
" " 10 metre u wind component 165 10U m s-1 " "
" " 10 metre v wind component 166 10V m s-1 " "
" " 2 metre temperature 167 2T K " "
" " 2 metre dewpoint temperature 168 2D K " "
" " Soil temperature level 2 170 STL2 K " "
" " Surface roughness 173 SR m " "
" " Albedo 174 AL - " "
" " Soil temperature level 3 183 STL3 K " "
" " Skin reservoir content 198 SRC m (of water) " "
" " Log of surface roughness length for heat 234 LSRH - " "
" " Skin temperature 235 SKT K " "
" " Soil temperature level 4 236 STL4 K " "
* The ECMWF stopped producing 6 parameters at this point. The ECMWF parameter codes for these were 140, 171, 184, 199, 233 and 237.
  For monthly means, the data is only available for full months.

Surface/single level monthly means (lisfYYYYMMmmHH.PPP)

Monthly means are archived for the regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded surface/single level data. The ECMWF calculates monthly means from its 6-hourly operational data. Four separate monthly mean files are available for each parameter in each month, for times 00hr, 06hr, 12hr and 18hr. The monthly means follow the file-naming convention:


Where li means lat/long regular grid (the "i" is historical, meaning initialised - this is not relevant to the Operational data sets),
sf means surface or single levels (i.e. only one atmospheric level),
YYYYMMmmHH stands for the Year (4 digits), Month, "mm" is Monthly Mean (instead of the Day), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18).
PPP is the ECMWF code for each parameter. Note that the monthly mean for each parameter is stored in an individual file.
The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded surface/single level monthly means takes the form of:


The monthly means can also be browsed by parameter under the directory:


The monthly mean regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded surface/single level data is available for the same parameters as given above in Table 1.

Monthly means of soil water parameters
The Soil Wetness Levels (1-4) were produced until mid-June 2000 so the monthly means are only archived up to May 2000. From June 2000 onwards, the monthly means for Volumetric Soil Water Layers (1-4) are also archived. The corresponding ECMWF codes (numeric) are swvl1 (39), swvl2 (40), swvl3 (41) and swvl4 (42). The units for the volumetric soil water layers are m3/m3 and the conversion from Soil Wetness Levels is explained at the ECMWF webpages.

Upper air analysis fields on pressure levels (liprYYMMDDHH)

The regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded pressure level fields are stored following the file-naming convention:


Where li means lat/long regular grid (the "i" is historical, meaning initialised - this is not relevant to the Operational data sets),
pr means the data is stored on pressure levels,
and YYMMDDHH stand for the Year, Month, Day (of the month), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18).
The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded pressure level fields takes the form of:


Table 2.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded upper air fields on pressure levels.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/03/199408/03/1999Geopotential (at the surface = orography)129Zm2 s-210, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa15
""U-velocity131Um s-1""
""V-velocity132Vm s-1""
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Relative humidity157R%""
09/03/1999*NowGeopotential (at the surface = orography)129Zm2 s-21, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa21
""U-velocity131Um s-1""
""V-velocity132Vm s-1""
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Relative humidity157R%""
* The ECMWF added another 6 pressure levels at this point, at 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 20 hPa.
  For monthly means pressure levels are only archived where full months exist.

Upper air analysis monthly means (liprYYYYMMmmHH.PPP)

Monthly means are archived for the regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded pressure level data. The ECMWF calculates monthly means from its 6-hourly operational data. Four separate monthly mean files are available for each parameter in each month, for times 00hr, 06hr, 12hr and 18hr. The monthly means follow the file-naming convention:


Where li means lat/long regular grid (the "i" is historical, meaning initialised - this is not relevant to the Operational data sets),
pr means the data is stored on pressure levels,
YYYYMMmmHH stands for the Year (4 digits), Month, "mm" is Monthly Mean (instead of the Day), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18).
PPP is the ECMWF code for each parameter. Note that the monthly mean for each parameter is stored in an individual file.
The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded pressure level monthly means takes the form of:


The monthly means can also be browsed by parameter under the directory:


The monthly mean regular 2.5° x 2.5° gridded pressure level data is available for the same parameters as given above in Table 2.

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N80 Full Gaussian Gridded data

Tables 4 and 5 show the parameters available for ECMWF Operational data on an N80 Full Gaussian grid. These files are located in the directory:

/badc/ecmwf-op/data/N80/ or /badc/ecmwf-op/data/gaussian/

They can also be accessed via the webserver (by registered BADC users) at: or

Surface/single level analysis fields (gisfYYMMDDHH)

The N80 Full Gaussian gridded surface/single level analysis fields are stored following the file-naming convention:


Where gi means a Gaussian grid (the "i" is historical, meaning initialised - this is not relevant to the Operational data sets),
sf means surface or single levels (i.e. only one atmospheric level),
and YYMMDDHH stand for the Year, Month, Day (of the month), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18).
The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Full Gaussian gridded surface/single level analysis fields takes the form of:


Table 4.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Full Gaussian gridded surface/single level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/03/1994 26/06/2000 Soil temperature level 1 139 STL1 K Surface/single 1
" " Soil wetness level 1 140 SWL1 m (of water) " "
" " Snow depth 141 SD m (of water equivalent) " "
" " Mean sea level pressure 151 MSL Pa " "
" " 10 metre u wind component 165 10U m s-1 " "
" " 10 metre v wind component 166 10V m s-1 " "
" " 2 metre temperature 167 2T K " "
" " 2 metre dewpoint temperature 168 2D K " "
" " Soil temperature level 2 170 STL2 K " "
" " Soil wetness level 2 171 SWL2 m (of water) " "
" " Surface roughness 173 SR m " "
" " Albedo 174 AL - " "
" " Soil temperature level 3 183 STL3 K " "
" " Soil wetness level 3 184 SWL3 m (of water) " "
" " Skin reservoir content 198 SRC m (of water) " "
" " Percentage of vegetation 199 VEG % " "
" " Apparent surface humidity 233 ASQ kg/kg " "
" " Log of surface roughness length for heat 234 LSRH - " "
" " Skin temperature 235 SKT K " "
" " Soil temperature level 4 236 STL4 K " "
" " Soil wetness level 4 237 SWL4 m (of water) " "
27/06/2000* Now Soil temperature level 1 139 STL1 K Surface/single 1
" " Snow depth 141 SD m (of water equivalent) " "
" " Mean sea level pressure 151 MSL Pa " "
" " 10 metre u wind component 165 10U m s-1 " "
" " 10 metre v wind component 166 10V m s-1 " "
" " 2 metre temperature 167 2T K " "
" " 2 metre dewpoint temperature 168 2D K " "
" " Soil temperature level 2 170 STL2 K " "
" " Surface roughness 173 SR m " "
" " Albedo 174 AL - " "
" " Soil temperature level 3 183 STL3 K " "
" " Skin reservoir content 198 SRC m (of water) " "
" " Log of surface roughness length for heat 234 LSRH - " "
" " Skin temperature 235 SKT K " "
" " Soil temperature level 4 236 STL4 K " "
* The ECMWF stopped producing 6 parameters at this point. The ECMWF parameter codes for these were 140, 171,184, 199, 233 and 237.

Surface/single level forecast fields (gpsfoYYMMDDHH)

The N80 Full Gaussian gridded surface/single level forecast fields are stored following the file-naming convention:


Where gp stands for N80 Gaussian grid ("grid-point"),
sfo means surface or single level forecast,
YYMMDD stand for the Year, Month and Day (of the month).
HH[HH] stands for the hour of the forecast. The forecast parameters are recorded as accumulations over a given period. The forecast data archived at the BADC is the 24-hour accumulation from midday (1200) on the day the forecast begins to midday the next day. Up until the end of 1998 the file-naming convention for describing this was to use 4 numerical characters 1224 to indicate the start time (12) and the length of the accumulation period (24). However, from 1999 onwards the file-naming convention changed and only the start time is used (12 - i.e. only two characters). Please note that the contents of the file and the forecast times were not altered, only the naming system was changed.

The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Full Gaussian gridded surface/single level forecast fields takes the form of:

/badc/ecmwf-op/data/gaussian/YYYY/gpsfoYYMM/gpsfoYYMMDDHHHH    before March 1999, and
/badc/ecmwf-op/data/gaussian/YYYY/gpsfofYYMM/gpsfoYYMMDDHH    March 1999 onwards.

Table 5.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Full Gaussian gridded surface/single level forecast fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels Total Levels
01/03/1994NowLarge scale precipitation142LSPmSurface/single1
""Convective precipitation143CPm""
""Surface sensible heat flux146SSHFWm-2s""
""Surface latent heat flux147SLHFWm-2s""
""Total cloud cover164TCC(0-1)""
""Surface solar radiation176SSRWm-2s""
""Surface thermal radiation177STRWm-2s""
""Top solar radiation178TSRWm-2s""
""Top thermal radiation179TTRWm-2s""
""East/West surface stress180EWSSNm-2s""
""North/South surface stress181NSSSNm-2s""
""Latitudinal component of gravity wave stress195LGWSNm-2s""
""Meridional component of gravity wave stress196MGWSNm-2s""

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Spectral T106 data

Tables 6 and 7 show the parameters available for ECMWF Operational data in T106 Spectral resolution. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the webserver (by registered BADC users) at:

Upper air analysis fields on model levels (siuaYYMMDDHH)

The T106 Spectral resolution model level analysis fields are stored following the file-naming convention:


Where si means Spectral resolution (the "i" is historical, meaning initialised - this is not relevant to the Operational data sets),
ua means upper air model levels,
and YYMMDDHH stand for the Year, Month, Day (of the month), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18).
The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the T106 Spectral model level analysis fields takes the form of:


Table 6.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational T106 Spectral upper air fields on model levels.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels Total Levels
01/03/199403/04/1995 Temperature130TK1-3131
""Specific humidity133SPkg/kg""
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1 ""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure152LNSP-""
""Divergence155Ds-1 ""
04/04/1995*28/02/1999** Temperature130TK1-3131
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure152LNSP -""
01/10/2000***31/10/2000 Temperature130TK1-6060
""Vertical velocity 135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative) 138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure 152LNSP-""
""Divergence 155Ds-1""
* The ECMWF stopped producing the Specific Humidity parameter (133) in a spectral form at this point. Specific Humidity is available in the gridded 1.125° data.
** After 28/02/1999 the BADC stopped regularly archiving ECMWF Operational data in spectral form due to lack of demand from users.
*** The year 2000 data is only archived for October of that year.

Upper air analysis fields on pressure levels (siprYYMMDDHH)

The T106 Spectral resolution pressure level analysis fields are stored following the file-naming convention:


Where si means Spectral resolution (the "i" is historical, meaning initialised - this is not relevant to the Operational data sets),
pr means upper air pressure levels,
and YYMMDDHH stand for the Year, Month, Day (of the month), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18).
The format of the files is GRIB.

The complete file and directory structure of the T106 Spectral pressure level analysis fields takes the form of:


Table 7.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational T106 Spectral upper air fields on pressure levels.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels Total Levels
01/03/199428/02/1999*Geopotential129Zm2 s-210, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa 15
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1 ""
""Vorticity (relative) 138VOs-1""
""Divergence155Ds-1 ""
""Relative humidity157 R%""
* After 28/02/1999 the BADC stopped regularly archiving ECMWF Operational data in spectral form due to lack of demand from users.

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Orography files

Separate files are used to store the orography data for a number of Operational datasets. Note that the surface geopotential (where available) is equal to the orography.

The orography files for Operational data sets are held in the directory:

/badc/ecmwf-op/data/orography       or via the webserver (by registered BADC users) at:

There are four types of orography files:

These files are updated each time the model orography is changed. For the Operational data (March 1994-present day) there are orography files for the following dates:

More information about the orography changes detailed on the model changes page.

The spectral orography file spor90010100 contains just the orography data (surface geopotential).

Depending on the age and grid type, the files will contain some of the constant fields listed in Table 8.

Table 7.   Orography parameters and their ECMWF codes.
Parameter name ECMWF code (numeric)ECMWF code
Geopotential (at the surface, orography)129Z
Standard deviation of orography160SDOR
Anisotropy of subgrid scale orography161ISOR
Angle of subgrid scale orography162ANOR
Slope of subgrid scale orography163SLOR
Land/Sea mask172LSM
EW component of sub-grid scale orographic variance190EWOV
NS component of sub-grid scale orographic variance191NSOV
NWSE component of sub-grid scale orographic variance192NWOV
NESW component of sub-grid scale orographic variance193NEOV

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Regular 1.125° x 1.125° gridded data

Table 3 shows the parameters available for ECMWF Operational data on a 1.125° x 1.125° regular grid. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the webserver (by registered BADC users) at:

Upper air analysis fields on model levels (ML.[param].YYYYMMDDHH.grib)

The BADC currently only archives upper air data (on model levels ) on a regular 1.125° x 1.125° grid. The data is stored using the following the file-naming convention:


Where ML stands for model levels,
[param] is the parameter name (lnsp = Log (Natural) Surface Pressure, q = Specific Humidity, t = Temperature, u = U-velocity, v = V-velocity, vort = Vorticity (relative), w = Vertical Velocity),
YYYYMMDDHH stand for the Year, Month, Day (of the month), and Hour (either 00, 06, 12 or 18),
and grib indicates the GRIB file format.

The complete file and directory structure of the regular 1.125° x 1.125° gridded data model level fields takes the form of:


Table 3.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational regular 1.125° x 1.125° gridded upper air fields on model levels.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

""U-velocity131Um2 s-2""
""V-velocity132Vm2 s-2""
""Specific Humidity133Qkg/kg""
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure152LNSP-""
12/10/1999*01/02/2006 00:00Temperature130TK1-60 60
""U-velocity131Um2 s-2""
""V-velocity132V m2 s-2""
""Specific Humidity133Qkg/kg""
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure152LNSP-""
01/02/2006 06:00NowTemperature130TK1-91 91
""U-velocity131Um2 s-2""
""V-velocity132V m2 s-2""
""Specific Humidity133Qkg/kg""
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure152LNSP-""
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N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded data

There are 7 types of Operational data archived on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid, 5 analysis archives and 2 forecasts archives. The analyses are available on model levels, pressure levels, on surface/single levels, on potential temperature levels and on potential vorticity levels. Forecasts are available on model levels and on surface/single levels. Please see the ECMWF Model Grids page for an explanation of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid.

Gaussian Gridded Analyses on Model Levels (ggamYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 1 shows the Model Level parameters available for Operational analysis data on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded model level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded model level data takes the form of:


Table 1.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded model level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/200201/02/2006 00:00Specific humidity133Qkg/kg1-6060
""Ozone mass mixing ratio203O3kg/kg""
01/02/2006 06:00NowSpecific humidity133Qkg/kg1-9191
""Ozone mass mixing ratio203O3kg/kg""

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Gaussian Gridded Analyses on Pressure Levels (ggapYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 2 shows the Pressure Level parameters available for Operational analysis data on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid.

Note: The pressure levels at 775 and 600hPa that are present in the ERA-40 dataset are not available in this dataset so the total number of levels is 21.

There are also two parameters, u-velocity and v-velocity, that are stored on a N80 Full Gaussian Grid (due to the interpolation from spectral fields). These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded pressure level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded pressure level data takes the form of:


Table 2.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded pressure level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/2002NowPotential vorticity60PVm2 s-1 K kg-11,2,3,5,7,10,20,30,50,70,100,150,200,250,300,400,500,700,850,925,100021
""U-velocity*131Um2 s-2""
""V-velocity*132Vm2 s-2""
""Specific humidity133Qkg/kg""
""Ozone Mass Mixing Ratio203O3kg/kg""
* u-velocity and v-velocity are held on an N80 Full Gaussian Grid as opposed to a reduced grid. The extraction process requires them to be generated from spectral vorticity and divergence fields and therefore these parameters cannot be obtained on the reduced grid.

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Gaussian Gridded Analyses on Surface/Single Levels (ggasYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 3 shows the Surface/Single Level parameters available for Operational analysis data on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded surface/single level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded surface/single level data takes the form of:


Table 3.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded surface/single level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/2002NowLow vegetation cover27LVC(0-1)11
""High vegetation cover28HVC(0-1)""
""Low vegetation type (table index)29LVTindex""
""High vegetation type (table index)30HVTindex""
""Sea ice fraction (1 = full ice, 0 = no ice)31CI(0, 1)""
""Snow albedo32ASN-""
""Snow density33RSNkg""
""Sea surface temperature34SSTKK""
""Sea ice temperature layer 135ISTL1K""
""Sea ice temperature layer 236ISTL2K""
""Sea ice temperature layer 337ISTL3K""
""Sea ice temperature layer 438ISTL4K""
""Soil moisture level 1 (volumetric)39SWVL1m3/m3""
""Soil moisture level 2 (volumetric)40SWVL2m3/m3""
""Soil moisture level 3 (volumetric)41SWVL3m3/m3""
""Soil moisture level 4 (volumetric)42SWVL4m3/m3""
""Geopotential (at the surface = orography)129Zm2 s-2""
""Total column water136TCWkg/m2""
""Total column water vapour137TCWVkg/m2""
""Soil temperature level 1139STL1K""
""Snow Depth141SDm (of water equivalent)""
""Charnock parameter148CHNK-""
""Mean sea level pressure151MSLPa""
""Standard deviation of subgrid scale orography160SDOR-""
""Anisotropy of subgrid scale orography161ISOR-""
""Angle of subgrid scale orography162ANOR-""
""Slope of subgrid scale orography163SLOR-""
""10 metre u-wind component16510Um s-1""
""10 metre v-wind component16610Vm s-1""
""2 metre temperature1672TK""
""2 metre dewpoint temperature1682DK""
""Soil temperature level 2170STL2K""
""Land/sea mask172LSM(0, 1)""
""Surface roughness173SRm""
""Soil temperature level 3183STL3K""
""Low cloud cover186LCC(0-1)""
""Medium cloud cover187MCC(0-1)""
""High cloud cover188HCC(0-1)""
""Skin reservoir content198SRCm (of water)""
""Total column ozone206TCO3kg m-2""
""Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat234LSRH-""
""Skin temperature235SKTK""
""Soil temperature level 4236STL4K""
""Temperature of snow layer238TSNK""

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Gaussian Gridded Analyses on Potential Temperature Levels (ggatYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 4 shows the Potential Temperature Level parameters available for Operational analysis data on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential temperature level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential temperature level data takes the form of:


Table 4.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential temperature level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/2002NowPotential vorticity60PVm2 s-1 K kg-1265, 275, 285, 300, 315, 330, 350, 370, 395, 430, 475, 530, 600, 700, 85015
""Specific humidity133Qkg/kg""
""Ozone mass mixing ratio203O3kg/kg""

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Gaussian Gridded Analyses on Potential Vorticity Levels (ggavYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 5 shows the Potential Vorticity Level parameters available for Operational analysis data on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential vorticity level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential vorticity level data takes the form of:


Table 5.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential vorticity level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/2002NowPotential temperature3PTK11
""Geopotential (at the surface = orography)129Zm2 s-2""
""Specific humidity133Qkg/kg""
""Ozone mass mixing ratio203O3kg/kg""

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Gaussian Gridded Forecasts on Model Levels (ggfmYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 6 shows the Model Level parameters available for Operational forecast data on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential vorticity level forecasts are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded model level data takes the form of:


Table 6.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded model level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/200201/02/2006 00:00Cloud liquid water content246CLWCkg/kg1-6060
""Cloud ice water content247CIWCkg/kg""
""Cloud cover248CC(0-1)""
01/02/2006 06:00NowCloud liquid water content246CLWCkg/kg1-6060
""Cloud ice water content247CIWCkg/kg""
""Cloud cover248CC(0-1)""

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Gaussian Gridded Forecasts on Surface/Single Levels (ggfsYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 7 shows the Surface/Single Level parameters available for Operational forecast data on the N80 Reduced Gaussian Grid. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded surface/single level forecasts are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded surface/single level data takes the form of:


Table 7.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded surface/single level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/2002NowSnow evaporation (accum.)44ESm11
""Snow melt (accum.)45SMLTm""
""Wind gusts at 10 m4910FGm s-1""
""Large scale precipitation fraction (accum.)50LSPFs""
""Large scale precipitation (accum.)142LSPm""
""Convective precipitation (accum.)143CPm""
""Snow fall (accum.)144SFm (of water equivalent)""
""Boundary layer dissipation (accum.)145BLDW m-2s""
""Surface sensible heat flux (accum.)146SSHFW m-2s""
""Surface latent heat flux (accum.)147SLHFW m-2s""
""Boundary layer height159BLHm""
""Total cloud cover164TCC(0-1)""
""Downward surface solar radiation (accum.)169SSRDW m-2s""
""Downward surface thermal radiation (accum.)175STRDW m-2s""
""Surface solar radiation (accum.)176SSRW m-2s""
""Surface thermal radiation (accum.)177STRW m-2s""
""Top solar radiation (accum.)178TSRW m-2s""
""Top thermal radiation (accum.)179TTRW m-2s""
""East/West surface stress (accum.)180EWSSN m-2s""
""North/South surface stress (accum.)181NSSSN m-2s""
""Evaporation (accum.)182Em (of water)""
""Sunshine duration since last post-processing step189SUNDs""
""Latitudinal component of gravity wave stress (accum.)195LGWSN m-2s""
""Meridional component of gravity wave stress (accum.)196MGWSN m-2s""
""Gravity wave dissipation (accum.)197GWDW m-2s""
""Runoff (accum.)201ROm""
""Minimum temp. at 2m since previous post-processing202MN2TK""
""Ozone mass mixing ratio205O3kg/kg""
""Top solar radiation clear sky (accum.)208TSRCW m-2s""
""Top thermal radiation clear sky (accum.)209TTRCW m-2s""
""Surface solar radiation clear sky (accum.)210SSRCW m-2s""
""Surface thermal radiation clear sky (accum.)211STRCW m-2s""
""Forecast albedo243FAL-""
""Forecast surface roughness244FSRm""
""Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat245FLSR-""

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Spectral T159 data

There are 3 types of Operational data archived at Spectral T159 resolution as analyses. They are held on model levels, pressure levels and on potential temperature levels. Please see the ECMWF Model Grids page for an explanation of the Spectral T159 resolution.

Spectral T159 Analyses on Model Levels (spamYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 8 shows the Model Level parameters available for Operational analysis data at Spectral T159 resolution. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The Spectral T159 model level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded model level data takes the form of:


Table 8.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational Spectral T159 model level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/200201/02/2006 00:00Geopotential (at the surface = orography)129Zm2 s-21-6060
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure152LNSP-""
01/02/2006 06:00NowGeopotential (at the surface = orography)129Zm2 s-21-6060
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Log surface pressure152LNSP-""

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Spectral T159 Analyses on Pressure Levels (spapYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 9 shows the Pressure Level parameters available for Operational analysis data at Spectral T159 resolution. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The Spectral T159 pressure level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded pressure level data takes the form of:


Table 9.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational Spectral T159 pressure level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/2002NowGeopotential (at the surface = orography)129Zm2 s-21,2,3,5,7,10,20,30,50,70,100,150,200,250,300,400, 500,600,700,775,850,925,100023
""Vertical velocity135WPa s-1""
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""
""Relative humidity157R%""

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Spectral T159 Analyses on Potential Temperature Levels (spatYYYYDDHHTTPPP.grb)

Table 10 shows the Potential Temperature Level parameters available for Operational analysis data at Spectral T159 resolution. These files are located in the directory:


They can also be accessed via the web-interface (by registered BADC users) at:

The Spectral T159 potential temperature level analyses are stored following the BADC's ERA-40 file-naming convention.

The complete file and directory structure of the N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded potential temperature level data takes the form of:


Table 10.   Parameters, dates and levels available for the ECMWF Operational Spectral T159 potential temperature level fields.
Dates Parameters Levels
Start End Parameters (Name) ECMWF code (numeric) ECMWF code Units Levels

Total Levels

01/09/2002NowMontgomery potential53MONTm2 s-21,2,3,5,7,10,20,30,50,70,100,150,200,250,300,400,500,600,700,775,850,925,100023
""Vorticity (relative)138VOs-1""

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An explanation of the forecast files in the ECMWF Operational data

The BADC archives ERA-40 data as both analyses and forecasts. Analyses represent the state of the atmosphere at the zero time-step, i.e. the start of a forecast. This is the point at which initial observations have been assimilated with the 6-hour forecast of the previous model run. Many parameters are available in the analyses and are archived only at the zero time-step (i.e. a file for 15 January 1991 at midday would include "1991011512" in its name and would represent the state of the atmosphere at midday on that day). The analyses are calculated and archived 4 times a day, at 00hr, 06hr, 12hr and 18hrs.

Forecast files contain parameters that are not available in the analyses. Such parameters are accumulated from the analysis time to the time of the forecast.

The content of the ECMWF forecasts held at the BADC depend on which data resolution is being used. The N80 Full Gaussian Gridded forecasts (i.e. filenames beginning with 'gpsfo') represent a forecast from midday (12hr) on the date in the filename to 24 hours later (12hr the next day). This is consistent with files produced during the ERA-15 period.

The N80 Reduced Gaussian Gridded forecasts (i.e. filenames beginning 'ggfm' or 'ggfs') are archived to cover the entire day of the date in the filename. The 24-hour forecasts therefore start at 00hr on the morning of a given day and span through until midnight that day. For example, a forecast file for 25 February 2003 would include "2003022500" in its name and would represent accumulated fields for the entire 24-hour period of that day.

Both datasets therefore only produce 1 forecast file per day. Note that the ECMWF actually provides all the analysis fields at forecast times as well, this data is not archived at the BADC.

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