PK | Attribute | Description / Units / Precision |
* | ob_time | Date and time of observation |
* | id | |
* | id_type | Identifier type |
* | met_domain_name | Message type |
* | version_num | Observation version number - Use the row with '1', as this has been quality checked by the Met Office |
src_id | Unique source identifier or station site number | |
rec_st_ind | State indicator for the record** | |
wind_speed_unit_id | Wind speed unit code | |
src_opr_type | Source operation type code :
wind_direction | Wind direction from which the wind blows, measured in Degrees (true). The entry for an east wind is 090, that for a south wind is 180 and so on clockwise. Note that zero values in both wind speec and wind direction fields indicate that there was no wind blowing at the time of observation. More | |
wind_speed | Wind speed knots. Wind mast elevations from selected stations are available here (MIDAS users only). |
prst_wx_id | Present weather code - definition Important Note: Check the src_opr_type value to determine the type of observation amade (Manual or Automatic). When there is a 1 in the src_opr_type column this is a manual observation where the present weather has been included and reported using WMO table 4677. If there is a 7 in the src_opr_type column then this is an automatic observation reported using code from WMO table 4680. |
past_wx_id_1 | Past weather code #1 - This is a number between 0-9 which details what the weather has been like in the last 6 hours for observations at 00, 06, 12, 1800 UTC, the last 3 hours for observations at 03, 09, 15, 2100 UTC and the previous hour at any other times. The past weather is only recorded when a manual observation is done at the station. definition | |
past_wx_id_2 | Past weather code #2 - Same principle as above but is used to cover two codes or just one code occurring throughout the appropriate period. If more than 2 codes apply for the period then the 2 highest are used. So for example if it rained for a whole hour at the 1000 UTC ob then the code would be 66. If there was rain and drizzle during the period it would be 65 and if cloud was covering more than half the sky during the period it would be 22. The past weather is always coded as two digits which are separated into id_1 and id_2 in MIDAS. definition | |
cld_ttl_amt_id | Total cloud amount code - definition oktas |
low_cld_type_id | Low cloud type code - definition | |
med_cld_type_id | Medium cloud type code - definition | |
hi_cld_type_id | High cloud type code - definition | |
cld_base_amt_id | Cloud base amount code - definition | |
cld_base_ht | Cloud base height decametres |
visibility | Visibility decametres |
msl_pressure | Mean sea level air pressure Unit=1 hpa to the nearest 0.1 hpa Precision aneroid barometers are now in general use for measuring pressure and a correction for altitude is applied to obtain the value at mean sea level (MSL). Please see additional notes below. |
cld_amt_id_1 | Layer cloud amount code #1 - definition | |
cloud_type_id_1 | Cloud type code #1 - definition | |
cld_base_ht_id_1 | Cloud base height code #1 decametres |
cld_amt_id_2 | Layer cloud amount code #2 - definition | |
cloud_type_id_2 | Cloud type code #2 - definition | |
cld_base_ht_id_2 | Cloud base height code #2 decametres |
cld_amt_id_3 | Layer cloud amount code #3 - definition | |
cloud_type_id_3 | Cloud type code #3 - definition | |
cld_base_ht_id_3 | Cloud base height code #3 decametres |
cld_amt_id_4 | Layer cloud amount code #4 - definition | |
cloud_type_id_4 | Cloud type code #4 - definition | |
cld_base_ht_id_4 | Cloud base height code #4 decametres |
vert_vsby | Vertical visibility decametres |
air_temperature | Air temperature Unit=1 deg C to the nearest 0.1 deg C |
dewpoint | Dewpoint temperature - is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to produce saturation with respect to water at its existing atmospheric pressure and humidity - more... Unit=1 deg C to the nearest 0.1 deg C |
wetb_temp | Wet bulb temperature - is the lowest temperature that can be obtained by evaporating water into the air. It measures the humidity of the air - more... Unit=1 deg C to the nearest 0.1 deg C |
stn_pres | Station air pressure Atmospheric pressure as measured at the station level. Correction for altitude is not applied. Unit=1 hpa to the nearest 0.1 hpa. Please see Additional notes below. |
alt_pres | Altimeter pressure Unit=1 hpa to the nearest 0.1 hpa. Please see Additional notes below. |
ground_state_id | Ground state code | |
q10mnt_mxgst_spd | 10 minute maximum gust speed knots |
cavok_flag | cavok flag | |
cs_hr_sun_dur | Campbell-Stokes hour sunshine duration - This gives the hourly readings taken from the old Campbell Stokes Recorder | |
wmo_hr_sun_dur | This gives the readings from the newer automatic sun sensor which has now replaced the Campbell Stokes Recorder. See list of UK stations recording sun hour data | |
wind_direction_q | QC code - wind direction** | |
wind_speed_q | QC code - wind speed** | |
prst_wx_id_q | QC code - present weather code** | |
past_wx_id_1_q | QC code - past weather code #1** | |
past_wx_id_2_q | QC code - past weather code #2** | |
cld_ttl_amt_id_q | QC code - cloud total amount** | |
low_cld_type_id_q | QC code - low cloud type code** | |
med_cld_type_id_q | QC code - medium cloud type code** | |
hi_cld_type_id_q | QC code - high cloud type code** | |
cld_base_amt_id_q | QC code - cloud base amount** | |
cld_base_ht_q | QC code - cloud base height** | |
visibility_q | QC code - visibility** | |
msl_pressure_q | QC code - msl pressure** | |
air_temperature_q | QC code - air temperature** | |
dewpoint_q | QC code - dewpoint** | |
wetb_temp_q | QC code - wet bulb** | |
ground_state_id_q | QC code - ground state code** | |
cld_amt_id_1_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #1** | |
cloud_type_id_1_q | QC code - cloud type code #1** | |
cld_base_ht_id_1_q | QC code - cloud base ht code #1** | |
cld_amt_id_2_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #2** | |
cloud_type_id_2_q | QC code - cloud type code #2** | |
cld_base_ht_id_2_q | QC code - cloud base ht code #2** | |
cld_amt_id_3_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #3** | |
cloud_type_id_3_q | QC code - cloud type code #3** | |
cld_base_ht_id_3_q | QC code - cloud base ht code #3** | |
cld_amt_id_4_q | QC code - layer cloud amount #4** | |
cloud_type_id_4_q | QC code - cloud type code #4** | |
cld_base_ht_id_4_q | QC code - cloud base ht code #4** | |
vert_vsby_q | QC code - vertical visibility** | |
stn_pres_q | QC code - station pressure** | |
alt_pres_q | QC code - altimeter pressure** | |
q10mnt_mxgst_spd_q | QC code - 10 min max gust speed** | |
cs_hr_sun_dur_q | ||
wmo_hr_sun_dur_q | ||
meto_stmp_time | Met Office receipt stamp time | |
midas_stmp_etime | Elapsed time to storage in MIDAS minutes |
wind_direction_j | Descriptor - wind direction** | |
wind_speed_j | Descriptor - wind speed** | |
prst_wx_id_j | Descriptor - present weather** | |
past_wx_id_1_j | Descriptor - past weather #1** | |
past_wx_id_2_j | Descriptor - past weather #2** | |
cld_amt_id_j | Descriptor - cloud total amt** | |
cld_ht_j | Descriptor - cloud base ht** | |
visibility_j | Descriptor - visibility** | |
msl_pressure_j | Descriptor - msl pressure** | |
air_temperature_j | Descriptor - air temperature** | |
dewpoint_j | Descriptor - dewpoint** | |
wetb_temp_j | Descriptor - wet bulb** | |
vert_vsby_j | Descriptor - vertical vis** | |
stn_pres_j | Descriptor - station pressure** | |
alt_pres_j | Descriptor - altimeter press** | |
q10mnt_mxgst_spd_j | Descriptor - 10 min max gust** | |
rltv_hum | Calculated relative humidity | |
rltv_hum_j | Descriptor - relative humidity** | |
snow_depth | Snow depth cm |
snow_depth_q | QC code - snow depth** | |
drv_hr_sun_dur (only in files from 2010 onwards) |
Derived hourly sunshine duration This value is calculated using the MMS global radiation minute values which are each entered into a formula which determines whether each minute is 'sunshine'. An hourly sunshine value between 0 and 1 is then given based on the number of sunshine minutes. For example: 30 sunshine minutes - 30/60 = 0.5 hours; 20 sunshine minutes - 20/60 = 0.3333 hours (rounded to 0.3 hours). This is NOT to be confused or compared with the WMO hourly sunshine duration found in the daily weather table. This is calculated from the sunshine sensor directly and is not linked to the global radiation value like the derived figure. Both however do give a value between 0 and 1 and are in increments of 0.1 |
drv_hr_sun_dur_q (Only in files from 2010 onwards) |
QC code - derived hourly sunshine duration** |
More information about the Met Office surface data is available in the documentation provided by the Met Office.
If a pressure reading does not appear in MIDAS then the Met Office do not perform any calculations to fill in the gaps. The only time that the Met Office would fill in any missing values is if a site was having maintenance done and was put in test mode which means the values are not ingested into MIDAS automatically. If this happened the Met Office would call up the exact readings and then these would be entered in. Also if the Met Office had one value missing and values either side of it then an estimate is sometimes made.
The Met Office do not have equations that they use to calculate pressure fields that are blank in relation to those pressure values recorded in MIDAS.