Variable Listings for the HadRM3-PPE-UK Dataset


This page presents a table of variables that can be found in the HadRM3-PPE-UK dataset. This table has been derived from the NetCDF version of the dataset that was generated from the PP-format version originally provided by the Met Office Hadley Centre.

Note: The following table excludes the variable "SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT" (Stash code: m1s8i208) which is present in the PP-format data but is not recommended for usage due to it being incorrectly diagnosed. Please use "SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT IN A LAYER" (Stash code: m1s8i223 and NetCDF Id: mrsos) instead.

NetCDF Variable ID Stash Code (from Met Office PP-file) Long Name CF Standard Name Units Temporal Processing Temporal Frequency Start date End date Vertical Levels Rotated Grid (RG1 or RG2)
blht m1s0i25 BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH AFTER TIMESTEP - m time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 RG1
canopy_cond m1s3i259 CANOPY CONDUCTANCE M/S - m s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
canopy_wc m1s8i209 CANOPY WATER CONTENT - kg m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 RG1
hfls m1s3i234 SURFACE LATENT HEAT FLUX W/M2 surface_upward_latent_heat_flux W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
hfss m1s3i217 SURFACE & B.LAYER HEAT FLUXES W/M2 surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 1.0 RG1
ht_flux_stdsl1 m1s3i202 HT FLUX FROM SURF TO DEEP SOIL LEV 1 - W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 RG1
hur_pc m1s16i204 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON PRESSURE LEVELS relative_humidity % time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG1
hurs_pc m1s3i245 MEAN RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT 1.5M - % time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG1
hursmax_pc m1s3i245 MAX RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT 1.5M - % time: maximum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG1
hus m1s0i10 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER TIMESTEP specific_humidity kg kg-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.996998906136 RG1
huss m1s3i237 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT 1.5M specific_humidity kg kg-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG1
longwave m1s2i201 NET DOWN SURFACE LW RAD FLUX - W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
mrsos m1s8i223 SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT IN A LAYER moisture_content_of_soil_layer kg m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 RG1
panof_peak_gust m1s3i463 PANOFSKY PEAK GUST (M/S) - m s-1 time: maximum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG2
pet_factor1 m1s3i510 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION FACTOR1 - - time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
pet_factor2 m1s3i511 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION FACTOR2 - - time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
pot_evap m1s3i312 MEAN POTENTIAL EVAPORATION RATE KG/M2/S - kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
pot_evap_max m1s3i312 MAX POTENTIAL EVAPORATION RATE KG/M2/S - kg m-2 s-1 time: maximum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
pot_evap_min m1s3i312 MIN POTENTIAL EVAPORATION RATE KG/M2/S - kg m-2 s-1 time: minimum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
pr m1s5i216 TOTAL PRECIPITATION RATE KG/M2/S precipitation_flux kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
prc m1s5i205 CONVECTIVE RAINFALL RATE KG/M2/S convective_precipitation_flux kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
prls m1s4i203 LARGE SCALE RAINFALL RATE KG/M2/S large_scale_precipitation_flux kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
prsn m1s5i215 TOTAL SNOWFALL RATE: LS+CONV KG/M2/S snowfall_flux kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
prsnc m1s5i206 CONVECTIVE SNOWFALL RATE KG/M2/S convective_snowfall_flux kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
prsnls m1s4i204 LARGE SCALE SNOWFALL RATE KG/M2/S large_scale_snowfall_flux kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
ps m1s0i1 PSTAR AFTER TIMESTEP surface_air_pressure Pa time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
psl m1s16i222 PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL air_pressure_at_sea_level Pa time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
q m1s15i226 SPECIF HUM;P LEVS;U GRID. USE MACRO - kg kg-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG2
rlds m1s2i207 DOWNWARD LW RAD FLUX: SURFACE surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rldscs m1s2i208 CLEAR-SKY (II) DOWN SURFACE LW FLUX surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rlut m1s2i205 OUTGOING LW RAD FLUX (TOA) toa_outgoing_longwave_flux W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rlutcs m1s2i206 CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD LW FLUX (TOA) toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rsds m1s1i235 TOTAL DOWNWARD SURFACE SW FLUX surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rsdscs m1s1i210 CLEAR-SKY (II) DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rsdt m1s1i207 INCOMING SW RAD FLUX (TOA): ALL TSS toa_incoming_shortwave_flux W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rsuscs m1s1i211 CLEAR-SKY (II) UP SURFACE SW FLUX surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rsut m1s1i208 OUTGOING SW RAD FLUX (TOA) toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
rsutcs m1s1i209 CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD SW FLUX (TOA) toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
sbl_mois_flux m1s3i223 SURF & BL TOTL MOISTURE FLUX KG/M2/S water_evaporation_flux kg m-2 s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 1.0, 0.994000017643, 0.955999970436, 0.90499997139, 0.834999978542 RG1
sh_1 m1s3i228 SURFACE SH FLUX FROM SEA (GBM) W/M2 - W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
snw m1s0i23 SNOW AMOUNT AFTER TIMESTEP KG/M2 surface_snow_amount kg m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
solar m1s1i201 NET DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX: SW TS ONLY - W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
t m1s15i216 T ON PRESSURE LEVS U GRID. USE MACRO - K time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG2
ta m1s16i203 TEMPERATURE ON PRESSURE LEVELS air_temperature K time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG1
tas m1s3i236 MEAN TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M air_temperature K time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG1
tasmax m1s3i236 MAX TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M air_temperature K time: maximum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG1
tasmin m1s3i236 MIN TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M air_temperature K time: minimum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG1
tauu m1s3i219 X-COMP OF SURF & BL WIND STRESS N/M2 surface_downward_eastward_stress N m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 1.0 RG2
tauv m1s3i220 Y-COMP OF SURF & BL WIND STRESS N/M2 surface_downward_northward_stress N m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 1.0 RG2
total_cloud_lw_rad m1s2i204 TOTAL CLOUD AMOUNT IN LW RADIATION - 1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 RG1
ts m1s0i24 MEAN SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TIMESTEP surface_temperature K time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
tsmax m1s0i24 MAX SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TIMESTEP surface_temperature K time: maximum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
tsmin m1s0i24 MIN SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TIMESTEP surface_temperature K time: minimum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
ua m1s15i201 U COMPNT OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS eastward_wind m s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG2
uas m1s3i225 10 METRE WIND U-COMP eastward_wind m s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG2
va m1s15i202 V COMPNT OF WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS northward_wind m s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG2
vas m1s3i226 10 METRE WIND V-COMP northward_wind m s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG2
wap m1s15i222 OMEGA ON PRESS LEVS U GRID.USE MACRO lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure Pa s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG2
wme m1s3i224 WIND MIXING EN'GY FLUX INTO SEA W/M2 - W m-2 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 0.0 RG1
wss m1s3i249 MEAN 10 METRE WIND SPEED M/S wind_speed m s-1 time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG2
wssmax m1s3i249 MAX 10 METRE WIND SPEED M/S wind_speed m s-1 time: maximum daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 -1.0 m RG2
zg m1s16i202 GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT: PRESSURE LEVELS geopotential_height m time: mean daily 1949-12-1 12:0:0.0 2099-11-30 12:0:0.0 5000.0, 25000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 85000.0 Pa RG1