The Marine table contains marine meteorological values measured during the hour ending at the stated date and time.
Marine reports are defined by position (latitude and longitude) and by time.
Duplicates can exist at a specified position and time, e.g. when ships are alongside for bunkering, so the identifier of the ship or buoy is part of the primary key of the entity.
Identifier is either call-sign or buoy-id, depending upon report type.
Please note that unlike for the other MIDAS Tables, the data in the Marine Observations table is not found by SRC-ID (i.e. station site) but by identifier (i.e. instrument). If you know the SRC-ID of the station of interest, you can find associated instruments via the BADC MIDAS Station Search facility.
Most marine observations do not include cloud layers, ice reports or precipitation.
The MIDAS Marine Observations table is partitioned by longitude_band_code and by ob_time. longitude_band_code is a single character in the range A - J, each covering a set of longitude values as follows:
Mid-Pacific Ocean | ||
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Western Caribbean Sea and Hudson Bay | ||
Western Atlantic Ocean including Scotia Sea, Cape Horn area, Caribbean Sea, Sargasso Sea, Labrador Sea and Baffin Sea | ||
Mid-Atlantic Ocean | ||
Mid-Atlantic Ocean | ||
Western Atlantic Ocean including UK Coastal Waters, The Channel and North Sea, Greenland Sea, Bay of Biscay, Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Guinea, Cape of Good Hope, Arctic Ocean | ||
Arctic Ocean, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, Western Mediterranean Sea, Cape Town | ||
Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Gulf of Aden, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Bay of Bengal, Southern Ocean, Barents Sea, Black Sea, Arabian Sea | ||
Arctic Ocean, Laptev Sea, Yellow Sea, South China Sea, Java Sea, Timor Sea, Philippine Sea, Sea of Japan, East Siberian Sea, Arafuro Sea, Eastern Indian Ocean | ||
Arctic Ocean, Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, Coral Sea, Tasman Sea |
PK | Attribute | Description / Units / Precision |
* | ob_time | Date and time of observation |
* | latitude | 0.1 deg |
* | longitude | 0.1 deg |
* | id | |
* | id_type | Identifier type |
* | version_flag | Observation version number - Use the row with '1', as this has been quality checked by the Met Office |
met_domain_name | Message type | |
* | longitude_band_code | There are 10 longitude bands that are clearly defined but not equally spaced around the globe:A -179.9999 : -130.0 B -129.9999 : -80.0 C -79.9999 : -50.0 D -49.9999 : -30.0 E -29.9999 : -20.0 F -19.9999 : 9.9000 G 9.9001 : 29.9000 H 29.9001 : 99.9000 I 99.9001 : 139.9000 J 139.9001 : 180.0 |
ob_rcpt_code | Code for reception method | |
rec_st_ind | State indicator for the record** | |
country_format_num | Country format number | |
src_opr_type | Source operation type code | |
wind_direction | Wind direction from which the wind blows, measured in Degrees (true). The entry for an east wind is 090, that for a south wind is 180 and so on clockwise. Note that zero values in both wind speec and wind direction fields indicate that there was no wind blowing at the time of observation. More | |
wind_speed | Wind speed in Knots | |
prst_wx_id | Present weather code | |
past_wx_id_1 | Past weather code #1 - This is a number between 0-9 which details what the weather has been like in the last 6 hours for observations at 00, 06, 12, 1800 UTC, the last 3 hours for observations at 03, 09, 15, 2100 UTC and the previous hour at any other times. The past weather is only recorded when a manual observation is done at the station. definition | |
past_wx_id_2 | Past weather code #2 - Same principle as above but is used to cover two codes or just one code occurring throughout the appropriate period. If more than 2 codes apply for the period then the 2 highest are used. So for example if it rained for a whole hour at the 1000 UTC ob then the code would be 66. If there was rain and drizzle during the period it would be 65 and if cloud was covering more than half the sky during the period it would be 22. The past weather is always coded as two digits which are separated into id_1 and id_2 in MIDAS. definition | |
cld_ttl_amt_id | Total cloud amount code - definition | |
low_cld_type_id | Low cloud type code - definition | |
med_cld_type_id | Medium cloud type code - definition | |
hi_cld_type_id | High cloud type code - definition | |
cld_base_amt_id | Cloud base amount code - definition | |
cld_base_ht | Cloud base height decametres |
msl_pressure | Mean sea level air pressure Unit=1 hpa to the nearest 0.1 hpa Precision aneroid barometers are now in general use for measuring pressure and a correction for altitude is applied to obtain the value at mean sea level (MSL). |
visibility | Visibility decametres |
air_temperature | Air temperature Unit=1 deg C to the nearest 0.1 deg C |
dewpoint | Dewpoint temperature - is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to produce saturation with respect to water at its existing atmospheric pressure and humidity - more... Unit=1 deg C to the nearest 0.1 deg C |
wetb_temp | Wet bulb temperature - is the lowest temperature that can be obtained by evaporating water into the air. It measures the humidity of the air - more... Unit=1 deg C to the nearest 0.1 deg C |
sea_temperature | Sea Surface temperature (0.1 deg. C) | |
pres_tdcy_id | Pressure tendency characteristic code | |
pres_tdcy_amt | Amount of pressure change (0.1 hPa) | |
wind_wave_per | Wind wave period - Wind Wave Period is the time (in seconds) that it takes successive wind wave crests or troughs to pass a fixed point. Precision is 0.1 sec. | |
wind_wave_ht | Wind wave height - is the vertical distance (meters) between any wind wave crest and the succeeding wind wave trough (independent of swell waves). Precision is 0.1 metre. | |
swell_dir_1 | First Swell direction - The direction from which the first swell waves at the firstswell wave period (SWPD) are coming. The units are true degrees, to the nearest 10, from true North, increasing clockwise, with North as 0 (zero) degrees and East as 90 degrees. 0 means Calm, No Waves; 999 means Confused, Direction indeterminate. | |
swell_period_1 | First Swell wave period (0.1 sec) - Swell Period is the time (in seconds) that it takes successive swell wave crests or troughs pass a fixed point. | |
swell_height_1 | First Swell height (0.1 metre) - Swell height is the vertical distance (meters) between any swell crest and the succeeding swell wave trough. | |
swell_dir_2 | Second Swell direction - The direction from which the second swell waves at the second swell wave period (SWPD) are coming. The units are true degrees, to the nearest 10, from true North, increasing clockwise, with North as 0 (zero) degrees and East as 90 degrees. 0 means Calm, No Waves; 999 means Confused, Direction indeterminate. | |
swell_period_2 | Second Swell wave period (0.1 sec) | |
swell_height_2 | Second Swell height (0.1metre) | |
msr_wave_dir | Wave direction (deg true) | |
msr_wave_per | Measured mean wave period (0.1 sec) | |
msr_wave_height | Measured wave height (0.1 metre) | |
ship_direction | ship direction code - the ship direction in the last 3 hours.
0 - Ship stopped 1 - NE 2 - E 3 - SE 4 - S 5 - SW 6 - W 7 - NW 8 - N |
ship_distance | ship distance in nautical miles | |
location_q | QC code - location** | |
wind_direction_q | QC code - wind direction** | |
wind_speed_q | QC code - wind speed** | |
prst_wx_id_q | QC code - present weather code** | |
past_wx_id_1_q | QC code - past weather code #1** | |
past_wx_id_2_q | QC code - past weather code #2** | |
cld_ttl_amt_id_q | QC code - cloud total amount** | |
low_cld_type_id_q | QC code - low cloud type code** | |
med_cld_type_id_q | QC code - medium cloud type code** | |
hi_cld_type_id_q | QC code - high cloud type code** | |
cld_base_amt_id_q | QC code - cloud base amount** | |
cld_base_ht_q | QC code - cloud base height** | |
visibility_q | QC code - visibility** | |
msl_pressure_q | QC code - MSL pressure** | |
air_temperature_q | QC code - Air temperature** | |
dewpoint_q | QC code - dewpoint** | |
wetb_temp_q | QC code - wetbulb temperature** | |
sea_temperature_q | QC code - sea temperature** | |
wind_wave_per_q | QC code - wind wave period** | |
wind_wave_ht_q | QC code - wind wave height** | |
swell_dir_1_q | QC code - swell direction #1** | |
swell_period_1_q | QC code - swell period #1** | |
swell_height_1_q | QC code - swell height #1** | |
swell_dir_2_q | QC code - swell direction #2** | |
swell_period_2_q | QC code - swell direction #2** | |
swell_height_2_q | QC code - swell height #2** | |
msr_wave_per_q | QC code - wave period** | |
msr_wave_height_q | QC code - measured half metre wave height** | |
location_j | Descriptor - location** | |
wind_direction_j | Descriptor - wind direction** | |
wind_speed_j | Descriptor - wind speed** | |
prst_wx_id_j | Descriptor - present weather** | |
past_wx_id_j | Descriptor - past weather** | |
cld_amt_id_j | Descriptor - Cloud amount** | |
cld_type_j | Descriptor - Cloud type** | |
cld_ht_j | Descriptor - Cloud height** | |
visibility_j | Descriptor - visibility** | |
msl_pressure_j | Descriptor - MSL pressure** | |
air_temperature_j | Descriptor - Air temperature** | |
dewpoint_j | Descriptor - Dewpoint** | |
wetb_temp_j | Descriptor - Wetbulb temperature** | |
sea_temperature_j | Descriptor - Sea temperature** | |
wind_wave_j | Descriptor - Wind wave** | |
swell_j | Descriptor - Swell wave** | |
msr_wave_j | Descriptor - Measured wave** | |
meto_stmp_time | ||
midas_stmp_etime | ||
cld_amt_id_1 | Layer cloud amount code #1 | |
cloud_type_id_1 | Cloud type code #1 | |
cld_base_ht_id_1 | Cloud base height code #1 (decametres) | |
cld_amt_id_2 | Layer cloud amount code #2 | |
cloud_type_id_2 | Cloud type code #2 | |
cld_base_ht_id_2 | Cloud base height code #2 (decametres) | |
cld_amt_id_3 | Layer cloud amount code #3 | |
cloud_type_id_3 | Cloud type code #3 | |
cld_base_ht_id_3 | Cloud base height code #3 (decametres) | |
cld_amt_id_4 | Layer cloud amount code #4 | |
cloud_type_id_4 | Cloud type code #4 | |
cld_base_ht_id_4 | Cloud base height code #4 (decametres) | |
vert_vsby | Vertical visibility | |
prcp_ob_hr_cnt | Precipitation hour count | |
prcp_amt | Precipitation amount (mm) | |
cld_amt_id_1_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #1, cloud type code #1 and cloud base ht code #1** | |
cloud_type_id_1_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #1, cloud type code #1 and cloud base ht code #1** | |
cld_base_ht_id_1_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #1, cloud type code #1 and cloud base ht code #1** | |
cld_amt_id_2_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #2, cloud type code #2 and cloud base ht code #2** | |
cloud_type_id_2_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #1, cloud type code #1 and cloud base ht code #2** | |
cld_base_ht_id_2_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #1, cloud type code #1 and cloud base ht code #2** | |
cld_amt_id_3_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #3, cloud type code #3 and cloud base ht code #3** | |
cloud_type_id_3_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #3, cloud type code #3 and cloud base ht code #3** | |
cld_base_ht_id_3_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #3, cloud type code #3 and cloud base ht code #3** | |
cld_amt_id_4_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #4, cloud type code #4 and cloud base ht code #4** | |
cloud_type_id_4_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #4, cloud type code #4 and cloud base ht code #4** | |
cld_base_ht_id_4_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #4, cloud type code #4 and cloud base ht code #4** | |
vert_vsby_q | QC code - vertical visibility** | |
ice_format_id | Ice Formation ID Pre 1979: kind of ice 1979 and beyond: concentration/arrangement of sea ice - code 0639 |
ice_age_id | Ice Age ID Pre 1979: effect of ice on navigation 1979 and beyond: stage of ice development - code 3739 |
land_ice_type_id | Land-Ice Type ID Pre 1979: bearing of principal ice edge 1979 and beyond: ice of land origin - code 0439 |
ice_edge_id | Ice edge ID Pre 1979: distance of ice edge from reporting ship; 1979 and beyond: bearing of principal ice edge - code 0739 |
ice_cond_trnd | Ice Condition Trend Pre 1979: Orientation of ice edge; 1979 and beyond: Ice situation and trend over preceding 3 hours - code 5239 |
ice_accr_type | Ice accretion type - code 1751 | |
ice_accr_thkn | Ice accretion thickness | |
ice_accr_rate | Ice accretion rate - code 3551 | |
q10deg_sq_num | To be defined | |
rltv_hum | Calculated relative humidity** | |
rltv_hum_j | Descriptor - relative humidity** | |
mar_max_gust_speed | Max gust speed in knots | |
mar_max_gust_per | Period of maximum gust relative to current time, in minutes e.g. -60 is last hour | |
mar_max_gust_speed_q | QC code - max gust speed** |
More information about the Met Office MIDAS data is available in the documentation provided by the Met Office.