HiGEM HadCM3(L30) example dataset contents

The HadCM3(L30) dataset is a 100 year dataset made up of a number of model runs. The run is split into a number of segments due to run restarts and data archiving problems. The run identifiers and the times they span are:

Run IdentifierStart (UM format)Start (yyyy-mm)End (UM format)End (yyyy-mm)

Intially, since this is an example dataset, only the fields at the highest time resolution have been archived. Monthly mean and Seasonal mean files also exist and can be archived if requested.

Location: /badc/higem/data/HadCM3L30/atmos/daily
File naming convention:${runid}${model}.p${unit}${ummonth}.pk
 where ${runid} is the run identifier
 ${model} is the model identifier, 'a' for atmosphere, 'o' for ocean
 ${unit} is the model output channel 'a' for daily atmosphere, 'e' for five daily ocean
 ${ummonth} is the date as a um formatted decade-month string

Daily Atmosphere File contents

VariableSTASH codepp field code
Net short wave radiation flux 1201 186
Net long wave radiation flux 2201 187
IR up 2205 206
Sensible heat flux 3217 178
x component of wind stress 3219 61
y component of wind stress 3220 62
Westerly component of wind u (10m)3225 56
Southerly component of wind v (10m)3226 57
Latent heat flux 3234 180
Dynamic rainfall rate 4203 99
d theta/dt from convection 5203 24
Specific humidity increment from convection 5204 95
Convective rainfall rate 5205 98
Convective cloud 5212 34
Westerly component of wind u 1520156
Southerly component of wind v 1520257
Omega (= dp/dt) 1522240
Specific humidity q 15226 95
Surface Pressure 1 8
Surface Temperature T 24 16

Five Daily Ocean File contents

VariableSTASH codepp field code
OCtr/ W (vertical velocity). 30201680
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 16 (baroclinic x accn) 30246816
OCE/ ocean extra tracer 17 (baroclinic y accn) 30247817
OCtr/ In-situ temperature 30301637
OCtr/ Salinity. 102602
OCuv/ Baroclinic component of zonal velocity 121701
OCuv/ Baroclinic component of meridional velocity 122702
OCtr/ Change of stream function across a time step. 132613
OCtr/ Mixed layer depth,type 1. 137653
OCuv/ Zonal component of windstress (TAUX) 150721
OCuv/ Meridional component of windstress (TAUY) 151722
OCtr/ Precipitation minus evaporation (PLE) 165629

Missing files

xbbleo.pet2jan.pk is missing due to archiving problems