UK Daily Rain data - .drain (daily rain observations) file format

PLEASE NOTE: The file format described below refers to the Met Office Land Surface data (1900-2000) dataset which has been superseded by the Met Office MIDAS dataset (1853-present) at the BADC.

The surface observation data are in a simple ASCII format.

A list of UK stations for which the BADC holds .drain files is available (.drain stations).

The surface data file name convention is (STATION_NAME)(YEAR).(MESSAGE_TYPE).(FILE_EXTENSION)

These .drain files contain rainfall amounts measured during one or more 24 hour period. The file headers END_HOUR and DAY_CNT define the observation period.
For daily rainfall, i.e. rainfall over a 24 hour period, usually 09-09, DAY_CNT=1. The 24 hour period ends on the stated date and time. For daily rainfall from irregular sources, i.e. those which report monthly or weekly, DAY_CNT is then the number of days over which the rainfall is measured. Again the period ends on the stated day.

-999 indicates a missing value.

The first line of the data file are the fields headers (which are detailed in the table below).

The fields in the .drain data files are :

ID Raingauge Number 1 1-8 - Rainfall observation site identification
IDTYPE - 2 9-17 - Rainfall observation site identification
MET_DOM Meteorological Domain 3 18-28 - Message types
YEAR Year 4 29-35 - 4 characters
MONTH Month 5 36-43 - 1 or 2 characters (from 1 to 12)
DAY Day 6 44-51 - 1 or 2 characters (from 1 to 31max)
END_HOUR Hour 7 52-61 - Hour of observation from 0 to 2300
DAY_CNT Observation period 8 62-70 hours See COUNT definition
AMT Precipitation Amount 9 71-78 0.1 mm See Met Office documentation

General information about the Rainfall Network is available in the documentation provided by the Met Office.