Latest SST Data

The ATSR Project



Latest SST data from the consolidated ABT dataset

Access to ASST products

Further information on accessing ATSR ASST products from the NEODC can be found on the atsrubt pages at the NEODC.

However it is recommended that all users download the ATSR1 and 2 data reprocessed into ENVISAT format from the NEODC AATSR Multimission archive.

In order to obtain ATSR/AATSR data from the NEODC you will be required to register as a user and then to apply for access for the relevant dataset

If you have any problems please contact the NEODC/CEDA helpdesk:

SST product format

The first six characters will be atsr1_ or atsr2_ as appropriate. The following eight numbers give the data as yyyymmdd where yyyy is the year, mm the month of the year, and dd the day of the month. Thus the data acquired by ATSR-2 on 1st June 1995 is contained in atsr2_19950601.sst.

The format for the daily SST files is as follows:

Variable Description Bytes
day Modified Julian Day 4
second Seconds in day 4
lat_cell Latitude cell 2
long_cell Longitude cell 2
sst_dual_2chan 4 channel SST (cK) 4
sst_dual_3chan 6 channel SST (cK) 4
sst_nadir_2chan 2 channel SST (cK) 4
sst_nadir_3chan 3 channel SST (cK) 4
nadir_pixels No. of nadir pixels 2
forward_pixels No. of forward pixels 2
across_pixel Across-track pixel 2
configuration Configuration info 2
confidence Confidence info 4

This gives rise to approximately 9.5Mbytes per daily file, with the zipped version of the files being about half this size.



Page last modified : Tuesday, 04-Dec-07