High Resolution Radiosonde - Aberporth Data file format

The Aberporth radiosonde data is in a simple ASCII format.

The naming convention is balYYMMDD_HH, where "YYMMDD" is year/month/day eg 960920, "HH" is the hour of release of the balloon.

Each file contains one ascent. The measurements are displayed in the following format. Where data is missing, a default value is written.

The fields in each file are as indicated below ...

I4	Time after launch		 1	  1-4		mins		
I3	Time after launch		 2	  5-7		secs	
I5	Pressure			 3	  8-12		mb		9999
F6.1	Temperature			 4	  13-18		deg C		9999
I4	Relative humidity		 5	  19-22		%		 999
F8.4	Humidity mixing ratio		 6	  23-30		g/kg	     99.9999
I6	Height (from sonde data) 	 7	  31-36		m	       -9999
I6	Height (from radar data)	 8	  37-42		m	       -9999
I4 	Azimuth of sonde from launch     9	  43-46		deg		 -99
F5.1    Elevation of sonde from launch	 10	  47-51		deg		-9.9
I7	Slant range of sonde		 11	  52-58		m	       -9999
I4	Wind direction			 12	  59-62		deg		 999
F6.1	Wind speed			 13	  63-68		m/s	       999.9