Acquiring the NDAAC data held at the BADC

This file contains background information to help you get the NDACC data held at the BADC.

  1. Before you start
  2. Checking the archive
  3. Transferring data from the BADC
  4. Reading the data files

1. Before you start

The BADC holds NDACC data in NASA Ames format — an ASCII based file format which incorporates a number of self describing data formats. This file format, which has been used by a number of measurement campaigns is documented at BADC in the NASA Ames Format page, based on the document written by S.E. Gaines and R.S. Hipskind.

2. Checking the archive

The NDACC archive directories can be browsed using the web at /badc/ndsc/. All data, documentation and software are located beneath this directory. Here you will find a README file and the following subdirectories.

3. Transferring data from the BADC

Once you have found the files you require, use the File key of your Web browser and the Save as option to retrieve them.
Alternatively, you can use ftp ( to retrieve the files.
Online help on retrieving files (by both methods) is available from the BADC.

4. Reading the data files

4.1 The file structure

The structure of NASA Ames formatted files is explained in the Summary of NASA Ames File Format Indices provided by BADC.

4.2 The Access Routines

A set of FORTRAN subroutines to read the AMES data are available from the NDACC software directory at the BADC. These are the routines supplied by the programme team which should compile and run on the majority of platforms. A set of access routines written in IDL by the programme team is also available.