HadGEM1 Atmospheric Monthly Means

Example file listing from the HadGEM1 Atmospheric Monthly Means dataset. This listing is taken from the first file in the dataset but the date range for the entire dataset is 1859-12-16 0:0:0.0 to 1920-12-16 0:0:0.0.

Filepath: "ensembles-hadgem1-1pc_aebte-apm_1859-1920.xml"

Global metadata in this dataset :

input_word_length = 4
calendar = "360_day"
id = "none"
input_byte_ordering = "big_endian"
input_file_format = "PP"
input_uri = "file:///badc/hadgem1/data/aebte/apm/aebtea.pm59dec.pp"
Conventions = ""

Variables contained in this dataset :

clc - "convective_cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

cli_dxvv - "mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

clis_dxvv - "mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

clivi - "atmosphere_cloud_ice_content"

Axes: (time0 [722], z2_level [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

cls_dxvv - "stratiform_cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

clt - "cloud_area_fraction"

Axes: (time0 [722], z2_level [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

clws_dxvv - "mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

clwvi_dxvv - "atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content"

Axes: (time0 [722], z2_level [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

hfls - "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

hfss - "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

hus_dxvv - "specific_humidity"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s00i010 - "m01s00i010"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s00i012 - "m01s00i012"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s00i211 - "m01s00i211"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s00i254 - "m01s00i254"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s00i266 - "m01s00i266"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s01i201 - "m01s01i201"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s01i207 - "m01s01i207"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s01i208 - "m01s01i208"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s01i235 - "m01s01i235"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s02i201 - "m01s02i201"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s02i204 - "m01s02i204"

Axes: (time0 [722], z2_level [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s02i207 - "m01s02i207"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s02i237 - "m01s02i237"

Axes: (time0 [722], z7_tropo [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s03i332 - "m01s03i332"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s30i201 - "m01s30i201"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s30i202 - "m01s30i202"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s30i204 - "m01s30i204"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s30i205 - "m01s30i205"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s30i207 - "m01s30i207"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s30i208 - "m01s30i208"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s30i301 - "m01s30i301"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

m01s30i405 - "m01s30i405"

Axes: (time0 [722], z2_level [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s30i406 - "m01s30i406"

Axes: (time0 [722], z2_level [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

m01s30i417 - "m01s30i417"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

pr - "precipitation_flux"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

prw_dxvv - "atmosphere_water_vapor_content"

Axes: (time0 [722], z1_hybrid_height [38], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

ps - "surface_air_pressure"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

psl - "air_pressure_at_sea_level"

Axes: (time0 [722], z16_msl [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rlds - "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rldscs - "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rlntp - "net_upward_longwave_flux_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z7_tropo [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rlus_dxvv - "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rlut - "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rlutcs - "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsds - "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsdscs - "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsdt - "toa_incoming_shortwave_flux"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsntp - "net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z7_tropo [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsus_dxvv - "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsuscs - "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsut - "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rsutcs - "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

rtmt_dxvv - "net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model"

Axes: (time0 [722], z6_toa [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

ta_dxvv - "air_temperature"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

tas - "air_temperature"

Axes: (time0 [722], z12_height [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

tauu - "surface_downward_eastward_stress"

Axes: (time0 [722], z11_hybrid_height [12], latitude0 [145], longitude0 [192])

tauv - "surface_downward_northward_stress"

Axes: (time0 [722], z11_hybrid_height [12], latitude1 [144], longitude1 [192])

ts - "surface_temperature"

Axes: (time0 [722], z3_surface [1], latitude0 [145], longitude1 [192])

ua_dxvv - "eastward_wind"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

uas - "eastward_wind"

Axes: (time0 [722], z12_height [1], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

va_dxvv - "northward_wind"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

vas - "northward_wind"

Axes: (time0 [722], z12_height [1], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

wap_dxvv - "lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

zg_dxvv - "geopotential_height"

Axes: (time0 [722], z17_p_level [16], latitude1 [144], longitude0 [192])

Full variable listings :

float clc (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
clc : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
clc : long_name = "convective_cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
clc : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
clc : missing_value = -1073741824.0
clc : standard_name = "convective_cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"
clc : stash_item = 211
clc : stash_mapping = "m01s00i211*100.0"
clc : stash_model = 1
clc : stash_section = 0
clc : units = "%"

float cli_dxvv (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
cli_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
cli_dxvv : long_name = "mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
cli_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
cli_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
cli_dxvv : standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air"
cli_dxvv : stash_item = 211
cli_dxvv : stash_mapping = "(1.0-m01s00i211)*m01s00i254"
cli_dxvv : stash_model = 1
cli_dxvv : stash_section = 0
cli_dxvv : units = "1 (i.e.,dimensionless fraction)"
cli_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float clis_dxvv (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
clis_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
clis_dxvv : long_name = "mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
clis_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
clis_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
clis_dxvv : standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air"
clis_dxvv : stash_item = 211
clis_dxvv : stash_mapping = "(1.0-m01s00i211)*m01s00i254"
clis_dxvv : stash_model = 1
clis_dxvv : stash_section = 0
clis_dxvv : units = "1 (i.e.,dimensionless fraction)"
clis_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float clivi (time0, z2_level, latitude0, longitude1)
clivi : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
clivi : long_name = "atmosphere_cloud_ice_content [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
clivi : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
clivi : missing_value = -1073741824.0
clivi : standard_name = "atmosphere_cloud_ice_content"
clivi : stash_item = 406
clivi : stash_mapping = "m01s30i406"
clivi : stash_model = 1
clivi : stash_section = 30
clivi : units = "kg m-2"

float cls_dxvv (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
cls_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
cls_dxvv : long_name = "stratiform_cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
cls_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
cls_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
cls_dxvv : standard_name = "stratiform_cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"
cls_dxvv : stash_item = 211
cls_dxvv : stash_mapping = "(1.0-m01s00i211)*m01s00i266*100.0"
cls_dxvv : stash_model = 1
cls_dxvv : stash_section = 0
cls_dxvv : units = "%"
cls_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float clt (time0, z2_level, latitude0, longitude1)
clt : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
clt : long_name = "cloud_area_fraction [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
clt : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
clt : missing_value = -1073741824.0
clt : standard_name = "cloud_area_fraction"
clt : stash_item = 204
clt : stash_mapping = "(m01s02i204)*100."
clt : stash_model = 1
clt : stash_section = 2
clt : units = "%"

float clws_dxvv (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
clws_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
clws_dxvv : long_name = "mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
clws_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
clws_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
clws_dxvv : standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air"
clws_dxvv : stash_item = 211
clws_dxvv : stash_mapping = "(1.0-m01s00i211)*m01s00i012"
clws_dxvv : stash_model = 1
clws_dxvv : stash_section = 0
clws_dxvv : units = "1 (i.e.,dimensionless fraction)"
clws_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float clwvi_dxvv (time0, z2_level, latitude0, longitude1)
clwvi_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
clwvi_dxvv : long_name = "atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
clwvi_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
clwvi_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
clwvi_dxvv : standard_name = "atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content"
clwvi_dxvv : stash_item = 405
clwvi_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s30i405+m01s30i406"
clwvi_dxvv : stash_model = 1
clwvi_dxvv : stash_section = 30
clwvi_dxvv : units = "kg m-2"
clwvi_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float hfls (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
hfls : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
hfls : long_name = "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
hfls : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
hfls : missing_value = -1073741824.0
hfls : standard_name = "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux"
hfls : stash_item = 234
hfls : stash_mapping = "m01s03i234"
hfls : stash_model = 1
hfls : stash_section = 3
hfls : units = "W m-2"

float hfss (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
hfss : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
hfss : long_name = "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
hfss : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
hfss : missing_value = -1073741824.0
hfss : standard_name = "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux"
hfss : stash_item = 217
hfss : stash_mapping = "m01s03i217"
hfss : stash_model = 1
hfss : stash_section = 3
hfss : units = "W m-2"

float hus_dxvv (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
hus_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
hus_dxvv : long_name = "specific_humidity [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
hus_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
hus_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
hus_dxvv : standard_name = "specific_humidity"
hus_dxvv : stash_item = 205
hus_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s30i205/m01s30i301"
hus_dxvv : stash_model = 1
hus_dxvv : stash_section = 30
hus_dxvv : units = "1 (i.e.,dimensionless fraction)"
hus_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float m01s00i010 (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s00i010 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s00i010 : long_name = "m01s00i010 [; time0: mean]"
m01s00i010 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s00i010 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s00i010 : standard_name = "m01s00i010"
m01s00i010 : stash_item = 10
m01s00i010 : stash_mapping = "m01s00i010"
m01s00i010 : stash_model = 1
m01s00i010 : stash_section = 0
m01s00i010 : units = "kg kg-1"

float m01s00i012 (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s00i012 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s00i012 : long_name = "m01s00i012 [; time0: mean]"
m01s00i012 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s00i012 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s00i012 : standard_name = "m01s00i012"
m01s00i012 : stash_item = 12
m01s00i012 : stash_mapping = "m01s00i012"
m01s00i012 : stash_model = 1
m01s00i012 : stash_section = 0
m01s00i012 : units = "kg kg-1"

float m01s00i211 (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s00i211 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s00i211 : long_name = "m01s00i211 [; time0: mean]"
m01s00i211 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s00i211 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s00i211 : standard_name = "m01s00i211"
m01s00i211 : stash_item = 211
m01s00i211 : stash_mapping = "m01s00i211"
m01s00i211 : stash_model = 1
m01s00i211 : stash_section = 0
m01s00i211 : units = "kg kg-1"

float m01s00i254 (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s00i254 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s00i254 : long_name = "m01s00i254 [; time0: mean]"
m01s00i254 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s00i254 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s00i254 : standard_name = "m01s00i254"
m01s00i254 : stash_item = 254
m01s00i254 : stash_mapping = "m01s00i254"
m01s00i254 : stash_model = 1
m01s00i254 : stash_section = 0
m01s00i254 : units = "kg kg-1"

float m01s00i266 (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s00i266 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s00i266 : long_name = "m01s00i266 [; time0: mean]"
m01s00i266 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s00i266 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s00i266 : standard_name = "m01s00i266"
m01s00i266 : stash_item = 266
m01s00i266 : stash_mapping = "m01s00i266"
m01s00i266 : stash_model = 1
m01s00i266 : stash_section = 0
m01s00i266 : units = "0-1"

float m01s01i201 (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s01i201 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s01i201 : long_name = "m01s01i201 [; time0: mean]"
m01s01i201 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s01i201 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s01i201 : standard_name = "m01s01i201"
m01s01i201 : stash_item = 201
m01s01i201 : stash_mapping = "m01s01i201"
m01s01i201 : stash_model = 1
m01s01i201 : stash_section = 1
m01s01i201 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s01i207 (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s01i207 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s01i207 : long_name = "m01s01i207 [; time0: mean]"
m01s01i207 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s01i207 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s01i207 : standard_name = "m01s01i207"
m01s01i207 : stash_item = 207
m01s01i207 : stash_mapping = "m01s01i207"
m01s01i207 : stash_model = 1
m01s01i207 : stash_section = 1
m01s01i207 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s01i208 (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s01i208 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s01i208 : long_name = "m01s01i208 [; time0: mean]"
m01s01i208 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s01i208 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s01i208 : standard_name = "m01s01i208"
m01s01i208 : stash_item = 208
m01s01i208 : stash_mapping = "m01s01i208"
m01s01i208 : stash_model = 1
m01s01i208 : stash_section = 1
m01s01i208 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s01i235 (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s01i235 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s01i235 : long_name = "m01s01i235 [; time0: mean]"
m01s01i235 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s01i235 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s01i235 : standard_name = "m01s01i235"
m01s01i235 : stash_item = 235
m01s01i235 : stash_mapping = "m01s01i235"
m01s01i235 : stash_model = 1
m01s01i235 : stash_section = 1
m01s01i235 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s02i201 (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s02i201 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s02i201 : long_name = "m01s02i201 [; time0: mean]"
m01s02i201 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s02i201 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s02i201 : standard_name = "m01s02i201"
m01s02i201 : stash_item = 201
m01s02i201 : stash_mapping = "m01s02i201"
m01s02i201 : stash_model = 1
m01s02i201 : stash_section = 2
m01s02i201 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s02i204 (time0, z2_level, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s02i204 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s02i204 : long_name = "m01s02i204 [; time0: mean]"
m01s02i204 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s02i204 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s02i204 : standard_name = "m01s02i204"
m01s02i204 : stash_item = 204
m01s02i204 : stash_mapping = "m01s02i204"
m01s02i204 : stash_model = 1
m01s02i204 : stash_section = 2
m01s02i204 : units = "0-1"

float m01s02i207 (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s02i207 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s02i207 : long_name = "m01s02i207 [; time0: mean]"
m01s02i207 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s02i207 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s02i207 : standard_name = "m01s02i207"
m01s02i207 : stash_item = 207
m01s02i207 : stash_mapping = "m01s02i207"
m01s02i207 : stash_model = 1
m01s02i207 : stash_section = 2
m01s02i207 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s02i237 (time0, z7_tropo, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s02i237 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s02i237 : long_name = "m01s02i237 [; time0: mean]"
m01s02i237 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s02i237 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s02i237 : standard_name = "m01s02i237"
m01s02i237 : stash_item = 237
m01s02i237 : stash_mapping = "m01s02i237"
m01s02i237 : stash_model = 1
m01s02i237 : stash_section = 2
m01s02i237 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s03i332 (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s03i332 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s03i332 : long_name = "m01s03i332 [; time0: mean]"
m01s03i332 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s03i332 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s03i332 : standard_name = "m01s03i332"
m01s03i332 : stash_item = 332
m01s03i332 : stash_mapping = "m01s03i332"
m01s03i332 : stash_model = 1
m01s03i332 : stash_section = 3
m01s03i332 : units = "W m-2"

float m01s30i201 (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
m01s30i201 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i201 : long_name = "m01s30i201 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i201 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i201 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i201 : standard_name = "m01s30i201"
m01s30i201 : stash_item = 201
m01s30i201 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i201"
m01s30i201 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i201 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i201 : units = "m s-1"

float m01s30i202 (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
m01s30i202 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i202 : long_name = "m01s30i202 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i202 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i202 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i202 : standard_name = "m01s30i202"
m01s30i202 : stash_item = 202
m01s30i202 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i202"
m01s30i202 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i202 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i202 : units = "m s-1"

float m01s30i204 (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
m01s30i204 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i204 : long_name = "m01s30i204 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i204 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i204 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i204 : standard_name = "m01s30i204"
m01s30i204 : stash_item = 204
m01s30i204 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i204"
m01s30i204 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i204 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i204 : units = "K"

float m01s30i205 (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
m01s30i205 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i205 : long_name = "m01s30i205 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i205 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i205 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i205 : standard_name = "m01s30i205"
m01s30i205 : stash_item = 205
m01s30i205 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i205"
m01s30i205 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i205 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i205 : units = "kg kg-1"

float m01s30i207 (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
m01s30i207 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i207 : long_name = "m01s30i207 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i207 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i207 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i207 : standard_name = "m01s30i207"
m01s30i207 : stash_item = 207
m01s30i207 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i207"
m01s30i207 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i207 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i207 : units = "m"

float m01s30i208 (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
m01s30i208 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i208 : long_name = "m01s30i208 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i208 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i208 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i208 : standard_name = "m01s30i208"
m01s30i208 : stash_item = 208
m01s30i208 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i208"
m01s30i208 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i208 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i208 : units = "Pa s-1"

float m01s30i301 (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
m01s30i301 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i301 : long_name = "m01s30i301 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i301 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i301 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i301 : standard_name = "m01s30i301"
m01s30i301 : stash_item = 301
m01s30i301 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i301"
m01s30i301 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i301 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i301 : units = "0-1"

float m01s30i405 (time0, z2_level, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s30i405 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i405 : long_name = "m01s30i405 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i405 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i405 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i405 : standard_name = "m01s30i405"
m01s30i405 : stash_item = 405
m01s30i405 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i405"
m01s30i405 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i405 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i405 : units = "unspecified"

float m01s30i406 (time0, z2_level, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s30i406 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i406 : long_name = "m01s30i406 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i406 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i406 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i406 : standard_name = "m01s30i406"
m01s30i406 : stash_item = 406
m01s30i406 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i406"
m01s30i406 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i406 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i406 : units = "unspecified"

float m01s30i417 (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
m01s30i417 : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
m01s30i417 : long_name = "m01s30i417 [; time0: mean]"
m01s30i417 : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
m01s30i417 : missing_value = -1073741824.0
m01s30i417 : standard_name = "m01s30i417"
m01s30i417 : stash_item = 417
m01s30i417 : stash_mapping = "m01s30i417"
m01s30i417 : stash_model = 1
m01s30i417 : stash_section = 30
m01s30i417 : units = "Pa"

float pr (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
pr : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
pr : long_name = "precipitation_flux [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
pr : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
pr : missing_value = -1073741824.0
pr : standard_name = "precipitation_flux"
pr : stash_item = 216
pr : stash_mapping = "m01s05i216"
pr : stash_model = 1
pr : stash_section = 5
pr : units = "kg m-2s-1"

float prw_dxvv (time0, z1_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude1)
prw_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
prw_dxvv : long_name = "atmosphere_water_vapor_content [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
prw_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
prw_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
prw_dxvv : standard_name = "atmosphere_water_vapor_content"
prw_dxvv : stash_item = 10
prw_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s00i010*(m01s30i417/9.81)"
prw_dxvv : stash_model = 1
prw_dxvv : stash_section = 0
prw_dxvv : units = "kg m-2"
prw_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float ps (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
ps : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
ps : long_name = "surface_air_pressure [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
ps : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
ps : missing_value = -1073741824.0
ps : standard_name = "surface_air_pressure"
ps : stash_item = 417
ps : stash_mapping = "m01s30i417"
ps : stash_model = 1
ps : stash_section = 30
ps : units = "Pa"

float psl (time0, z16_msl, latitude0, longitude1)
psl : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
psl : long_name = "air_pressure_at_sea_level [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
psl : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
psl : missing_value = -1073741824.0
psl : standard_name = "air_pressure_at_sea_level"
psl : stash_item = 222
psl : stash_mapping = "m01s16i222"
psl : stash_model = 1
psl : stash_section = 16
psl : units = "Pa"

float rlds (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
rlds : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rlds : long_name = "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rlds : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rlds : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rlds : standard_name = "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"
rlds : stash_item = 207
rlds : stash_mapping = "m01s02i207"
rlds : stash_model = 1
rlds : stash_section = 2
rlds : units = "W m-2"

float rldscs (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
rldscs : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rldscs : long_name = "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rldscs : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rldscs : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rldscs : standard_name = "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"
rldscs : stash_item = 208
rldscs : stash_mapping = "m01s02i208"
rldscs : stash_model = 1
rldscs : stash_section = 2
rldscs : units = "W m-2"

float rlntp (time0, z7_tropo, latitude0, longitude1)
rlntp : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rlntp : long_name = "net_upward_longwave_flux_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rlntp : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rlntp : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rlntp : standard_name = "net_upward_longwave_flux_in_air"
rlntp : stash_item = 237
rlntp : stash_mapping = "m01s02i237*(-1.)"
rlntp : stash_model = 1
rlntp : stash_section = 2
rlntp : units = "W m-2"

float rlus_dxvv (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
rlus_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rlus_dxvv : long_name = "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rlus_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rlus_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rlus_dxvv : standard_name = "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"
rlus_dxvv : stash_item = 201
rlus_dxvv : stash_mapping = "(m01s02i201-m01s02i207)*-1."
rlus_dxvv : stash_model = 1
rlus_dxvv : stash_section = 2
rlus_dxvv : units = "W m-2"
rlus_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float rlut (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
rlut : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rlut : long_name = "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rlut : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rlut : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rlut : standard_name = "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux"
rlut : stash_item = 332
rlut : stash_mapping = "m01s03i332"
rlut : stash_model = 1
rlut : stash_section = 3
rlut : units = "W m-2"

float rlutcs (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
rlutcs : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rlutcs : long_name = "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rlutcs : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rlutcs : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rlutcs : standard_name = "toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"
rlutcs : stash_item = 206
rlutcs : stash_mapping = "m01s02i206"
rlutcs : stash_model = 1
rlutcs : stash_section = 2
rlutcs : units = "W m-2"

float rsds (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
rsds : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsds : long_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsds : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsds : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsds : standard_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"
rsds : stash_item = 235
rsds : stash_mapping = "m01s01i235"
rsds : stash_model = 1
rsds : stash_section = 1
rsds : units = "W m-2"

float rsdscs (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
rsdscs : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsdscs : long_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsdscs : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsdscs : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsdscs : standard_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"
rsdscs : stash_item = 210
rsdscs : stash_mapping = "m01s01i210"
rsdscs : stash_model = 1
rsdscs : stash_section = 1
rsdscs : units = "W m-2"

float rsdt (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
rsdt : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsdt : long_name = "toa_incoming_shortwave_flux [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsdt : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsdt : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsdt : standard_name = "toa_incoming_shortwave_flux"
rsdt : stash_item = 207
rsdt : stash_mapping = "m01s01i207"
rsdt : stash_model = 1
rsdt : stash_section = 1
rsdt : units = "W m-2"

float rsntp (time0, z7_tropo, latitude0, longitude1)
rsntp : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsntp : long_name = "net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsntp : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsntp : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsntp : standard_name = "net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air"
rsntp : stash_item = 237
rsntp : stash_mapping = "m01s01i237"
rsntp : stash_model = 1
rsntp : stash_section = 1
rsntp : units = "W m-2"

float rsus_dxvv (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
rsus_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsus_dxvv : long_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsus_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsus_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsus_dxvv : standard_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"
rsus_dxvv : stash_item = 201
rsus_dxvv : stash_mapping = "(m01s01i201-m01s01i235)*-1."
rsus_dxvv : stash_model = 1
rsus_dxvv : stash_section = 1
rsus_dxvv : units = "W m-2"
rsus_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float rsuscs (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
rsuscs : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsuscs : long_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsuscs : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsuscs : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsuscs : standard_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"
rsuscs : stash_item = 211
rsuscs : stash_mapping = "m01s01i211"
rsuscs : stash_model = 1
rsuscs : stash_section = 1
rsuscs : units = "W m-2"

float rsut (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
rsut : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsut : long_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsut : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsut : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsut : standard_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux"
rsut : stash_item = 208
rsut : stash_mapping = "m01s01i208"
rsut : stash_model = 1
rsut : stash_section = 1
rsut : units = "W m-2"

float rsutcs (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
rsutcs : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rsutcs : long_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rsutcs : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rsutcs : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rsutcs : standard_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky"
rsutcs : stash_item = 209
rsutcs : stash_mapping = "m01s01i209"
rsutcs : stash_model = 1
rsutcs : stash_section = 1
rsutcs : units = "W m-2"

float rtmt_dxvv (time0, z6_toa, latitude0, longitude1)
rtmt_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
rtmt_dxvv : long_name = "net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
rtmt_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
rtmt_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
rtmt_dxvv : standard_name = "net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model"
rtmt_dxvv : stash_item = 207
rtmt_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s01i207-m01s01i208-m01s03i332"
rtmt_dxvv : stash_model = 1
rtmt_dxvv : stash_section = 1
rtmt_dxvv : units = "W m-2"
rtmt_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float ta_dxvv (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
ta_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
ta_dxvv : long_name = "air_temperature [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
ta_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
ta_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
ta_dxvv : standard_name = "air_temperature"
ta_dxvv : stash_item = 204
ta_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s30i204/m01s30i301"
ta_dxvv : stash_model = 1
ta_dxvv : stash_section = 30
ta_dxvv : units = "K"
ta_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float tas (time0, z12_height, latitude0, longitude1)
tas : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
tas : long_name = "air_temperature [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
tas : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
tas : missing_value = -1073741824.0
tas : standard_name = "air_temperature"
tas : stash_item = 236
tas : stash_mapping = "m01s03i236"
tas : stash_model = 1
tas : stash_section = 3
tas : units = "K"

float tauu (time0, z11_hybrid_height, latitude0, longitude0)
tauu : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
tauu : long_name = "surface_downward_eastward_stress [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
tauu : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
tauu : missing_value = -1073741824.0
tauu : standard_name = "surface_downward_eastward_stress"
tauu : stash_item = 219
tauu : stash_mapping = "m01s03i219"
tauu : stash_model = 1
tauu : stash_section = 3
tauu : units = "Pa"

float tauv (time0, z11_hybrid_height, latitude1, longitude1)
tauv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
tauv : long_name = "surface_downward_northward_stress [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
tauv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
tauv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
tauv : standard_name = "surface_downward_northward_stress"
tauv : stash_item = 220
tauv : stash_mapping = "m01s03i220"
tauv : stash_model = 1
tauv : stash_section = 3
tauv : units = "Pa"

float ts (time0, z3_surface, latitude0, longitude1)
ts : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
ts : long_name = "surface_temperature [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
ts : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
ts : missing_value = -1073741824.0
ts : standard_name = "surface_temperature"
ts : stash_item = 24
ts : stash_mapping = "m01s00i024"
ts : stash_model = 1
ts : stash_section = 0
ts : units = "K"

float ua_dxvv (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
ua_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
ua_dxvv : long_name = "eastward_wind [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
ua_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
ua_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
ua_dxvv : standard_name = "eastward_wind"
ua_dxvv : stash_item = 201
ua_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s30i201/m01s30i301"
ua_dxvv : stash_model = 1
ua_dxvv : stash_section = 30
ua_dxvv : units = "m s-1"
ua_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float uas (time0, z12_height, latitude1, longitude0)
uas : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
uas : long_name = "eastward_wind [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
uas : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
uas : missing_value = -1073741824.0
uas : standard_name = "eastward_wind"
uas : stash_item = 225
uas : stash_mapping = "m01s03i225"
uas : stash_model = 1
uas : stash_section = 3
uas : units = "m s-1"

float va_dxvv (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
va_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
va_dxvv : long_name = "northward_wind [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
va_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
va_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
va_dxvv : standard_name = "northward_wind"
va_dxvv : stash_item = 202
va_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s30i202/m01s30i301"
va_dxvv : stash_model = 1
va_dxvv : stash_section = 30
va_dxvv : units = "m s-1"
va_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float vas (time0, z12_height, latitude1, longitude0)
vas : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
vas : long_name = "northward_wind [Mean over dump period, sampling all ts; time0: mean]"
vas : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
vas : missing_value = -1073741824.0
vas : standard_name = "northward_wind"
vas : stash_item = 226
vas : stash_mapping = "m01s03i226"
vas : stash_model = 1
vas : stash_section = 3
vas : units = "m s-1"

float wap_dxvv (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
wap_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
wap_dxvv : long_name = "lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
wap_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
wap_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
wap_dxvv : standard_name = "lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure"
wap_dxvv : stash_item = 208
wap_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s30i208/m01s30i301"
wap_dxvv : stash_model = 1
wap_dxvv : stash_section = 30
wap_dxvv : units = "Pa s-1"
wap_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

float zg_dxvv (time0, z17_p_level, latitude1, longitude0)
zg_dxvv : cell_methods = "time0: mean"
zg_dxvv : long_name = "geopotential_height [Mean over dump period, sampling every 6 hrs; time0: mean]"
zg_dxvv : lookup_source = "defaults (cdunifpp V0.9)"
zg_dxvv : missing_value = -1073741824.0
zg_dxvv : standard_name = "geopotential_height"
zg_dxvv : stash_item = 207
zg_dxvv : stash_mapping = "m01s30i207/m01s30i301"
zg_dxvv : stash_model = 1
zg_dxvv : stash_section = 30
zg_dxvv : units = "m"
zg_dxvv : virtual_variable = "yes"

Axis details :

float z3_surface (1)
z3_surface : axis = "Z"
z3_surface : units = ""

float z12_height (1)
z12_height : axis = "Z"
z12_height : positive = "up"
z12_height : standard_name = "height"
z12_height : units = "m"

double latitude1 (144)
latitude1 : axis = "Y"
latitude1 : point_spacing = "even"
latitude1 : standard_name = "latitude"
latitude1 : units = "degrees_north"

double latitude0 (145)
latitude0 : axis = "Y"
latitude0 : point_spacing = "even"
latitude0 : standard_name = "latitude"
latitude0 : units = "degrees_north"

double time0 (722)
time0 : calendar = "360_day"
time0 : units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:0"

float z7_tropo (1)
z7_tropo : axis = "Z"
z7_tropo : units = ""

float longitude1 (192)
longitude1 : axis = "X"
longitude1 : modulo = "360.0"
longitude1 : point_spacing = "even"
longitude1 : standard_name = "longitude"
longitude1 : units = "degrees_east"

float longitude0 (192)
longitude0 : axis = "X"
longitude0 : modulo = "360.0"
longitude0 : point_spacing = "even"
longitude0 : standard_name = "longitude"
longitude0 : units = "degrees_east"

float z6_toa (1)
z6_toa : axis = "Z"
z6_toa : units = ""

float z16_msl (1)
z16_msl : axis = "Z"
z16_msl : units = ""

float z11_hybrid_height (12)
z11_hybrid_height : axis = "Z"
z11_hybrid_height : comments = "The"orog"term in formula_terms is set to"orography"variable. This variable may or may not be provided."
z11_hybrid_height : formula_terms = "a: z11_hybrid_height_acoeff b: z11_hybrid_height_bcoeff orog: orography"
z11_hybrid_height : positive = "up"
z11_hybrid_height : standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate"
z11_hybrid_height : units = "m"

float z17_p_level (16)
z17_p_level : axis = "Z"
z17_p_level : positive = "down"
z17_p_level : standard_name = "air_pressure"
z17_p_level : units = "Pa"

float z1_hybrid_height (38)
z1_hybrid_height : axis = "Z"
z1_hybrid_height : comments = "The"orog"term in formula_terms is set to"orography"variable. This variable may or may not be provided."
z1_hybrid_height : formula_terms = "a: z1_hybrid_height_acoeff b: z1_hybrid_height_bcoeff orog: orography"
z1_hybrid_height : positive = "up"
z1_hybrid_height : standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate"
z1_hybrid_height : units = "m"

float z2_level (1)
z2_level : axis = "Z"
z2_level : units = ""

Axis values :

latitude0 = [-90. ,-88.75,-87.5 ,-86.25,-85. ,-83.75,-82.5 ,-81.25,-80. ,-78.75,-77.5 , -76.25,-75. ,-73.75,-72.5 ,-71.25,-70. ,-68.75,-67.5 ,-66.25,-65. , -63.75,-62.5 ,-61.25,-60. ,-58.75,-57.5 ,-56.25,-55. ,-53.75,-52.5 , -51.25,-50. ,-48.75,-47.5 ,-46.25,-45. ,-43.75,-42.5 ,-41.25,-40. , -38.75,-37.5 ,-36.25,-35. ,-33.75,-32.5 ,-31.25,-30. ,-28.75,-27.5 , -26.25,-25. ,-23.75,-22.5 ,-21.25,-20. ,-18.75,-17.5 ,-16.25,-15. , -13.75,-12.5 ,-11.25,-10. , -8.75, -7.5 , -6.25, -5. , -3.75, -2.5 , -1.25, 0. , 1.25, 2.5 , 3.75, 5. , 6.25, 7.5 , 8.75, 10. , 11.25, 12.5 , 13.75, 15. , 16.25, 17.5 , 18.75, 20. , 21.25, 22.5 , 23.75, 25. , 26.25, 27.5 , 28.75, 30. , 31.25, 32.5 , 33.75, ... 90.0]

latitude1 = [-89.375,-88.125,-86.875,-85.625,-84.375,-83.125,-81.875,-80.625,-79.375, -78.125,-76.875,-75.625,-74.375,-73.125,-71.875,-70.625,-69.375,-68.125, -66.875,-65.625,-64.375,-63.125,-61.875,-60.625,-59.375,-58.125,-56.875, -55.625,-54.375,-53.125,-51.875,-50.625,-49.375,-48.125,-46.875,-45.625, -44.375,-43.125,-41.875,-40.625,-39.375,-38.125,-36.875,-35.625,-34.375, -33.125,-31.875,-30.625,-29.375,-28.125,-26.875,-25.625,-24.375,-23.125, -21.875,-20.625,-19.375,-18.125,-16.875,-15.625,-14.375,-13.125,-11.875, -10.625, -9.375, -8.125, -6.875, -5.625, -4.375, -3.125, -1.875, -0.625, 0.625, 1.875, 3.125, 4.375, 5.625, 6.875, 8.125, 9.375, 10.625, 11.875, 13.125, 14.375, 15.625, 16.875, 18.125, 19.375, 20.625, 21.875, 23.125, 24.375, 25.625, 26.875, 28.125, 29.375, 30.625, 31.875, 33.125, 34.375, ... 89.375]

longitude0 = [ 0.9375, 2.8125, 4.6875, 6.5625, 8.4375, 10.3125, 12.1875, 14.0625, 15.9375, 17.8125, 19.6875, 21.5625, 23.4375, 25.3125, 27.1875, 29.0625, 30.9375, 32.8125, 34.6875, 36.5625, 38.4375, 40.3125, 42.1875, 44.0625, 45.9375, 47.8125, 49.6875, 51.5625, 53.4375, 55.3125, 57.1875, 59.0625, 60.9375, 62.8125, 64.6875, 66.5625, 68.4375, 70.3125, 72.1875, 74.0625, 75.9375, 77.8125, 79.6875, 81.5625, 83.4375, 85.3125, 87.1875, 89.0625, 90.9375, 92.8125, 94.6875, 96.5625, 98.4375, 100.3125, 102.1875, 104.0625, 105.9375, 107.8125, 109.6875, 111.5625, 113.4375, 115.3125, 117.1875, 119.0625, 120.9375, 122.8125, 124.6875, 126.5625, 128.4375, 130.3125, 132.1875, 134.0625, 135.9375, 137.8125, 139.6875, 141.5625, 143.4375, 145.3125, 147.1875, 149.0625, 150.9375, 152.8125, 154.6875, 156.5625, 158.4375, 160.3125, 162.1875, 164.0625, 165.9375, 167.8125, 169.6875, 171.5625, 173.4375, 175.3125, 177.1875, 179.0625, 180.9375, 182.8125, 184.6875, 186.5625, ... 359.0625]

longitude1 = [ 0. , 1.875, 3.75 , 5.625, 7.5 , 9.375, 11.25 , 13.125, 15. , 16.875, 18.75 , 20.625, 22.5 , 24.375, 26.25 , 28.125, 30. , 31.875, 33.75 , 35.625, 37.5 , 39.375, 41.25 , 43.125, 45. , 46.875, 48.75 , 50.625, 52.5 , 54.375, 56.25 , 58.125, 60. , 61.875, 63.75 , 65.625, 67.5 , 69.375, 71.25 , 73.125, 75. , 76.875, 78.75 , 80.625, 82.5 , 84.375, 86.25 , 88.125, 90. , 91.875, 93.75 , 95.625, 97.5 , 99.375, 101.25 , 103.125, 105. , 106.875, 108.75 , 110.625, 112.5 , 114.375, 116.25 , 118.125, 120. , 121.875, 123.75 , 125.625, 127.5 , 129.375, 131.25 , 133.125, 135. , 136.875, 138.75 , 140.625, 142.5 , 144.375, 146.25 , 148.125, 150. , 151.875, 153.75 , 155.625, 157.5 , 159.375, 161.25 , 163.125, 165. , 166.875, 168.75 , 170.625, 172.5 , 174.375, 176.25 , 178.125, 180. , 181.875, 183.75 , 185.625, ... 358.125]

time0 = [1859-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1860-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1861-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1862-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1863-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1864-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1865-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1866-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-3-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-4-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-5-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-6-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-7-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-8-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-9-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-10-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-11-16 0:0:0.0, 1867-12-16 0:0:0.0, 1868-1-16 0:0:0.0, 1868-2-16 0:0:0.0, 1868-3-16 0:0:0.0 ... 1920-12-16 0:0:0.0]

z11_hybrid_height = [ 0. , 20.0003376 , 80.0013504 , 179.99911499, 320.00146484, 500.00057983, 720.00036621, 980.00085449, 1279.99804688, 1619.99987793, 1999.99841309, 2420.00170898,]

z12_height = [-1.,]

z16_msl = [ 0.,]

z17_p_level = [ 2000., 3000., 5000., 7000., 10000., 15000., 20000., 25000., 30000., 40000., 50000., 60000., 70000., 85000., 92500., 100000.,]

z1_hybrid_height = [ 2.00003376e+01, 8.00013504e+01, 1.79999115e+02, 3.20001465e+02, 5.00000580e+02, 7.20000366e+02, 9.80000854e+02, 1.27999805e+03, 1.61999988e+03, 1.99999841e+03, 2.42000171e+03, 2.88000146e+03, 3.37999829e+03, 3.91999951e+03, 4.50000146e+03, 5.12000000e+03, 5.77999951e+03, 6.47999951e+03, 7.22000000e+03, 8.00000146e+03, 8.82000000e+03, 9.67999902e+03, 1.05799980e+04, 1.15199980e+04, 1.24999990e+04, 1.35200010e+04, 1.45807998e+04, 1.56946396e+04, 1.68753105e+04, 1.81386270e+04, 1.95030098e+04, 2.09901875e+04, 2.26260820e+04, 2.44582852e+04, 2.65836406e+04, 2.92190801e+04, 3.29086914e+04, 3.92548320e+04,]

z2_level = [-1.,]

z3_surface = [ 0.,]

z6_toa = [ 0.,]

z7_tropo = [ 0.,]