PLEASE NOTE: The file format described below refers to the Met Office Land Surface data (1900-2000) dataset which has been superseded by the Met Office MIDAS dataset (1853-present) at the BADC.
A list of UK stations for which the BADC holds .temp files is available (.temp stations).
The file name convention is (STATION_NAME)(YEAR).(MESSAGE_TYPE).(FILE_EXTENSION)
These .temp files contain maximum and minimum temperatures measured over a period of up to 24 hours. The file headers TIME and COUNT define the observation period. For air temperatures, the observation period will usually be one of the following: 09-09, 09-21, 21-09. For minimum grass temperature and minimum concrete temperature, the time of measurement is usually 0900Z. When the period of exposure is known to be 21-09, then COUNT = 12.
-999 indicates a missing value.
The first line of the data file is the fields headers (which are
detailed in the table below).
The fields in the .temp data files are :
ID | Station Ref. Number | 1 | 1-8 | - | Station identification |
IDTYPE | - | 2 | 9-17 | - | Station identification |
MET_DOM | Meteorological Domain | 3 | 18-28 | - | Message types |
YEAR | Year | 3 | 29-35 | - | 4 characters |
MON | Month | 4 | 36-43 | - | 1 or 2 characters (from 1 to 12) |
DAY | Day | 5 | 44-51 | - | 1 or 2 characters (from 1 to 31max) |
TIME | Time | 6 | 52-59 | - | Hour of observation from 0 to 2300 |
COUNT | Hour count | 7 | 60-67 | - | See COUNT definition |
MAX_T | Maximum Air Temperature | 8 | 68-75 | 0.1 degree Celsius | See Met Office documentation |
MIN_T | Minimum Air Temperature | 9 | 76-83 | 0.1 degree Celsius | See Met Office documentation |
MIN_GRASS_T | Minimum Grass Temperature | 10 | 84-96 | 0.1 degree Celsius | See Met Office documentation |
MIN_CONC_T | Minimum Concrete Temperature | 11 | 97-108 | 0.1 degree Celsius | See Met Office documentation |