A complete list of the variables is included here:The following terms apply to the ISCCP-D1 variables:
d: indicates variables present only during local daytime TAU: cloud optical thickness PATH: cloud water path PC: cloud top pressure TC: cloud top temperature TS: surface temperature RS: surface reflectance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Box identification
1 Latitude index (equal-area and equal-angle)
2 Longitude index (equal-area)
3 Westernmost longitude index (equal-angle)
4 Easternmost longitude index (equal-angle)
5 Satellite-ID-code
6 Day/night/land/water/coast code
day night
water 1 101 (land fraction 0-35 %)
land 2 102 (land fraction 65-100 %)
coast 3 103 (land fraction 35-65 %
7 Snow/ice cover (percent)
8 MUE = cosine of satellite zenith angle * 100 (0-100)
9d MU0 = cosine of solar zenith angle * 100 (0-100)
10d PHI = relative azimuth angle (0-180 degrees)
Pixel counters
11 Total number of pixels
12 Number of cloudy pixels
13 Number of IR-cloudy pixels
14d Number of IR-only-cloudy pixels
15 Number of NI-cloudy pixels
16 Number of NI-only-cloudy pixels
17 Number of IR-marginally-cloudy pixels
18d Number of VIS/IR-marginally-cloudy pixels
19 Number of NI-only-marginally-cloudy pixels
Algorithm statistics
20 Number of pixels with IR long term statistics
21 Ratio number of IR-clear pixels < clear IR to number > clear IR
22d Ratio number of VIS/IR-clear pixels > clear VIS to number < clear VIS
Cloud top pressure (PC) distribution (unadjusted PC)
23 Number of IR-cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb
24 Number of IR-cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb
25 Number of IR-cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb
26 Number of IR-cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb
27 Number of IR-cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb
28 Number of IR-cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb
29 Number of IR-cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb
Cloud top pressure (PC) and optical thickness (TAU) distribution
(VIS-adjusted PC)
30d Number of cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb, 0.02 <= TAU <= 1.27
31d Number of cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb, 1.27 < TAU <= 3.55
32d Number of cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb, 3.55 < TAU <= 9.38
33d Number of cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb, 9.38 < TAU <= 22.63
34d Number of cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb, 22.63 < TAU <= 60.36
35d Number of cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb, 60.36 < TAU <= 378.65
36d Number of cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb, 0.02 <= TAU <= 1.27
37d Number of cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb, 1.27 < TAU <= 3.55
38d Number of cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb, 3.55 < TAU <= 9.38
39d Number of cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb, 9.38 < TAU <= 22.63
40d Number of cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb, 22.63 < TAU <= 60.36
41d Number of cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb, 60.36 < TAU <= 378.65
42d Number of cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb, 0.02 <= TAU <= 1.27
43d Number of cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb, 1.27 < TAU <= 3.55
44d Number of cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb, 3.55 < TAU <= 9.38
45d Number of cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb, 9.38 < TAU <= 22.63
46d Number of cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb, 22.63 < TAU <= 60.36
47d Number of cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb, 60.36 < TAU <= 378.65
48d Number of cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb, 0.02 <= TAU <= 1.27
49d Number of cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb, 1.27 < TAU <= 3.55
50d Number of cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb, 3.55 < TAU <= 9.38
51d Number of cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb, 9.38 < TAU <= 22.63
52d Number of cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb, 22.63 < TAU <= 60.36
53d Number of cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb, 60.36 < TAU <= 378.65
54d Number of cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb, 0.02 <= TAU <= 1.27
55d Number of cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb, 1.27 < TAU <= 3.55
56d Number of cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb, 3.55 < TAU <= 9.38
57d Number of cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb, 9.38 < TAU <= 22.63
58d Number of cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb, 22.63 < TAU <= 60.36
59d Number of cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb, 60.36 < TAU <= 378.65
60d Number of cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb, 0.02 <= TAU <= 1.27
61d Number of cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb, 1.27 < TAU <= 3.55
62d Number of cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb, 3.55 < TAU <= 9.38
63d Number of cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb, 9.38 < TAU <= 22.63
64d Number of cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb, 22.63 < TAU <= 60.36
65d Number of cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb, 60.36 < TAU <= 378.65
66d Number of cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb, 0.02 <= TAU <= 1.27
67d Number of cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb, 1.27 < TAU <= 3.55
68d Number of cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb, 3.55 < TAU <= 9.38
69d Number of cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb, 9.38 < TAU <= 22.63
70d Number of cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb, 22.63 < TAU <= 60.36
71d Number of cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb, 60.36 < TAU <= 378.65
72d Number of cloudy pixels for cloud type 4 = Cumulus, ice
73d Number of cloudy pixels for cloud type 5 = Stratocumulus, ice
74d Number of cloudy pixels for cloud type 6 = Stratus, ice
75d Number of cloudy pixels for cloud type 10 = Altocumulus, ice
76d Number of cloudy pixels for cloud type 11 = Altostratus, ice
77d Number of cloudy pixels for cloud type 12 = Nimbostratus, ice
Cloud top pressures (PC)
78 Mean PC for cloudy pixels (VIS-adjusted day, unadjusted night)
79 Mean PC for IR-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
80d Mean PC for IR-only-cloudy pixels (VIS-adjusted)
81 Mean PC for NI-only-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
82 Mean PC for IR-marginally-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
83d Mean PC for VIS/IR-marginally-cloudy pixels (VIS-adjusted)
84 Sigma-PC for IR-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
Cloud top temperatures (TC)
85 Mean TC for cloudy pixels (VIS-adjusted day, unadjusted night)
86 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
87d Mean TC for IR-only-cloudy pixels (VIS-adjusted)
88 Mean TC for NI-only-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
89 Mean TC for IR-marginally-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
90d Mean TC for VIS/IR-marginally-cloudy pixels (VIS-adjusted)
91 Sigma-TC for IR-cloudy pixels (unadjusted)
Cloud optical thicknesses (TAU)
92d Mean TAU for cloudy pixels
93d Mean TAU for IR-cloudy pixels
94d Mean TAU for IR-only-cloudy pixels
95d Mean TAU for NI-only-cloudy pixels
96d Mean TAU for IR-marginally-cloudy pixels
97d Mean TAU for VIS/IR-marginally-cloudy pixels
98d Sigma-TAU for IR-cloudy pixels
Cloud water paths (WP)
99d Mean WP for cloudy pixels
100d Mean WP for IR-cloudy pixels
101d Mean WP for IR-only-cloudy pixels
102d Mean WP for NI-only-cloudy pixels
103d Mean WP for IR-marginally-cloudy pixels
104d Mean WP for VIS/IR-marginally-cloudy pixels
105d Sigma-WP for IR-cloudy pixels
Cloud top temperature (TC) distribution (unadjusted PC,TC)
106 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels 10 <= PC <= 180 mb
107 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels 180 < PC <= 310 mb
108 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels 310 < PC <= 440 mb
109 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels 440 < PC <= 560 mb
110 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels 560 < PC <= 680 mb
111 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels 680 < PC <= 800 mb
112 Mean TC for IR-cloudy pixels 800 < PC <= 1000 mb
Temperature, optical thickness, water path means for LOW cloud types
(VIS-adjusted TC)
113d Mean TC for cloud type 1 = Cumulus,liquid
114d Mean TAU for cloud type 1
115d Mean WP for cloud type 1
116d Mean TC for cloud type 2 = Stratocumulus,liquid
117d Mean TAU for cloud type 2
118d Mean WP for cloud type 2
119d Mean TC for cloud type 3 = Stratus,liquid
120d Mean TAU for cloud type 3
121d Mean WP for cloud type 3
122d Mean TC for cloud type 4 = Cumulus,ice
123d Mean TAU for cloud type 4
124d Mean WP for cloud type 4
125d Mean TC for cloud type 5 = Stratocumulus,ice
126d Mean TAU for cloud type 5
127d Mean WP for cloud type 5
128d Mean TC for cloud type 6 = Stratus,ice
129d Mean TAU for cloud type 6
130d Mean WP for cloud type 6
Temperature, Optical thickness, Water path means for MIDDLE cloud types
(VIS-adjusted TC)
131d Mean TC for cloud type 7 = Altocumulus,liquid
132d Mean TAU for cloud type 7
133d Mean WP for cloud type 7
134d Mean TC for cloud type 8 = Altostratus,liquid
135d Mean TAU for cloud type 8
136d Mean WP for cloud type 8
137d Mean TC for cloud type 9 = Nimbostratus,liquid
138d Mean TAU for cloud type 9
139d Mean WP for cloud type 9
140d Mean TC for cloud type 10 = Altocumulus,ice
141d Mean TAU for cloud type 10
142d Mean WP for cloud type 10
143d Mean TC for cloud type 11 = Altostratus,ice
144d Mean TAU for cloud type 11
145d Mean WP for cloud type 11
146d Mean TC for cloud type 12 = Nimbostratus,ice
147d Mean TAU for cloud type 12
148d Mean WP for cloud type 12
Temperature, Optical thickness, Water path means for HIGH cloud types
(VIS-adjusted TC)
149d Mean TC for cloud type 13 = Cirrus
150d Mean TAU for cloud type 13
151d Mean WP for cloud type 13
152d Mean TC for cloud type 14 = Cirrostratus
153d Mean TAU for cloud type 14
154d Mean WP for cloud type 14
155d Mean TC for cloud type 15 = Deep convective
156d Mean TAU for cloud type 15
157d Mean WP for cloud type 15
Surface temperatures (TS)
158 Mean TS from clear sky composite
159 Mean TS for clear pixels
160 Mean TS for IR-clear pixels
161d Mean TS for VIS/IR-clear pixels
162 Sigma-TS for IR-clear pixels
Surface reflectances (RS)
163d Mean RS from clear sky composite
164d Mean RS for clear pixels
165d Mean RS for IR-clear pixels
166d Mean RS for VIS/IR-clear pixels
167d Sigma-RS for IR-clear pixels
Near-IR channel reflectance
168d Mean NI reflectance from clear sky composite
IR channel radiances
169 Mean IR radiance for IR-cloudy pixels
170 Sigma-IR radiance for IR-cloudy pixels
171d Mean IR radiance for VIS/IR-cloudy pixels
172 Mean IR radiance for IR-clear pixels
173 Sigma-IR radiance for IR-clear pixels
174d Mean IR radiance for VIS/IR-clear pixels
175 Mean IR radiance from clear sky composite
VIS channel radiances
176d Mean VIS radiance for VIS/IR-cloudy pixels
177d Sigma-VIS radiance for VIS/IR-cloudy pixels
178d Mean VIS radiance for IR-cloudy pixels
179d Mean VIS radiance for VIS/IR-clear pixels
180d Sigma-VIS radiance for VIS/IR-clear pixels
181d Mean VIS radiance for IR-clear pixels
182d Mean VIS radiance from clear sky composite
TOVS atmospheric information
183 Atmospheric data origin code
184 Surface pressure
185 Near-surface air temperature
186 Temperature at 900 mb
187 Temperature at 740 mb
188 Temperature at 620 mb
189 Temperature at 500 mb
190 Temperature at 375 mb
191 Temperature at 245 mb
192 Temperature at 115 mb
193 Tropopause pressure
194 Tropopause temperature
195 Stratosphere temperature at 50 mb
196 Stratosphere temperature at 15 mb
197 Precipitable water for 1000-800 mb
198 Precipitable water for 800-680 mb
199 Precipitable water for 680-560 mb
200 Precipitable water for 560-440 mb
201 Precipitable water for 440-310 mb
202 Ozone abundance