
The ATSR Project



ATSR-1 Anomaly log
                     John Wright (ATSR Operations Manager)
                        Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
                              UK +(0)1235-445809 

The following is a brief summary of period when ATSR data was not available or
should be handled with care.  The summary is for the period between launch of
ERS-1 to date.  At all other time ATSR was nominal.  The normal configuration
for ATSR was that 12.0 and 11.0 channels are always packed into the telemetry 
stream, while the 3.7 is packed during night-time and 1.6 during day-time. 
This remained in effect until the 3.7um channel failed on 27 May 1992, after
which time the 1.6um channel was always packed.

----					------

16 July to	ATSR undergoing commissioning activities.  All ATSR
14 Sept 91	science data in this period should be  handled with 
		care.  For details of ATSR configuration during this 
		period refer to ATSR Commissioning Status note.

31 Jul 91	Commissioning Phase orbit (3 day repeat cycle) began

8 Oct 91	None nominal pixel selection map selected ATSR IRR:- 
		PSM 1 selected between 14:37:24 to 16:12:40 UTC 
		PSM 2 selected between 16:12:41 to 17:51:04 UTC
		PSM 3 selected between 17:51:05 to 19:28:48 UTC

		ATSR IRR science data should NOT be used during	the 
		period 14:37:24 to 19:28:48 UTC.

21-23 Nov 91	Planned Outgassing Procedure began at :-
		325:11:50 UTC with SCC Comp Amplitudes and Displacer
		Amplitudes commanded to zero. The detectors began their
		warm-up. The Outgassing (warm-up and subsequent cool-down)
		was completed at 327:01:00 UTC.
		During this period (MWR remained nominal).   

25 Nov 91	ATSR cooler operations test with modified displacer 
		Disp. ph. = 95.625 between 12:59:32 to 14:39:31 UTC
		Disp. ph. = 104.625 between 14:39:32 to 16:18:11 UTC

		This test has NO effect on quality of ATSR IRR or 
		MWR science data.

9 Dec 91	ATSR cooler operations test with modified displacer 
		Disp. amp. = 0.92v between 10:08:52 to 13:27:31 UTC
		Disp. amp. = 0.93v between 13:27:32 to 16:43:16 UTC

		This test has NO effect on quality of ATSR IRR or MWR
		science data.

10 - 26 Dec 91	ERS-1 performing orbit manoeuvres to change from 
		Commission Phase (3 day) to Ice Phase (3 day) orbit 
		and perform SAR Roll mode data.

		ATSR cooler set to use optimized displacer amplitude
		Disp. amp. = 0.93v on 11 Dec. 
		ATSR cooler operations test with modified compressor 
		Comp. amp. = 2.13v between 09:41:50 UTC 16 Dec and 
		             09:08:35 UTC 17 Dec   
		Comp. amp. = 2.23v between 09:08:36 UTC 17 Dec and
                             11:19:57 UTC 19 Dec   
		SCC set point = 90K between 10:18:11 UTC 16 Dec and 
                             11:19:57 UTC 19 Dec   
		This test has no effect on quality of ATSR IRR or MWR 
		science data.

19 to 23 Dec	ATSR was outgassing (decontamination) cycle between 
		353:11:30:00 UTC and 357:21:30:00 UTC
		During the rest of the ERS-1 orbit manoeuvre period 
		ATSR remained in nominal, but ATSR IRR and MWR data 
		should be handled with great care during this period.

3 Feb 92	ATSR IRR and MWR is stand-by due to ERS-1 activity.
		No IRR or MWR science data during the period.
		034:07:30:00 UTC and 034:23:20:00 UTC

30 Mar to 	ERS-1 performing orbit manoeuvres to change from Ice 
14 Apr 92	Phase (3 day) to Multidisciplinary Phase (35 day) orbit and 
		perform SAR Roll mode data.

07-11 Apr	Planned Outgassing Procedure began at :-
		098:17:00 UTC with SCC Comp Amplitudes and Displacer
		Amplitudes commanded to zero. The detectors began their
		warm-up. The outgassing (warm-up and subsequent cool-down)
		was completed at 102:04:50 UTC.

		During the rest of the ERS-1 orbit manoeuvre period 
		ATSR remained in nominal, but ATSR IRR and MWR data 
		should be handled with great care during this period.

27 May 92	At 19:12 UTC ATSR IRR 3.7um channel failed.

		No ATSR 3.7um channel data from this time onward.

27 May to	ATSR IRR 1.6um channel data not useable during this 
04 Jun 92	period due to effects of 3.7um channel failure.

04 Jun to	Investigation of ATSR 3.7um channel failure.  During 
16 Jun 92	this period ATSR was set into a variety of modes in
		order to determine the cause of the 3.7um channel 
		failure.  For further details of IRR & MWR science 
		data availability during this period refer to note 
		on 3.7um channel failure.

10 Jun to	Outgassing performed during investigations between
16 Jun 92	331:13:40 UTC and 337:08:00 UTC

		After these activities cooler displacer amplitude
		left at default value of 0.909V.  This resulted
		in 0.25K higher detector temperatures than
		normal until preferred value set on 8 July.

26 Jun to	ATSR IRR and MWR in stand-by due to ERS-1 
27 Jun 92	PDU anomaly.

		No IRR or MWR science data during this period.

8 July 92	Cooler displacer amplitude set to preferred value:-
		disp. amp. = 0.9V at xx.xx

		Detector temperatures reduced by 0.25K at

19 Jul to	ATSR IRR and MWR in stand-by due to ERS-1 activities. 
23 Jul 92	ATSR IRR and MWR commanded to stand-by at 9:19 UTC on 
		19 July 92 when OBC detected 'bit flip' in ERS-1 
		None Vital Data Store.  

		No IRR or MWR science data during this period.

9 - 10 Aug 92	ATSR IRR and MWR in stand-by due to ERS-1 activities.
		ATSR IRR and MWR commanded to stand-by at 10:40 UTC on 
		9 Aug 92 when OBC detected 'bit flip' in ERS-1 
		Vital Data Store. MWR returned to normal operations
		at 11:00 UTC on 10 Aug.  The IRR reached normal operating
		temperature at 21:00 UTC on 10 Aug.

		No IRR or MWR science data during this period.
10 - 12 Aug 92	ATSR Instrument Data Formatting (AIDF) monitoring
		enable.  The AIDF monitoring had been disabled during
		commissioning.  This test was performed to collect 
		data for ATSR-2 project.  Monitoring was enabled
		between 09:57 UTC on 10 Aug to 12:13 UTC on 12 Aug.

		This test has NO effect on quality of ATSR IRR or MWR
		science data.

13 - 14 Aug 92	ATSR cooler operations test with modified operating frequency:-
		Freq = 43.353Hz between 15:01 UTC 13 Aug and 14:13 UTC 14 Aug. 
		This test has NO effect on quality of ATSR IRR or MWR
		science data.

25 - 26 Aug 92	ERS-1 Payload was switched down to standby at 12:43 UTC
		on 25 August due to a transient error.  ATSR MWR
		restored to normal operations by 17:00 UTC on 24 August.
		ATSR IRR reached normal operating temperature at
		01:20 UTC on 26 August.                    

		No IRR or MWR science data during this period.

2 - 6 Sep 92	ERS-1 Payload was switched down to standby at 14:34 UTC
		on 2 September due to a VDS parity error.  ATSR MWR
		restored to normal operations by 19:00 UTC on 3 September.
		During the payload recovery on 3 Sep the IDHT entered
		command refuse mode resulting in loss of payload data 
		transmission 17:26 to 20:42 UTC and 20:46 to 23:45 UTC
		Another parity error caused payload to enter standby
		at 20:37 UTC on 5 September. ATSR MWR restored to normal
		operations by 09:25 UTC on 6 September. ATSR IRR reached 
		normal operating temperature at 14:30 UTC on 6 September.

8 Sep 92	ERS-1 suffered another VDS parity error on 
		8 September 1992.  This occurred at 252:06:30.08 and 
		resulted in the payload being commanded to STANDBY. 
		ATSR MWR returned to NOMINAL at 252:09:48:35. ATSR IRR was
		turned on at 252:09:53:55 and cooldown to its operational 
		temperature by 252:15:00 UTC.
		No IRR or MWR science data during this period.

07 Oct 92	IDHT was inoperative between 281:11:25:50 and
		281:11:27:10 UTC whilst Payload timing resynchronising
		took place. 
		No IRR or MWR data during this period.

12/13 Nov 92	Due to ESOC operations IDHT and hence ATSR data were
		unavailable between 317:18:55:39 and 318:08:30:00 UTC.

		No IRR or MWR data during this period.

		Due to a procedural discrepancy, on reconfiguration the 
		wrong compression mode was selected AND the 1.6/3.7 AUTOCAL
		was turned ON. 

13-16/24 Nov 92	1.6 channel gain incorrectly being controlled by the
		(failed) 3.7 AUTOCAL, resulting in unstable 1.6 data.
		from 318:08:30:00 to 321:10:19:00 UTC. The correct
		compression mode was then reselected at the start
		of the planned outgassing which commenced at 
		329:12:46:00 UTC							

17 Nov 92	New Nominal Settings for SCC.		
		SCC Compressor Amplitude adjusted to A8 hex (2.1333v)
		and SCC Frequency to 2B hex (43.605 Hz) at :-
		322:11:28:01 UTC and 322:11:28:52 UTC respectively.
24-26 Nov 92	Planned Outgassing Procedure began at :-
		329:12:46:51 UTC with SCC Comp Amplitudes and Displacer
		Amplitudes commanded to zero. The detectors began their
		warm-up. The Outgassing (warm-up and subsequent cool-down)
		was completed at 331:18:24:07 UTC
		IRR science data is not available between :-
		329:12:46:51 and 331:18:24:07 UTC.

12 Dec 92	Due to an unexpected tape recorder Beginning of Tape
		(BOT), the tape recording was stoped for low bit rate
		data between 347:22:12:27 and 347:22:59:40.

		No IRR or MWR science data during this period.

16 Dec 92	ERS-1 performed orbit correction manoeuvre.  ERS-1
		not in Yaw Steering Mode between 351:12:53:52 and 
		351:18:45:56. During this period it was not possible
		to maintain nominal pointing accuracy.  For this 
		reason, ERS-1 products during the  period may not
		meet their specification.

23 Dec 92	A spurious BOT was detected in the recording 
		period 358:00:34:59 to 358:02:12:13. resulting in 
		loss of low bit rate data.

		No IRR or MWR data for the period 358:01:04:35 to 
		358:01:07:25 UTC.

25 Dec 92	As a result of recovery of AMI and need for two timing
		resyncronisations the IDHT was not supplying  IRR or MWR
		data between :-
		360:11:45:00 to 360:11:46:00 UTC and
		360:13:21:00 to 360:13:22:00 UTC.
01 Feb 93	Due to public mains failure and problems with backup
		generator Kiruna were unable to track ERS-1 during
		the pass 032:13:12:55 thru' 032:13:21:34 UTC
		R/T and playback X-Band data not received.

		(at this time 02-Feb the strt/stop times of lost 
		tape data are not clear )

14 Feb 93	Data problems caused by a radiation hit (SEU ?). The ERS1
		General Data header was corrupted which caused ground
		station processing problems. Data users who rely on
		"General Header" (Not ATSR at RAL) must beware between : -
		045:15:22:00 to 048:14:??:?? UTC

09/11 Mar 93	ATSR and MWR were inadvertently switched to STANDBY after
		an AMI instrument recovery when resynchronising the payload.
		Recovery of the ATSR was postponed in order to take
		advantage of the shut down to "outgas" (this was being 
		planned for 15th Mar 93 anyway).
		The complete decontamination period lasted from :-
		068:17:38:56 to 070:19:59:29 UTC. ATSR data between these
		times will not be NOMINAL.

16 Mar 93	Default upper limit setting commanded for parameters F716,
		F717 SCC Comp. A/B current - new value 40 Hex for both.
		Limits 0.5547v (F716); 0.5518v (F717) converted 

17 Mar 93	New Nominal Settings for SCC.		
		SCC Compressor Amplitude adjusted to AB hex (2.171v)
		and SCC Frequency to 2A hex (43.859 Hz) at :-
		076:11:59:38 UTC and 076:12:01:12 UTC respectively.
13 Apr 93	Due to ESOC operations the IDHT was unavailable between :-
		103:11:22:30 UTC and
		103:11:24:15 UTC

14 Apr 93	Due to ESOC operations the IDHT was unavailable between :-
		104:20:39:14 UTC and
15 Apr 93	105:11:48:18 UTC

04 May 93	ERS-1 completed a scheduled Orbit Control Manoeuvre at
		124:12:17:48 UTC. Between 11:44:48 and 17:36:54 UTC the 
		spacecraft was in pre-operational Fine Pointing Mode, 
		and scientific data may not be usable.

05 May 93	A Fine Control Orbit manoeuvre was performed between :-
		125:04:17:47 UTC and
		125:04:18:07 UTC       ATSR image data may be affected.
17 Jun 93	Due to ESOC operations the IDHT was unavailable between :-
		168:12:17:00 UTC and 168:12:18:30 UTC       
		NB ATSR was resynchronised at 168:12:17:35 UTC

19 Jun 93	Due to an anomaly the IDHT was unavailable between :-
		170:13:49:57 UTC and
		170:14:14:20 UTC

21 Jun 93	Due to ESOC operations the IDHT was unavailable between :-
		172:08:11:00 UTC and
		172:09:56:44 UTC

29 Jun 93	Scheduled IRR outgassing took place between :-
		180:09:09:12 UTC and
01 Jul 93	182:19:34:56 UTC  
		ATSR data between these times is not be nominal.

09 Jul 93	Due to spurious BOT (onboard T/R) detection LBR data 
		is missing between :-
		190:11:02:30 UTC and
		190:12:07:04 UTC

18 Aug 93	Due to a Platform anomaly the payload was switched to STBY
		at 230:09:38:09 UTC The opportunity was taken to outgass
		the ATSR. This operation was completed at :-
20 Aug 93	232:18:27:07 UTC Data between these times is not nominal.		

13 Sep 93	Due to operational reasons no LBR data between :-
		256:22:29:00 and 256:22:38:00 UTC 
14 Sep 93	and again between :-
		256:23:59:41 and 257:12:15:28 UTC.

02 Oct 93	Due to an operational anomaly payload switched to STBY at
		275:12:45:38 UTC The opportunity was taken to outgass the
		ATSR. This operation was completed at :-
03 Oct 93	276:23:47:33 UTC Data between these times is not nominal.

18 Oct 93	Over the next four days some adjustments have been made
		to SCC operating paramaters. No science data has been lost
		but cooler paramter changes will have affected detector
		sensitivity. The adjustments have been made to characterise
		the SCC performance.
		291:07:40:00 UTC SCC Freq. adjusted from 43.86 to 43.35 Hz
		291:16:00:00 UTC SCC Freq. readjusted back to 43.86 Hz

19 Oct 93	292:07:10:00 UTC SCC Disp. Amp. from 0.93v to 0.91v (B3 to AF)
		292:15:30:00 UTC SCC Disp. Amp. reset to 0.93v

20 Oct 93	293:08:20:00 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.171v to 2.13v (AB to A8)
		293:14:58:00 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.13v to 2.108v (A8 to A6)
		293:21:34:00 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.108v to 2.171v(A6 to AB)

21 Oct 93	294:12:47:00 UTC SCC Frequency adjusted to (28 hex) 44.37 Hz

22 Nov 93	326:07:40:00 UTC SCC Disp. Phase from 100.1 deg to 95.6 deg
		326:15:55:00 UTC SCC Disp. Phase back to 100.1 deg (nominal)

02 Dec 93	336:09:05:40 UTC SCC Disp. Phase  from 100.1 deg to 104.6 deg
		336:17:20:47 UTC SCC Disp. Phase back to 100.1 deg

06 Dec 93	Due to an anomaly with the IDHT LBR data was lost between
		340:03:21:56 UTC and
		340:10:21:40 UTC

13 Dec 93	Whilst investigating a problem with an X-Band TWT the IDHT
		and ICU were powered off and on again, this caused the ATSR
		to go into STBY resulting in loss of data at :-
		347:11:47:11 UTC. 
		The IRR will be allowed to "warm-up" and outgass.

16 Dec 93	Outgassing complete and nominal data available again from :-
		350:23:18:26 UTC

17 Dec 93	End of Multidisciplinary Phase (35 day repeat cycle)
20 Dec 93	354:12:59:41 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. set to AD (hex) 2.196v

21 Dec 93	Second Ice Phase (3 day repeat begins)

06 Jan 94	006:08:40:00 UTC SCC Disp. Phase changed from 100.1 deg to 97.87
22 Jan 94	During investigation of an RA anomaly ATSR was switched down
		to STBY between:- 
		022:16:24:13 UTC and
		022:21:16:52 UTC. 
		During this time the detectors warmed up, after the restart they  
		reached nominal operating temps. the following day, 23rd Jan,
		by approx. 023:05:00 UTC

29 Jan 94	Due to inavailability of the IDHT there are no LBR data from :-
		029:22:19:00 UTC and
30 Jan 94	030:13:34:10 UTC

07 Feb 94	Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		038:09:12:00 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.197v to 2.210v (AD to AE)		
		038:09:13:00 UTC SCC Frequency adjusted from 44.37 to 44.64 Hz.
18 Mar 94	Planned SCC Outgassing from :-
		077:14:10:14 UTC Warm-up began
		080:09:20:00 UTC Cool-down began
21 Mar 94	080:20:43:00 UTC the detectors had resumed nominal operating temps.

06 Apr 94	Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		096:07:02:30 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.210v to 2.235v (AE to B0)		

10 Apr 94	End of Second Ice Phase (3 day repeat)
		Geodetic Phase (168 day repeat cycle) starts
14 May 94	Due to TR miscommanding LBR data was lost between :-
		134:16:21:34 and 134:16:22:06 UTC
		134:16:50:24 and 134:17:59:10 UTC

23 May 94       Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		144:09:03:03 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.235v to 2.222v (B0 to AF)		
		144:09:04:36 UTC SCC Frequency adjusted from 44.64 to 44.91 Hz.
15 Jun 94	Default upper limit setting commanded for parameters F716,
		F717 SCC Comp. A/B current - new value 3C Hex for both.
		Limits 0.517v (F716); 0.521v (F717) converted

16 Jun 94      	SCC Compressor A and B Offsets set to 60 Hex (-0.448v)
	       	Approx 0.6 K improvement in detector temps seen.

17 Jun 94	SCC Compressor A and B Offsets reset to 70 Hex (-0.224v)
		after ~24 hours.

27 Jun 94	SCC Compressor A and B Offsets set back again to 60 Hex
		(-0.448v) and SCC Comp. Amp. set down one step to AE Hex

03 Aug 94	Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		215:14:07:05 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.210v to 2.235v (AE to B0)		
		215:14:07:27 UTC SCC Freq. adjusted from 44.91 to 45.18Hz.
		(25 to 26 Hex)
22 Aug 94	Due to spurious BOT on the IDHT LBR data lost from :
		234:19.08:20 thru' 234:19:23:08 UTC

08 Sep 94	Due to an IDHT anomaly LBR data lost between :-
		251:01:47:30 thru' 251:08:06:47 UTC
		251:09:06:21 thru' 251:09:41:51 UTC and lastly
		251:09:49:30 thru' 251:11:28:06 UTC

05 Oct 94	Due to an anomaly the ATSR DEU performed an autonomous
		shutdown, this occurred at 278:03:20:38 UTC. The present
		belief is that this was an SEU as ERS-1 was in the South
		Atlantic Anomaly region at this time. ATSR was left to
		outgass. During recovery the DEU was reset, Cool down
		began on Friday 7th Oct. with the following SCC settings
		Compressor Amplitude 2.171v (AB hex)
		Displacer Amplitude  0.93v  (B3 hex)
		Compressor Frequency 44.37 Hz

08 Oct 94	ATSR resumed "Nominal" operation at :
		281:12:09:51 UTC. The FPA was running at this time 2-3 deg.
		warmer than just prior to the shut down. Fine adjustments 
		to the SCC were made over the next three days. The cooler
		amplitude will be kept at 2.210v (AE).

11 Oct 94       Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		SCC Compressor A and B Offsets set to 60 Hex (-0.448v) at
	        284:10:25:11 UTC

12 Oct 94	Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		Reset on board limit checking of TMZ716/717
		285:13:01:51 UTC SCC Disp. Phase from 100.1 deg to 97.85 (27H) 
		285:13:01:51 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.171v to 2.210v (AB to AE)
13 Oct 94       Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		286:10:55:00 UTC SCC Freq. adjusted from 44.37 to 45.18Hz. (25H)
14 Nov 94	Due to problems with the IDHT no low bitrate data was available
		318:06:18:40 UTC thru'
		318:17:05:30 UTC

20 Nov 94	Due to a spurious BOT on the IDHT tape LBR was lost between:-
		324:09:06:19 UTC and 324:10:09:19 UTC

16 Dec 94	Due to an anomaly the ATSR DEU performed an autonomous
		shutdown, this occurred at 350:00:01 UTC. At the time ERS-1
		was in the process of moving from Yaw Steeering Mode to Fine
		Pointing Mode after a planned orbit manoeuvre. Inspection of
		Telemetry showed the shut down to have been initiated due to
		ATSR health indicator 0,1 and 3 timing out, failing and overunning
		respectively. ATSR ICU correctly issued an EQSOL request to
		the OBC and ATSR was shut down. Further inspection of telemetry
		showed excessive build up of F401 "Sub pixel position adjustment"
		events this had occurred over the preceding 72 hours - these
		events are commonly associated with Scan Mirror jitter. The 
		instrument was left to outgass, as is now our standard procedure.

19/20 Dec 94	During the next two days the ATSR was recovered with particular
		attention being paid to the SMU performance. The scan mirror was
		run for approximately 20 hours before begining the cool down. 
		Cool down commenced on 20th Dec at 09:35 UTC and NOMINAL
		status was achieved at 354:20:57:06 UTC with the SCC operating
		at pre-anomaly settings ( except for compressor amplitude at 2.21v 
		AE HEX, two steps below the pre-anomaly setting) and detectors fully 
		cooled down. Later telemetry indicated though that the 
		autogain/offset loops had not settled down correctly until 21st 
		Dec 355:01:30:00 UTC. Scan mirror "jitter" events cleared up to 
		pre-anomaly rates at approx 20th Dec 354:17:00:00 UTC 
		Data therefore should be usable again from 355:01:30 UTC.

24 Jan 95	Due to an onboard anomaly the IDHT was unavailable from :-
		025:12:47:38 UTC thru 025:16:02:45 UTC No LBR data was 
		collected during this period.	

19 Mar 95	ERS-1 Manoeuvre to change from 168 to 35 day repeat began.
		The platform was in Fine Pointing Mode from approx
		078:10:05:00 UTC through 078:16:50:00 UTC. Data processed
		for this period should be viewed with caution.

21 Mar 95	ERS-1 Manoeuvre finishes today. The platform is expected
		to be in Fine Pointing Mode again from :-
		080:05:40:00 UTC through 080:13:45:00 UTC. Again data
		processed for this period should be viewed cautiously.

31 Mar 95	Black Body Cross Over Test begins to verify the accuracy
		of the emissivities and temperature measurement of the
		on-board calibration black bodies.
		Cross-over began at 090:07:35:57 UTC. The BB temperatures
		had stabilised by 090:20:47:56 UTC. Data between these times
		is not nominal. The black bodies will remain in crossed over
		roles for approx six days.

04 Apr 95	The heater power to the -XBB was changed from MEDIUM to HIGH
		at 094:13:49:49 UTC. This raised the temperature of the 'Hot'
		Black Body from 31 to 36 degrees C.

06 Apr 95	The reverse crossover test to bring the BB configuration
		back to normal began at 096:07:49:37 UTC. The BB temperatures
		had stabilised by 096:21:01:23 UTC. Data between these times
		is not nominal. The ATSR Black Body configuration is now 
		back at the nominal settings as of 31 Mar 95 prior to 07:35 UTC.
08 Apr 95	Due to a spurious BOT on the IDHT tape LBR data was lost
		between 098:18:30:03 UTC and 098:18:41:28 UTC.

27 Aug 95	Due to an MPS error the IDHT LBR data was unavailable from
		day 239:01:02:00 UTC to 239:08:17:00 UTC. Ther will be no
		ATSR-1 data between these times.

15 Sep 95       Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		258:09:38:15 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.210v to 2.235v (AE to B0)		
19 Oct 95       Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		292:15:07:39 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.235v to 2.260v (B0 to B2)		
19 Oct 95	Due to spurious BOT detection, LBR data was lost between
		292:15:35:40 and 292:15:50:31 UTC

29 Oct 95	Due to spurious BOT detection, LBR data was lost between
		302:06:35:22 and 302:06:37:51 UTC

14 Nov 95       Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		318:11:34:40 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.260v to 2.286v (B2 to B4)		
04 Dec 95      	Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		338:11:02:45 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.286v to 2.311v (B4 to B6)		
10 Jan 96	Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		010:09:59:26 UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.311v to 2.235v (B6 to B0)
                The cooler has been deliberately backed off in order to extend
		its lifetime having run for the last two months at higher 
		compressor amplitudes than qualified for. The detector temperatures
		have continued to rise (currently 107-108 K). It is expected that
		auto gain/offset control of the 12um channel will be lost with the
		further increase in detector temperature expected after this cooler 
		setting change.	
12 Jan 96	Following the SCC changes on 10th Jan. the detector temperatures
		rose by approx. 3 degs. The auto gain/offset control on the 12um
		channel was lost shortly afterwards. Today at 012:14:00:00 UTC
		the 12um channel auto gain/offset control was deselected and a
		fixed gain of 42 and offset of 0.483v commanded. The pixel
		compression was changed to "10bit for 11/12um" from "12bit for 11um
		and 8bit for 11 to 12 difference".

08 Feb 96	The 11um auto gain/offset control was lost from 039:07:48:36 UTC
		through 039:12:25:00 UTC. 11um data through this period will be
		unusable. Lock was re-acquired autonomously by increasing the
		the cooler amplitude from B0 to B4 Hex for one orbit. This
		briefly gave an additional 1-2 deg.K cooling on the detectors.
		The instrument resumed normal running as set up on 12 Jan.'96
21 Feb 96	Due to an on-board anomaly (spurious BOT detection) low bit rate
		data was lost between 052:09:57:29 and 052:10:19:05 UTC.

02 Apr 96	The 11um auto gain/offset control was lost from 093:05:54:02 UTC
		through 093:15:03:00 UTC. 11um data through this period will be
		unusable. Lock was re-acquired autonomously by increasing the
		the cooler amplitude from B0 to B4 Hex for several orbits. This
		gave an additional 1-2 deg.K cooling on the detectors.
		At this time the 12um fixed gain and offset was optimised with
		the gain set to 47 and offset to 0.537v.		

28 Apr 96	At about this time the AMI routine mode of operation on ERS-1 was
		changed (from Wind/Wave around the orbit to Wind only) this resulted
		in an approx drop of 5 degC of the structure around the AMI. A small
		but noticeable beneficial effect was noted on the IRR detector temps.
05 May 96	Due to an on-board anomaly (spurious BOT detection) low bit rate
		data was lost between 126:10:32:18 and 126:10:47:42 UTC.

08 May 96      	Cooler operating parameters adjusted.	
		129:09:30:nn UTC SCC Comp. Amp. from 2.235v to 2.260v (B0 to B2)		
02 Jun 96	In preparation for the planned hibernation of the ERS-1 payload
		the ATSR-1 IRR SCC compressor and displacer amplitudes were commanded
		to zero allowing the detectors to warm up. This began at 154:09:40 UTC
		which effectively marked the end of science data gathering.

03 Jun 96	The IRR was placed in STBY mode and hibernation began 155:07:30 UTC.

09 Jul 96	ATSR brought out of STBY and cool-down commenced in preparation for
		upcoming Mutsu Bay (MUBEX-96) Campaign.

11 Jul 96	X-Band data downlink from ERS-1 during Kiruna pass 17:18:25 UTC thru'
		17:30:06 UTC. From this data instrument performance was evaluated
		in readiness for the Campaign.

15 Jul 96	A second realtime X-Band dump was taken from 16:53:13 UTC thru'
		17:04:39 UTC to confirm the ATSR-1 setup. After processing the
		instrument was declared ready to support MUBEX-96.

26 Jul 96	The first of a planned eight whole orbit X-Band tape dumps for the 
		MUBEX-96 Campaign from approx. 11:16 thru' 14:38 UTC. The pass
		over Japan took place at 12:40:20 UTC. The total data period actually
		covers nearly two orbits.

29 Jul 96	The second and third of the planned eight X-Band tape dumps for the 
		MUBEX-96 Campaign were acquired at 01:12 thru' 01:48 UTC and 11:16
		thru' 13:12 UTC The passes over Japan took place at 211:01:28:58 UTC 
		and 211:12:46:05 UTC respectively.
01 Aug 96	The fourth of a planned eight X-Band tape dumps for the MUBEX-96 
		Campaign from approx. 01:15 thru' 01:55 UTC. The pass over Japan 
		took place at 214:01:34:43 UTC.

04 Aug 96	The fifth of a planned eight X-Band tape dumps for the MUBEX-96 
		Campaign from approx. 01:25 thru' 01:55 UTC. The pass over Japan 
		took place at 217:01:40:28 UTC.

07 Aug 96	The sixth of a planned eight X-Band tape dumps for the MUBEX-96 
		Campaign from approx. 01:30 thru' 02:00 UTC. The pass over Japan 
		took place at 220:01:46:13 UTC.

08 Aug 96	The seventh of a planned eight X-Band tape dumps for the MUBEX-96 
		Campaign from approx. 12:15 thru' 13:00 UTC. The pass over Japan 
		took place at 221:12:31:43 UTC. This was the last pass supported
		in the campaign.

09 Aug 96	In preparation for the continued hibernation of the ATSR-1 IRR the
		SCC compressor and displacer amplitudes were commanded to zero 
		allowing the detectors to warm up. This began at 222:08:55 UTC,
		the auto gain/offset loops were later disabled, the black body 
		system was left in its normal configuration and the instrument
		in NOMINAL mode which should enable minimum time and commanding 
		to bring the ATSR back into operation at the next re-activation. 

16 Oct 96	ERS-1 payload shut-down whilst ESOC perform spacecraft onboard
		computer maintenance. Three day reactivation of whole s/c
		being planned for 22nd, 23rd and 24th Oct.	

18 Oct 96	DEU powered up and then inadvertently shut down again by payload

19 Oct 96	DEU finally reconfigured in readiness for the planned payload

21 Oct 96 	ESOC begin detector cool down, instrument ready to collect
		science data when IDHT data gathering begins at midnight

22 Oct 96	After observing the first EGH data it was clear that with the
		12um channel auto gain/offset loop was dropping lock during
		the 'hottest' part of the orbit. In order to overcome this
		the SCC cooler amplitude was increased from B2 to B6, this
		gave sufficient extra detector cooling to keep the loop
		locked throughout the whole orbit.

24 Oct 96	X-Band (IDHT) data ended at approx 23:00 UTC at the end of
		the activation period.

25 Oct 96	ATSR-1 was hibernated again with the cooler amplitudes set
		to zero and the scan mirror stopped, auto gain/offset loops
		were deselected to avoid generation of IRRAD offscale
		anomalies in the history reports.  (08:40 UTC approx) 

30 Dec 96	ESOC begin ATSR de-hibernation and start detector cool-down
		SCC cold tip down to approx. 103K by 20:30 UTC. IDHT data
		gathering should start on 31-Dec-96.
31 Dec 96	Instrument operates nominally with 11/12um auto gain/offset
		loops enabled. At approx 23:30 UTC the 12um gain/offset dropped
		lock once for about 20 mins during the "hottest" part of the

02 Jan 97	12um auto gain/offset loop losing lock on most orbits just
		during the hottest part of the orbit otherwise nominal.

03 Jan 97	Instrument hibernated again with cooler amplitudes set to zero
		and scan mirror stopped. In all 43 orbits of IDHT data were
		collected, all of which have useful IRR data.
10 Mar 97	ESOC begin ATSR de-hibernation and start detector cool-down
		SCC cold tip down to approx. 101K by 19:00 UTC. IDHT data
		gathering should start on 11-Mar-97 around 071:00:00:00 UTC.
11 Mar 97	ERS-1 planned reactivation of IDHT commenced, during the next
		43 orbits ATSR-1 was was fully operational with both the 11 and
		12um channel auto gain/offset loops enabled.

14 Mar 97	Instrument hibernated at approx. 03:00 UTC with cooler amplitudes 
		set to zero and scan mirror stopped. In all 43 orbits of IDHT 
		data were collected, all of which have useful IRR data
19 Mar 97	ERS-1 payload shutdown to STBY caused by PF anomaly.

20 Mar 97	ATSR back in pseudo-hibernation.

19 May 97	ERS-1 planned reactivation of IDHT commenced, during the next
		43 orbits ATSR-1 was was fully operational with both the 11 and
		12um channel auto gain/offset loops enabled.

23 May 97	Instrument hibernated at approx. 03:00 UTC with cooler amplitudes 
		set to zero and scan mirror stopped. In all 43 orbits of IDHT 
		data were collected, all of which have useful IRR data

28 Jul 97	ERS-1 planned reactivation of IDHT commenced, during the next
		43 orbits ATSR-1 was was fully operational with both the 11 and
		12um channel auto gain/offset loops enabled. During this reactivation
		campaigns in Australia (Great Barrier Reef) and Mutsu Bay, Japan
		were supported.

01 Aug 97	Instrument hibernated at approx. 08:00 UTC with cooler amplitudes 
		set to zero and scan mirror stopped. In all 45 orbits of IDHT 
		data were collected, all of which have useful IRR data

06 Oct 97	ERS-1 planned reactivation of IDHT commenced, during the next
		45 orbits ATSR-1 was was fully operational with both the 11 and
		12um channel auto gain/offset loops enabled.

10 Oct 97	Instrument hibernated at approx. 03:00 UTC with cooler amplitudes 
		set to zero and scan mirror stopped. In all 45 orbits of IDHT 
		data were collected, all of which have useful IRR data

15 Dec 97	ERS-1 planned reactivation of IDHT commenced. The instrument
		detectors were cooled and the instrument in nominal when IDHT
		operations commenced at approx. 23:50 UTC

17 Dec 97	S-Band data received today shows the 12uM channel gain/offset loop
		loosing lock at the warmest part of the orbit. The 12um was therefore
		commanded at approx 11:10 UTC to a fixed gain of 38 and offset of 
		0.46v for the rest of the reactivation.

18 Dec 97	Before the instrument could be hibernated an anomaly on the platform
		caused a payload shut down this happened at approx. 13:27 UTC. The
    		instrument was left off whilst investigation of the problem was made.
                Approximately 35 orbits of data will have been gathered.

30 Dec 97	ERS-1 spacecraft emergency declared when 40% of the solar array output
		was lost. Future payload operations will be limited.

28 Apr 99	Dehibernation of ATSR begins at 09:30 UTC, cool down took approximately 
		12 hours with the 12uM channel auto gain/offset loop failing to lock.
29 Apr 99	IDHT data was collected from 05:45 UTC through 20:25 UTC. 
		The cooler compressor amplitude was increased to 2.311v at 15:20 UTC to 
		improve the chance of 12uM auto gain/offset loop lock, lock had still 
		not been achieved by 20:25 UTC when the instrument was powered down.
		Detector temperatures were around 101K.

24 Jan 00	Dedicated ATSR/IRR payload dehibernation and checkout began at approx.
		09:30 UTC the SCC compressor amplitude being set at 2.311v, due to power
		constraints only realtime S-Band data was available during the instrument
		set up.

25 Jan 00	IDHT data storage commenced at 06:35 UTC and continued through 21:50 UTC,
		eight full orbits of science data were collected. Despite the cold-tip 
		temperature reaching a low of 97.6K, the 12uM auto gain/offset loop still 
		failed to lock, a fixed gain/offset of 36/0.45v was commanded at 11:45 UTC
		in the 12uM channel together with a data compression change to 10 bit for the
		11/12uM channels. A second change of gain/offset to 26/0.4v was commanded at
		16:40 UTC in an attempt to optimise performance.
		With the IRR the only instrument powered during this payload reactivation, it
		was evident that 2 to 3 degree cooler detector temperatures could be achieved
		for the nominal SSC settings.

10 Mar 00	ERS-1 platform suffered a number of anomalies resulting in a transition to SAFE
		mode. Contact was lost with the spacecraft.

13 Mar 00	ESA announce ERS-1 Nine-year success story comes to an end.		 



Page last modified : Thursday, 06-Dec-07