ATSR Core group objectives, Terms of reference and Reports

The ATSR Project



ATSR Core group team

Chairman :

Prof David Llewllyn-Jones, University of Leicester

Secretary :

Dr Anne Jolly, NERC

Members :

Dr Steven Wilson, NERC
Dr Ian Barton, CSIRO, Australia
Dr Philippe Goryl, ESRIN
Dr Pascal Lecomte, ESRIN
Dr Hannah Tait, ENVISAT System and Payload Project, ESTEC
Mr Trevor Guymer, Southampton Oceanography Centre
Dr Seymour Laxon ,UCL
Dr J Settle, University of Reading
Mr Tony Underwood, NRSC Ltd (on behalf of Karen Hutchins , NRSC Ltd)
Mr Gordon McFadyen, DETR (on behalf of Dr Cathy Johnson, DETR)
Dr Alessandra Buongiorno, ESRIN


Dr Brian Maddison
Dr Chris Mutlow


The ATSR Core Group is an independent advisory and review body, with the objective of assisting the NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) EOSTB (Earth Observation Science & Technology Board) via the head of the NERC Earth Observation Programme in providing the most scientifically relevant and cost-effective ATSR data to the UK research community, and seeking to ensure the maximum return from NERC investment in the ATSR project (including associated RAL-funded activity).

The Core Group will also assess the achievement of the primary ATSR mission objectives as required and have the option to report anually to the EOSTB on the ATSR project.

Terms of Reference

To provide a scientific focus for the '91 UK ATSR project '92 and to encourage and promote the highest quality exploitation of ATSR data by the UK research community and to advise on the smooth transition from ATSR (1&2) to AATSR. Tasks include:

  • Provide a focus for geophysical validation activities and monitor the quality of ATSR data products.
  • Review the membership and activities of the ATSR Science Team.
  • Facilitate the coordination of ATSR data exploitation by the UK research community where appropriate.

To implement a process, within the guidelines set by the EOSTB ATSR Working Group, for managing access to ATSR data and to review requests for data generated by the UK research community and instrument funding partners. Tasks include:

  • Develop guidelines and provide advice on the prioritisation of requests for ATSR data products.
  • Advise on the appropriate route for data provision.
  • Monitor the cost-effectiveness of satisfying data requests.
  • Advise the RAL (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) on the setting of a threshold for dealing with ad hoc data requests.

Monitor progress and report on the ATSR Post Launch Support (PLS) project. Tasks include:

  • Provide advice as may be required on the instrument in flight operations.
  • Report on any mismatch between the PLS service provided and the evolving user requirements.
  • Provide guidance on the development of new products.
  • Consider issues pertinent to the implementation and evolution of the ATSR PLS Project Management Plan.
  • Contribute to future PLS reviews as may be required by the EOSTB.

The Objectives and the Terms of Reference were approved by the ATSR Core Group meeting of 1st March 1996.


Link : Click here to browse and download the ATSR Coregroup reports

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Page last modified : Tuesday, 04-Dec-07