New Parameter names

The change in data processing method to a linux-based system in summer 2007 also included a change in the names given to the parameters from the old style "PARA####" names to more descriptive names. The table below shows the mapping from the old names to the new names and also contains the units, CF standard name (where available) and the long name.

Table of Old/New names for core parameters

See also table for
core-cloud-physics names
Old Name New name Unit CF standard name Long name
PARA0516 IAS_RVSM m s-1 * Indicated air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system.
PARA0517 TAS_RVSM m s-1 platform_speed_wrt_air True air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system and deiced temperature.
PARA0520 TAT_DI_R degK air_temperature True air temperature from the Rosemount deiced temperature sensor.
PARA0525 TAT_ND_R degK air_temperature True air temperature from the Rosemeount non-deiced temperature sensor.
PARA0529 TDEW_GE degK dew_point_temperature Dew point from the General Eastern instrument.
PARA0535 LWC_JW_U gram kg-1 * Uncorrected liquid water content from the Johnson Williams instrument.
PARA0538 INU_ACLF m s-2 * Acceleration along the aircraft longitudinal axis from the INU
PARA0539 INU_ACLS m s-2 * Acceleration along the aircraft starboard axis from the INU
PARA0540 INU_ACLU m s-2 * Acceleration along the aircraft vertical axis from the INU
PARA0537 BTHEIM_U degK brightness_temperature Uncorrected brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer
PARA0548 AOA degree * Angle of attack from the turbulence probe system (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)
PARA0549 AOSS degree * Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe system (positive, flow from
PARA0557 INU_VZ m s-1 * Aircraft vertical velocity from the INU
PARA0560 INU_ROLL degree platform_roll_angle Roll angle from Honeywell H423 INU (positive for left wing up / right wing down)
PARA0561 INU_PTCH degree platform_pitch_angle Pitch angle from Honeywell H423 INU (positive for nose up)
PARA0562 INU_HDG degree platform_yaw_angle Heading from Honeywell H423 INU
PARA0563 INU_GSPD m s-1 platform_speed_wrt_ground Groundspeed from Honeywell H423 INU
PARA0564 INU_DRFT degree * Drift angle from Honeywell H423 INU
PARA0565 INU_PITR degree s-1 platform_pitch_rate rate-of-change of INS pitch angle
PARA0566 INU_HDGR degree s-1 platform_yaw_rate rate-of-change of INS heading
PARA0567 INU_ROLR degree s-1 platform_roll_rate rate-of-change of INS roll angle
PARA0568 CPC_CONC cm-3 * Total condensation particle concentration from TSI 3025A
PARA0572 TWC_EVAP gram kg-1 * Total water specific humidity from the TWC avaporator instrument
PARA0574 O3_TECO ppb mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air Mole fraction of ozone in air from the TECO 49 instrument
PARA0575 HGT_RADR m height Radar height from the aircraft radar altimeter.
PARA0576 PS_RVSM hPa air_pressure Static pressure from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
PARA0577 Q_RVSM hPa * Pitot static pressure inverted from RVSM (air data) system indicated airspeed
PARA0578 PALT_RVS m altitude Pressure altitude from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
PARA0579 CAB_PRES hPa * Cabin pressure
PARA0580 LAT_GPS degree_north latitude Latitude from the XR5 GPS system.
PARA0581 LON_GPS degree_east longitude Longitude from the XR5 GPS system.
PARA0582 GPS_ALT m altitude Altitude from the XR5 GPS system.
PARA0583 GPS_VELN m s-1 * Northwards velocity from the XR5 GPS system.
PARA0584 GPS_VELE m s-1 * Eastwards velocity from the XR5 GPS system.
PARA0585 GPS_VELZ m s-1 * Upwards velocitiy from the XR5 GPS system.
PARA0602 NV_LWC_U gram m-3 * Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe
PARA0605 NV_TCW_U gram m-3 * Uncorrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe.
PARA0642 SOL_AZIM degree * Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time.
PARA0643 SOL_ZEN degree * Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time.
PARA0648 PSAP_LIN m-1 * Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, linear, from PSAP.
PARA0649 PSAP_LOG * * Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, log, from PSAP.
PARA0660 CAB_TEMP degC * Cabin temperature at the core consoles
PARA0664 TWC_DET bits * Raw data from the TWC probe Lyman alpha detector
PARA0666 TWC_TSAM K * Sample temperature in Kelvin from the TWC evaporator probe
PARA0714 V_C m s-1 northward_wind Northward wind component from turbulence probe and Kalman-filtered INU
PARA0715 U_C m s-1 eastward_wind Eastward wind component from turbulence probe and Kalman-filtered INU
PARA0716 W_C m s-1 upward_air_velocity Vertical wind component from turbulence probe and Kalman-filtered INU
PARA0723 BTHEIM_C degK brightness_temperature Upwelling infrared brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer.
PARA0725 TWC_TDEW K dew_point_temperature Dew-point derived from TWC probe specific humidity (valid in cloud-free air)
PARA0730 LAT_INUC degree_north latitude Corrected latitude derived from XR5 GPS and Honeywell INU data
PARA0731 LON_INUC degree_east longitude Corrected longitude derived from XR5 GPS and Honeywell INU data
PARA0735 VN_INUC m s-1 * Corrected aircraft velocity north derived from XR5 GPS and Honeywell INU data
PARA0736 VE_INUC m s-1 * Corrected aircraft velocity east derived from XR5 GPS and Honeywell INU data
PARA0760 NEPH_PR hPa * Internal sample pressure of the Nephelometer
PARA0761 NEPH_T K * Internal sample temperature of the Nephelometer
PARA0762 TSC_BLUU m-1 * Uncorrected blue total scattering coefficient from TSI 3563 nephelometer.
PARA0763 TSC_GRNU m-1 * Uncorrected green total scattering coefficient from TSI 3563 nephelometer.
PARA0764 TSC_REDU m-1 * Uncorrected red total scattering coefficient from TSI 3563 nephelometer.
PARA0765 BSC_BLUU m-1 * Uncorrected blue back scattering coefficient from TSI 3563 nephelometer.
PARA0766 BSC_GRNU m-1 * Uncorrected green back scattering coefficient from TSI 3563 nephelometer.
PARA0767 BSC_REDU m-1 * Uncorrected red back scattering coefficient from TSI 3563 nephelometer.
PARA0770 NO_TECO ppb mole_fraction_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air Mole fraction of Nitrogen Monoxide (NO) in air from the TECO 42 instrument
PARA0771 NO2_TECO ppb mole_fraction_of_nitrogen_dioxide_in_air Mole fraction of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in air from the TECO 42 instrument
PARA0772 NOX_TECO ppb * Mole fraction of NOx in air from the TECO 42 instrument
PARA0773 P0-S10 hPa * Calibrated differential pressure between centre(P0) port and S10 static
PARA0774 PA_TURB hPa * Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe vertical ports
PARA0775 PB_TURB hPa * Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe horizontal ports
PARA0778 P9_STAT hPa * Static pressure from S9 fuselage ports
PARA0779 TAS m s-1 * True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe
PARA0781 PSP_TURB hPa * Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS
PARA0782 CO_AERO ppb * Mole fraction of Carbon Monoxide in air from the AERO AL5002 instrument
PARA1019 SW_DN_C W m-2 downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air Corrected downward short wave irradiance, clear dome
PARA1020 RED_DN_C W m-2 * Corrected downward short wave irradiance, red dome
PARA1021 IR_DN_C W m-2 downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air Corrected downward long wave irradiance.
PARA1022 SW_UP_C W m-2 upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air Corrected upward short wave irradiance, clear dome
PARA1023 RED_UP_C W m-2 * Corrected upward short wave irradiance, red dome
PARA1024 IR_UP_C W m-2 upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air Corrected upward long wave irradiance

Table of Old/New names for core-cloud-physics parameters

Old Name New name Unit CF standard name Long name
PARA1201 FSSPCONC cm-3 * droplet concentration from the FFSSP
PARA1202 FSSP_LWC gram m-3 * Liquid water content from FFSSP
PARA1203 FSSP_RAD micron * Mean volume radius from FFSSP
PARA1221 FSSPCH00 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 0
PARA1222 FSSPCH01 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 1
PARA1223 FSSPCH02 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 2
PARA1224 FSSPCH03 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 3
PARA1225 FSSPCH04 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 4
PARA1226 FSSPCH05 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 5
PARA1227 FSSPCH06 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 6
PARA1228 FSSPCH07 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 7
PARA1229 FSSPCH08 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 8
PARA1230 FSSPCH09 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 9
PARA1231 FSSPCH10 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 10
PARA1232 FSSPCH11 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 11
PARA1233 FSSPCH12 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 12
PARA1234 FSSPCH13 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 13
PARA1235 FSSPCH14 cm-3 * FFSSP Concentration in size channel 14
PARA1301 2DC_CONC m-3 * Particle concentration from the 2DC
PARA1302 2DC_LWC gram m-3 * Liquid water content from 2DC
PARA1311 2DP_CONC m-3 * Particle concentration from the 2DP
PARA1312 2DP_LWC gram m-3 * Liquid water content from 2DP
PARA1401 2DC_CH00 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 0
PARA1402 2DC_CH01 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 1
PARA1403 2DC_CH02 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 2
PARA1404 2DC_CH03 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 3
PARA1405 2DC_CH04 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 4
PARA1406 2DC_CH05 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 5
PARA1407 2DC_CH06 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 6
PARA1408 2DC_CH07 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 7
PARA1409 2DC_CH08 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 8
PARA1410 2DC_CH09 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 9
PARA1411 2DC_CH10 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 10
PARA1412 2DC_CH11 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 11
PARA1413 2DC_CH12 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 12
PARA1414 2DC_CH13 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 13
PARA1415 2DC_CH14 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 14
PARA1416 2DC_CH15 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 15
PARA1417 2DC_CH16 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 16
PARA1418 2DC_CH17 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 17
PARA1419 2DC_CH18 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 18
PARA1420 2DC_CH19 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 19
PARA1421 2DC_CH20 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 20
PARA1422 2DC_CH21 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 21
PARA1423 2DC_CH22 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 22
PARA1424 2DC_CH23 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 23
PARA1425 2DC_CH24 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 24
PARA1426 2DC_CH25 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 25
PARA1427 2DC_CH26 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 26
PARA1428 2DC_CH27 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 27
PARA1429 2DC_CH28 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 28
PARA1430 2DC_CH29 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 29
PARA1431 2DC_CH30 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 30
PARA1432 2DC_CH31 cm-3 * 2DC Concentration in size channel 31
PARA1501 2DP_CH00 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 0
PARA1502 2DP_CH01 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 1
PARA1503 2DP_CH02 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 2
PARA1504 2DP_CH03 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 3
PARA1505 2DP_CH04 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 4
PARA1506 2DP_CH05 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 5
PARA1507 2DP_CH06 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 6
PARA1508 2DP_CH07 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 7
PARA1509 2DP_CH08 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 8
PARA1510 2DP_CH09 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 9
PARA1511 2DP_CH10 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 10
PARA1512 2DP_CH11 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 11
PARA1513 2DP_CH12 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 12
PARA1514 2DP_CH13 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 13
PARA1515 2DP_CH14 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 14
PARA1516 2DP_CH15 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 15
PARA1517 2DP_CH16 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 16
PARA1518 2DP_CH17 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 17
PARA1519 2DP_CH18 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 18
PARA1520 2DP_CH19 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 19
PARA1521 2DP_CH20 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 20
PARA1522 2DP_CH21 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 21
PARA1523 2DP_CH22 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 22
PARA1524 2DP_CH23 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 23
PARA1525 2DP_CH24 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 24
PARA1526 2DP_CH25 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 25
PARA1527 2DP_CH26 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 26
PARA1528 2DP_CH27 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 27
PARA1529 2DP_CH28 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 28
PARA1530 2DP_CH29 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 29
PARA1531 2DP_CH30 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 30
PARA1532 2DP_CH31 cm-3 * 2DP Concentration in size channel 31
PARA1550 PCASPCON cm-3 * droplet concentration from the PCASP (channels 2-14 only)
PARA1551 PCASPMAS milligram m-3 * Mass content from PCASP (channels 2-14 only)
PARA1560 PCASP_00 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 0
PARA1561 PCASP_01 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 1
PARA1562 PCASP_02 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 2
PARA1563 PCASP_03 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 3
PARA1564 PCASP_04 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 4
PARA1565 PCASP_05 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 5
PARA1566 PCASP_06 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 6
PARA1567 PCASP_07 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 7
PARA1568 PCASP_08 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 8
PARA1569 PCASP_09 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 9
PARA1570 PCASP_10 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 10
PARA1571 PCASP_11 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 11
PARA1572 PCASP_12 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 12
PARA1573 PCASP_13 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 13
PARA1574 PCASP_14 cm-3 * PCASP Concentration in size channel 14