BADC and MLS team documents on the MLS instrument.
Contains a science overview on the MLS instrument and data. It identifies the species which are measured and outlines the coverage and resolution of the data. Most of the information is distilled from the UARS standard formatted data unit (SFDU) documents listed below, and you will need to look at these if you want to use the data in earnest.
Provides help on technical aspects of using the MLS data held at the BADC: acquiring and unpacking of the data, how to find and use the access software to read the files and where to look for 3rd party software.
The following are the UARS standard Formatted Data Unit (SFDU) documents provided by the MLS instrument team.
Provides an overview of the MLS objectives and the design of the instrument. It gives a list of the parameters which are measures and pointers to other documents which contain more detailed information about the data products and their use.
Gives an overview of issues affecting data quality in the Version 4 MLS data.
Gives a detailed file format for the MLS level 3AL data set. This data set is held at the BADC.
Provides a detailed file format for the MLS level 3AT data set. This data set is held at the BADC.
Gives a detailed file format for the MLS level 3LP data set. This data set is held at the BADC.
Provides a detailed file format for the MLS level 3TP data set. This data set is held at the BADC.
Provides a detailed file format for the MLS level 2 data set. This data set is not held at the BADC.