European Synoptic Stations (1990-1996) - Data File Format

The file name convention is (STATION_NAME).(YEAR).syn.

STATION_NAMES is the station name (see station_list for full details).
YEAR is the year expressed in full, ie 1996. Details of the data coverage are also given in station_list.
The .syn extension shows that the file contains synoptic data as opposed to climate data which is denoted .cli.

The synoptic data in .syn files is in a simple ASCII format.

* indicates a missing value.

The fields in each file are as follows ...

Year 1 1-6 - -
Month 2 7-9 - -
Day 3 10-12 - -
Hour 4 13-15 - Hour of observation UTC (GMT) 0000, 0300 ... 2100
10 minute wind direction 5 16-19 Deg.from true North At stations with an anemograph, the mean direction is for a period of 10 minutes ending at the hour of observation. However, if there has been a significant change in direction (30 degrees or more) and the mean value has been maintained for at least 3 minutes then this value is used instead. Where there are indicating instruments only, the means of several 15 to 20 second readings taken over the period of observation are used, but again, if there has been a significant change, the means of several readings after the change are used instead.
10 minute wind speed 6 20-21 knots Speeds are adjusted to a standard height of 10 m. At stations with an anemograph, the mean speed is for a period of 10 minutes ending at the hour of observation. However, if there has been a significant change in speed (10 knots or more) and the mean value has been maintained for at least 3 minutes then this value is used instead. Where there are indicating instruments only, the means of several 15 to 20 second readings taken over the period of observation are used, but again, if there has been a significant change, the means of several readings after the change are used instead.
Present weather 7 22-24 WMO Code Weather observation is made hourly at the observing station.
Past weather 8 25-27 WMO Code Past weather is defined as weather occurring in the past 6 hours at 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC, and the past 3 hours at 03, 09, 15, 21 UTC.
Total cloud amount 9 28-29 oktas The unit used to indicate the proportion of the sky covered by clouds is the 'okta' or eighth of the sky. The scale runs from 0, which indicates a cloudless sky, to 8, which is a completely overcast sky (see WMO code).
Low cloud amount 10 30-31 oktas Cloud bases below 8000 ft.
If no low cloud, medium cloud amount.
Base of lowest cloud 11 32-35 kft Height above ground of the base of the lowest cloud seen.
Low cloud type 12 36-37 WMO Code Form of Low cloud
Medium cloud type 13 38-39 WMO Code Form of Medium cloud
High cloud type 14 40-41 WMO Code Form of High cloud
Horizontal visibility 15 42-46 km The greatest distance an observer can see and identify prominent objects. Units for visibility are kilometers
Dry-bulb temperature 16 47-52 deg C The measurements of air temperature are obtained from thermometers exposed in white-painted louvred screens supported over short grass in the open, the bulbs of the thermometers being 1.25m above ground. The nearest object should be at least twice its height away from the screen. The louvres are arranged such that there is a free, but reduced, flow of air past the thermometer, and that sunlight cannot penetrate directly into the screen. Commercial Automatic Weather Stations AWSs often use smaller circular 'Gill' screens which are mounted on metal poles. The Dry thermometer gives the current air temperature or dry-bulb temperature.
Wet-bulb temperature 17 53-58 deg C The web-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be obtained by evaporating water into the air. It measures the humidity of the air.
Dew-point temperature 18 59-64 deg C The dew point temperature is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to produce saturation with respect to water at its existing atmospheric pressure and humidity.
Water vapour pressure 19 65-69 mb The vapour pressure corresponds to the pressure exerted by the water vapor molecules in a given volume of air.
Relative humidity 20 70-73 % The relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapour in the air compared to the amount required for saturation (at a particular temperature and pressure). It is the ratio of the air's actual vapour pressure to its saturation vapour pressure.
Mean sea level pressure 21 74-80 mb Atmospheric pressure is expressed in millibars (1 millibar = 100 pascals = 100 newtons per square metre). Precision aneroid barometers are now in general use for measuring pressure and a correction for altitude is applied to obtain the value at mean sea level (MSL).
Pressure change over last 3 hours 22 81-85 mb Pressure change is reported in mb.
Pressure characteristic over last 3 hours 23 86-87 WMO Code The pressure characteristic (e.g. lower, higher or the same at the time of observation than three hours ago) is recorded following the Met Office WMO code.
Cloud layer 1 - Amount 24 88-90 oktas -
Cloud layer 1 - Type 25 91-93 Code CI=Cirrus, CC=Cirricumulus, CS=Cirrostratus,
AC=Altocumulus, AS=Altostratus,
NS=nimbostratus, SC=stratocumulus, ST=stratus,
CU=Cumulus, CB=cumulonimbus
Cloud layer 1 - Base 26 94-97 kft Tops are not reported
Cloud layer 2 - Amount 27 98-99 oktas -
Cloud layer 2 - Type 28 100-102 Code CI=Cirrus, CC=Cirricumulus, CS=Cirrostratus,
AC=Altocumulus, AS=Altostratus,
NS=nimbostratus, SC=stratocumulus, ST=stratus,
CU=Cumulus, CB=cumulonimbus
Cloud layer 2 - Base 29 103-106 kft Tops are not reported
Cloud layer 3 - Amount 30 107-108 oktas -
Cloud layer 3 - Type 31 109-111 Code CI=Cirrus, CC=Cirricumulus, CS=Cirrostratus,
AC=Altocumulus, AS=Altostratus,
NS=nimbostratus, SC=stratocumulus, ST=stratus,
CU=Cumulus, CB=cumulonimbus
Cloud layer 3 - Base 32 112-115 kft Tops are not reported
Gust speed 33 116-118 knots -
Maximum temperature 34 119-124 deg C 0600-2400
Minimum temperature 35 125-130 deg C 0600-2400
12-hour rainfall 36 131-134 0.1 mm Rainfall amount is measured for a period 0600-2400.
Station level pressure 37 135-141 mb 0600-2400
For some european stations only. Atmospheric pressure as measured at the station level. Correction for altitude is not applied.
State of ground 38 142-144 WMO Code Note that the code range 10-19 corresponds to the WMO code range 0-9 (no snow)
and the code range 20-29 corresponds to the WMO code range 0-9 (with snow)
Snow depth 39 145-148 cm Snow depth in cm.
Quality control flag 40 149-153 bits -
Quality control flag 41 154-158 bits -